1887 - 88 Directory - Waverly Village, NY

"E - K"

Donated by Martha S. Magill


Directory of Tioga County, New York 1887-'88 Compiled and Published by W. B. Gay & Co. Syracuse, N.Y.: The Syracuse Journal Company, Printers and Binders 1887

The Syracuse Journal Company, Printers and Binders 1887 Directory is arranged as follows - Name of individual or firm, postoffice address in parenthesis if different from name of town, business or occupation, figures placed after the occupation of a farmer indicate the number of acres owned or leased

Abbreviations used:
bds - boards; emp - employee; h - house; manuf - manufacturer;
prop - proprietor.
The word street is implied.
(Postoffice address is Nichols, NY unless otherwise designated in parenthesis.)

I have NO information on the persons listed.
Please contact the Tioga County Historical Society.

Eaton, Ambrose P., att'y at law, Exchange blk., Main, h. at Smithboro
Edgcomb, Leroy, resident, h 13 Lincoln
Edmiston, Thomas P., car inspector, h 48 Waverly
Eichenberg, Edward J., baker and confectioner, Athens Pa., h Cadwell
Eichenberg, James, laborer, h 18 Chemung
Eisenhart, George H., cigarmaker, h 38 Pine
Ellis, Dell C., widow Fred F., h over 263 Broad
Ellis, Elizabeth, widow Joseph, h 313 Broad
Ellis, Henrietta, widow Joseph H., bds. 108 Waverly
Ellis, Lodesca, widow Cyrus J., h 229 Broad
Ellis, HIram, clerk, h 117 Fulton
Ellis, J. Addison, carpenter, h 23 Lincoln
Ellis, Seele H., art goods, 229 Broad, h do.
Ellis, Sidney E., manager clothing store, 230 Broad, h over do.
Elmer, Howard, prest. First Nat. Bank, h Pennsylvania ave.
Elsbree, Eugene C., watchman, h 20 Providence
Emery, Bartholomew W., emp. Novelty Works, h 330 Broad
Emmmerson, William E., clerk, h Center
Englebreck, John, harness maker and boarding-house, 21 Waverly
Engleman, Gus, variety store, 131 Broad, h 118 Chemung
English, David W., barber, 127 1/2 Broad
Enos, Truman E., book-keeper Citizens Bank, b ds. 10 Park Place
Enwright, John, machinist, h 17 Johnson
Evans, Henry L., laborer, h Clinton ave., cor. Pine
Everett, Elijah H., clerk, h 338 Broad
Excelsior Mutual Benefit Association, (C.C. Brooks, prest.; C.E. Pendleton, treas.; L.C. Corey secy.) over 201 Broad
Fairchild & Thomas (Murray F. & Holly W.T.) fire, life and accident insurance, over First National Bank
Fairchild, Anna, clerk, bds. Bradford
Fairchild, Mary E., book-keeper Fairchild & Thomas, bds. Bradford
Fairchild, Murray (Fairchild & Thomas) bds. Tioga House
Falsey, Margarett C., teacher, bds. Clark
Falsey, Mary, clerk, bds. Clark
Faley, Michael, furniture finisher, h Clark
Farley & Sanders (W.C.F. & C.H.S.) groceries, crockery and provisions, 231 Broad
Farley, William C. (Farley & Sanders) h 10 Broad
Farrel, John, emp. toy factory, bds. 329 Broad
Farrell, Mary A., widow Daniel, bds. 130 Lincoln
Farricy, Mary, widow Dennis, h Chemung cor. Erie R.R.
Faulkner, John E. (Dorsett & Faulkner) h 4 Chemung
Ferguson, Hartwell M. & Co. (Edwin W. Horton) tobacco and cigars, 200 Broad
Furguson, Hartwell M. (H.M. Furguson & Co.) h 133 Chemung
Fern, Julius E., candy maker, h over 249 Broad
Fessenden, Harvey C., clerk, h Clark
Fessenden, Harvey G., undertaker, h 121 Clark
Floyd, Elizabeth, widow Harvey M., bds. 42 Waverly
Floyd, Jacob B., att'y at law, Exchange bldg., Broad, h 42 Waverley cor. Tioga
Flynn, John, laborer, Chemung
Flynn, Michael, blacksmith, bds. 381 Broad
First National Bank of Waverly, (Howard Elmer, prest.; N.S. Johnson vice-prest.; F.E. Lyford, cashier; P.L. Lang, asst. cashier) Broad cor. Fulton
Fish, George W., retired, h 295 Chemung
Fish, John B., telegraph operator, h Providence
Fisher, Alton A., clerk, bds. 100 Chemung
Fisher, George O., emp. Novelty Works, h 100 Chemung
Fitzgeral, Michael, laborer, h 378 Broad
Follett, Phoebe A., widow Sluman, h 50 Waverly
Follett, Sophia H., Mrs., resident, 32 Park ave.
