At a town meeting held at the house of Gilbert Smith April 27th, 1824 for
the purpose of electing town officers, the following officers were elected:
Gilbert Smith, Supervisor; John Crotsley, Town Clerk; Jonathan Barnes, A.H.
Schuyler and William Hannah, Assessors; William Crans, Frederick Parker and
John Giltner, Commissioners of Highways; John Parker, Constable and Collector;
John Hanna, Jr. and Seeley Finch, Overseers of the Poor; Gilbert Smith, Eliphalet
Barden and Nathaniel Potter, Commissioners of Common Schools; James Birch,
Ely Foster, Joseph Talmadge, Samuel Mills and Jonathan Barnes, Inspectors
of Schools; George Johnson, Abraham Smith and Joseph Talmadge, Fence Viewers;
John Hyatt and Joel Sawyer, Pound-Masters.
The following is a list of Supervisors, Town Clerks and Justices of the Peace
of the town of Barton:
1824-25 Gilbert Smith
1826 John Crotsley
1827 William Ellis
1828 John Crosley
1829 Gilbert Smith
1830 William Ellis
1831-32 Franklin Talmadge
1833 Daniel Mills
1834 Alex H. Schuyler
1835-37 Samuel Mills
1838-39 Washington Smith
1840-41 Samuel Mills
1842-45 Reuben S. Smith
1846-51 Samuel Mills
1852 Henry S. Davis
1853-55 Samuel Mills
1856 Charles H. Shepard
1857 George H. Fairchild
1858 John L. Sawyer
1859-61 Silas Fordham
1862-64 Harden D.V. Pratt
1865-68 John L. Sawyer
1869 Silas Fordham
1870 Gurdon G. Manning
1871 Dewitt C. Atwater
1872 Julian F. Dewitt
1873 Levi Westfall
1874-77 O.H.P. Kinney
1878 W.H. Allen
Town Clerks
1824 John Crotsley
1825 Nathaniel Potter
1826-28 Joel Sawyer
1829-30 Samuel Ellis
1830 Alexander Ellis
1831-34 Charles VanHorn
1835 Franklin Talmadge
1836 Inman Walling
1837 Seymour Wright
1838 Arthur Yates
1839-40 Alexander H. Schuyler
1841-42 William H. Thomas
1843-49 Alexander H. Schuyler
1850-57 Silas Fordham
1858 H.W. Longwell
1859 Henry S. Davis
1860-61 Horace C. Hubbert
1862 A.G. Allen
1863 Wilbur F. Finch
1864 Ozias W. Shipman
1865-67 Gurdon C. Manning
1868 Wilbur F. Finch
1869 Benjamin W. Bonnell
1870 John E. Pembleton
1871 John R. Murray
1872-73 Benjamin W. Bonnell
1874 John R. Murray
1875-76 Peter Gallagher
1877-78 Frank J. Campbell
Justices of the Peace
1830 Gilbert Smith, Jonathan Barnes and Alexander Ellis
1831 Abel Sawyer and Franklin Talmadge
1833 Alexander Ellis and Washington Smith
1835 Joel Sawyer
1836 Washington Smith
1837 Arthur Yates and Alexander Ellis
1838 Arthur Yates
1839 Jonathan Barnes
1840 Inman Walling
1841 Joel Sawyer
1842 Thomas Yates and Seymour Wright
1843 Nicholas Shoemaker
1844 Amos Moore
1845 Joel Sawyer
1846 Thomas Yates
1847 Jacob Newkirk
1848 Luman Wright
1849 Joel Sawyer
1850 Peter Wentz
1851 Jacob Newkirk
1852 Seymour Wright
1853 Horace C. Hubbert
1855 Thomas Yates
1856 Seymour Wright
1857 Hiram Paine
1858 Horace C. Hubbert
1859 Nicholas Shoemaker and Stephen McKinney
1860 Nicholas Shoemaker
1861 Alvah James
1862 Horace C. Hubbert
1863-64 Samuel M. Newland
1865 Lewis W. Mulock
1866 James Aplin
1867 Thomas Yates
1868 Samuel M. Newland
1869 Oliver B. Corwin
1870 Newton Kinney and Lewis W. Mulock
1871 Levi Westfall
1872 Dewitt Dwyer
1873 Lewis W. Mulock
1874 Coe Mullock and Henry Hopkins
1875 John T. Osborn
1876 William E. Carey and George H. Grafft
1877 John R. Murray and William T. Warner
1878 J.W. Hollenbeck