Fosburg, Ellen A., widow James, laundress, h 170 Clark
Fralick, Abram, machinist, h 113 Waverly
Fralick, Ransom, machinest, bds. 113 Waverly
Frauenthal, Isedore E., fruits and oysters, 244 Broad, bds. Tioga
French, George H., station baggage agent, Erie R.R., h 12 Tioga
French, Carrie, dressmaker, 314 Broad, h do.
French, Hiram G., clerk, h 12 Tioga
French, Rachel, resident, bds. 12 Tioga
French, William T., clerk, h 4 Lincoln
Free Press, James B. Bray, prop., 15 Fulton
Freestone, George S. (Parsons & Freestone) bds. 47 Fulton
Frink, Frederick, supt. Toy works, bds. Tioga Hotel
Frisbie, Chauncey M., book-keeper, 203 Broad, h Chemung
Fritcher, Elsa M., widow James, h 301 Chemung
Frost, Minnie, clerk, bds. Erie
Frost, Thomas, laborer, h 211 Erie
Fuller, Mrs., widow, h 107 Howard
Gallagher, Patrick, car inspector, h 57 Broad
Galloway, Emory H., emp. L.V.R.R., h 21 Johnson
Ganther, Jacob, emp. L.V.R.R., h 25 Providence
Gardner, Elizabeth B., widow Levi, h 446 Chemung
Gardner, William H., resident, bds. 446 Chemung
Gas Light Co. of Waverly, (William F. Warner, prest.; Henry G. Merriam, secy. and treas.) office Waverly, over Merriam Bros.
Gee, Lucy, widow William, bds. 14 Broad
Genung, George D., editor The Waverly Advocate, h 105 Pine
Genung, Reuben H., emp. Novelty Works, bds. 155 Waverly
Genung, Salmon A., wood dealer, h Fulton
Genung, Sherman A., contractor and builder, sash, doors, blinds, etc., Fulton, h 12 Pleasant
Gerould, B. & Co. (J.H. Shoemaker) groceries and provisions, 111 Broad
Gerould, Beebe (B. Gerould & Co.) h 41 Fulton
Gibbons, Hannah, widow Sylvester, h 246 Broad
Gibbons, James S., groceries and provisions, 546 Broad, h do.
Gibson, Robert W., barber, over 213 Broad, h do.
Gilbert, Elliot R., switchman, h 142 Clark
Gleason, William H., switchan, h 19 Elm
Goade Richard J., machinist, h 27 Clark
Goble, Abner, carpenter, h 411 Chemung
Goble, Mary E., widow Smith, h 16 Providence
Goff, G. Halsey, manager Swift's Chicago dressed beef icing station, h 315 Broad
Golden, John, laborer, bds. Broad
Golden, Patrick, laborer, h Broad
Goldsmith, William H., prop. Christie House, Fulton, h do.
Gore, Harry W., drug clerk, h 7 Athens
Gorman, Edward, emp. Erie R.R., h 10 Clark
Gorman, John, brakeman, h 345 Broad
Gorman, Michael, fireman, h 233 Erie
Gormon, Patrick, laborer, h 233 Erie
Gorski, Samuel, tailor, h 21 Chemung
Goulden, Charles F., law student, bds. Bradford
Grace, Bertha, teacher, bds. Blizard
Grace, Joseph, lumberman, h Blizard
Grace, Patrick J., carpenter, h 15 Loder
Grafft, George H., justice of the peace, over 214 Broad, h Main
Gray, Ann, widow Arthur, bds. 22 Waverly
Gray, Dewitt C., coal, wood, lime and cement, Erie, h 124 Clark
Green, Edward, resident, h 28 Waverly
Green, Frederick C., clerk Christie House, bds. do.
Green, Jesse, clerk, bds. 28 Waverly
Green, John P., retired, h 28 Broad
Greer, Fred, brakeman, bds. 127 Chemung
Greer, Henry C., fireman, h 314 Broad
Gregory, Charles W., painter, h 12 Broad
Gridley, Henry N., engineer, h 6 Tioga
Griswold, Frank, emp. Novelty Works, bds. 111 Howard
Groesbeck, Cornelius V., emp. U.S. express company, h 5 Broad
Guyer, James E., coal, lime and cement, also carriages, sleighs and farming implements, Clark, h 115 Waverly
Hagadorn, Henry, teaming and livery, 2 Broad, h do.
Hagadorn, James C., liveryman, bds. 2 Broad
Haight, Guy C., bar-keeper, 12 Fulton, h Broad
Hair, Daniel, emp. gas works, bds. Erie
Hair, John, emp. gas works, h Erie
Hall & Lyons (S.C.H. & G.F.L.) novelty furniture works, 356 Broad
Hall, Eli R., tin-smith, h 13 Broad
Hall, Eugene A., baker, h. Chemung
Hall, G. Munson, brakeman, rear 110 Chemung
Hall, Stephen C. (Hall & Lyon) h 33 Park ave.
Hallet & Son (H. & H.W.) groceries, crockery and provisions, 245 Broad
Hallet, Harry W. (Hallet & Son) bds. 4 Tioga
Hallet, Hatfield (Hallet & Son) h 4 Tioga
Hallett, Clarence W., painter, h 72 Fulton
Hallett, DeKalb, painter, h 72 Fulton
Hallett, Joseph E., insurance, 409 Chemung, h do.
Hamilton, Simeon V., retired, h 120 Lincoln
Hammond, Charles, laborer, h 401 Chemung
Hancock, Irving, barber, over 225 Broad, h do.
Hancock, Mary, widow Jeremiah, nurse, h Moore cor. Fulton
Hanford & Lord (M.F.H. & L.F.L.) groceries, provisions and bakers, 222 Broad
Hanford, Edward S., asst. postmaster and town clerk, bds. Warford House
Hanford, Maurice F. (Hanford & Lord) h 14 Main
Hanford, Noah, emp. Novelty Works, h Lincoln
Hanley, Matthew, resident, h 235 Erie
Hanna, Charles G., emp. Erie express, h 129 Waverly
Hanna, James A., carpenter, h 139 Howard
Hanrehan, Michael, switchman, bds. 147 Howard
Harden, Oscar, clerk, bds. 29 Providence cor. Spaulding
Harding, Adney, carpenter, h 5 Providence
Harding, Jabez B., train dispatcher, L.V.R.R., h 14 Waverly
Harding, John, car inspector, h 216 Howard
Harnden, Daniel D., physician and surgeon, 7 Waverly, h do.
Harnden, Rufus S., physician and surgeon, 31 Fulton, h 33 do.
Harrigan, John J., engneer, h 103 Chemung
Harris, Elisha T., resident, bds. 31 Broad
Harris, Emeline E., widow Daniel N., resident, h 31 Broad
Harris, George R., jeweler, 2 Fulton, bds. 31 Broad
Harris, Thomas, laborer, h 216 Erie
Harsh, Andrew, mason, bds. 333 Broad
Harsh, Cornelius, mason, h 333 Broad
Harsh, Harriet, widow Charles M., h 442 Chemung
Hart Brothers (Willard K. & Irving S.) groceries and provisions, 205 Broad
Hart, Irving S. (Hart Bros.) h 18 Maple
Hart, Willard K. (Hart Bros.) h 18 Maple
Havens, John, painter, h over 224 Broad
Hawley, Chauncey, emp. Toy factory, bds. 329 Broad
Haworth, John C., lamp lighter, h Moore
Haworth, Thomas W., printer, bds. Moore
Hayes, Fred B. (H.H. Hayes & Son) bds. 107 Fulton
Hayes, H.H. & Son (Fred B.) drugs and medicines, 236 Broad
Hayes, Henry H. (H.H. Hayes & Son) h 107 Fulton
Hayes, John, emp. Novelty Works, bds. Broad
Hayes, Mary Mrs., resident, h Broad
Hayes, William, emp. Novelty Works, h Broad
Haywood, Charles M., marble and granite cemetery works, 107 Broad, residence at Owego
Head, Anson P., prop. American House
Head, Richard, saloon and restaurant, 252 Broad, h do.
Hemstreet, Anthony, resident, h 469 Chemung
Hemstreet, Gertrude, h 501 Chemung
Hemstreet, Ida M., clerk, bds. Chemung
Henessy, William, car inspector, h 27 Orange
Henry, Edward, barber, over 219 Broad, h do.
Hern, Bert J., clerk, bds. 159 Clark
Hern, John, groceries and provisions, 117 Broad, h 159 Clark
Herrick, Hugh T., book-keeper, over 201 Broad, h 411 Chemung
Hess, Charles, carpenter, h 75 Fulton
Hess, Nirum J., contractor and builder, Fulton, h do.
Hesser, Abram, emp. L.V.R.R., h 26 Lincoln
Hewitt, Henry, carpenter, h 32 Fulton
Hickey, John, resident, h 381 Broad
Higbee, Allison B., clerk, h over 218 Broad
Higgins, Edward M., tanner, h 23 Orange
Higgins, Edward W., brakeman, bds. 23 Orange
Higgins, Gilbert C., conductor, bds. 23 Orange
Higgins, John J., engineer, bds. 23 Orange
Higgins, Mary, book-keeper, bds. 23 Orange
Higgins, Theresa, dressmaker, bds. 23 Orange
Higgins, William P., fireman, bds. 23 Orange
Hildebrand, Andrew, boots and shoes, 225 Broad, h 112 Clark
Hill, Erastus, carpenter and builder, h 10 Park Place
Hill, George W., shoemaker under 127 Broad, h 22 Loder
Hine, Lucy A., widow Harrison, h 318 Broad
Hinman, Eliza A., widow Henry, boarding-house, 114 Chemung
Hinman, Helen, widow James, bds. 329 Broad
Hinman, Helen M., clerk, h 114 Chemung
Hinman, Sarah W., widow Charles, bds. 11 Providence
Hinman, Truman, retireed, h 36 Broad
Hinman William E., painter a nd paper-hanger, bds. 114 Chemung
Hilton, Willard M., physician and surgeon, Pennsylvania ave, h do.
Hoadley, Miles S., conductor, h 104 Fulton
Hoban, John W., 255 Broad, h do.
Hoban, William, clerk, bds. over 255 Broad
Hoff, I.P. & Co. (William D. Hoff) jewelers, 202 Broad
Hoff, Ives P. (I.P. Hoff & Co.) h Fulton
Hoff, William D. (I.P. Hoff & Co.) h Pennsylvania ave.
Hogan, Hugh, track walker, h Erie
Holbert, Emmet J., retired, h 9 Park ave
Holland, Phebe, widow Henry, h 229 Erie
Holmes, John A., traveling salesman, h Moore cor. Fulton
Hoover, John F., painter, h Fulton
Hopkins, James J., engineer, h 101 Chemung
Hopkins, William, emp. Novelty Works, bds. 16 Providence
Horton, Edwin W. (H.M. Ferguson & Co.) bds. 135 Chemung
Horton, Emma E. Mrs., fruits and confectionery, 210 Broad, h do.
Horton, George, emp. Axel Works, bds. 330 Broad
Horton, James F., manager for Mrs. Emma Horton, h 210 Broad
Horton, Mary E., widow Daniel D., bds. Chemung cor. Orchard
Horton, Sarah, resident, bds. 3 Athens
Horton, William H., gardener, h 135 Chemung
Hotalen, Mordecai, carpenter, h 30 Orange
Hotalen, Peter, carpenter, h 6 Lincoln
Hotalen, Randall, drayman, h 139 Lincoln
Hotel Warford (Wadsworth & Kelsey, prop's) Broad cor. Fulton
House, Frank B., emp. Novelty Works, h Clark
Hovey, J. Fred, train dispatcher, L.V.R.R., h 128 Lincoln
Hoyt, Adeline, widow John L., resident, h 8 Orchard
Hoyt, C. Chester, switchman, h 8 Broad
Hoyt, Jehiel G., teamster, h 142 Clark
Hoyt, John H., employed in Sayre, bds. 8 Orchard
Hubbell, Nelson, station agent, h off Lincoln
Hubbell, William, teamster, bds. 17 Providence
Hugg, Lyman D., traveling salesman, h 106 Chemung
Hugg, Willis P., clerk, bds. 106 Chemung
Huggins, Carrie C., teacher, bds. 2 Athens
Huggins, Elizabeth H., widow James A., h 2 Athens
Hull, Phillip M., teacher, h 18 Elm
Hulse, William H., butcher, h Ulster
Hyatt, Jonah G., inventor and patentee Hyatt's door carrier, h Waverly
Ichenberg, John, retired, bds. 129 Clark
Inman, William F., resident h 400 Chemung
Isley & Sons, stone cutters, and masons, dealers in curbing and flagging, 36 Waverly
Isley, James (Isley & Sons) 36 Waverly, h do.
Isley, Walter (Isley & Sons) bds. 36 Waverly
Isley, William R. (Isley & Sons) bds. 36 Waverly
Jarvis, Mary, widow Alva, h 6 Elm
Jenkins, Celia Mrs., resident, h 310 Pennsylvania ave.
Johnson, Benjamin F., traveling salesman, h Pine
Johnson, Nathan S., vice-prest. First Nat. Bank, h Chemung
Johnson, Parmenas A., physician, 14 Pennsylvania ave., h do.
Johnson, Solomon C., retired, bds. Pine
Johnson, William E., physician and surgeon, 8 Waverly, h 44 Park ave.
Jones, Charles W., book-keeper, h Chemung
Jones, James, bartender, bds. 125 Broad
Jones, John R., butter dealer, 268 Broad, h 19 Park ave.
Jones, William H.W., book-keeper, 268 Broad, bds. 19 Park ave.
Jordan, Charles S., saloon, 259 Broad, h do.
Kane, John, laborer, h 225 Erie
Kane, John, butcher, h 132 Lincoln
Kane, Michael, brakeman, bds. Warford House
Kaneir, John, laborer, bds. Chemung cor. Broad
Kaneir, Patrick, laborer, h Chemung cor. Broad
Kase, John E., furniture finisher, h 39 Fulton
Keefe, John, emp. Erie R.R., bds. 19 Loder
Keeler, Frank W., foreman Waverly Advocate, h Pennsylvania ave.
Keeler, George L., clerk, h Athens cor. Tioga
Keeler, Thomas, painter and paper-hanger, Broad, h Lyman ave.
Keller, Charles, laborer, bds. 381 Broad
Kelly, Thomas, mason, h Erie
Kelly, Viola D., musc teacher, bds. Elizabeth
Kelsey, Charles D. (Wadsworth & Kelsey) bds. Hotel Warford
Kelsey, William H., clerk, Hotel Warford, bds. do.
Kemp, Milner, clerk, h 51 Waverly
Kennedy, Daniel A., clerk, h 12 Johnson
Kennedy, Duncan S., propr. Commercial Hotel, h do.
Kennedy, Edward, turner, bds. 329 Broad
Kennedy, James, retired, h 12 Johnson
Kennedy, James H., clerk, bds. 12 Johnson
Kennedy, Michael W., cashier Erie freight office, bds. 12 Johnson
Kennedy, Michael J., machinist, h 147 Howard
Kenney, William E., conductor, h 101 Spalding
Kenrick, James, emp. L.V.R.R., h 134 Howard
Kenyon, James A., retired, h 314 Pennsylvania ave.
Kilmer, Clarence, emp. Novelty Works, bds. 25 Orange
Kilmer, John, clerk, h 25 Orange
Kingsbury, Frank A., clerk, h Lincoln
Kinney, Anna, widow Henry C., h 3 Providence
Kinney, F. Eloise, telephone operator, h 114 Clark
Kinney, Greeley, resident, h 322 Broad
Kinney, Horace, book-keeper Citizens Bank, bds. Howard
Kinney, H. Wall, clerk L.V.R.R. Ft. office, bds. Tioga House
Kinney, Juliet T., widow Newton, h 114 Clark
Kinney, Margaret, widow Daniel, h 113 Erie
Kinney, Michael, laborer, h 218 Howard
Kinney, Miles L., clerk, bds. 114 Clark
Kinney, Perley H., retired, h 134 Waverly
Kinney, Simon, depot police, h 40 Fulton
Kinsman & Young (J.E.K. & J.F.Y.) blacksmiths, 3 Pennsylvania ave.
Kinsman, Fred, clerk, h Waverly
Kinsman, John E. (Kinsman & Young) h 10 Lincoln
Kline, Albert, clerk, h over 253 Broad
Knapp, Charles, teamster, bds. 10 Park ave.
Knapp, Charles S., watchmaker, bds. Waverly
Knapp, David E., jeweler, optician and engraver, 211 Broad, h 49 Waverly
Knapp, Harry W., clerk, bds. Read
Knapp, Joseph W., dry goods, 203 Broad, h Read
Kniffin, Daniel R., clerk, h over 235 Broad
Knight, Henry C., resident, h 125 Waverly
Krist, Frederick, emp. Novelty Works, bds. 22 Park Place
Krist, Joseph, emp. Novelty Works, h 22 Park Place

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