1887 - 88 Directory - Town of Tioga, NY

"S - Z"

Donated by Martha S. Magill


Directory of Tioga County, New York 1887-'88 Compiled and Published by W. B. Gay & Co. Syracuse, N.Y.: The Syracuse Journal Company, Printers and Binders 1887

The Syracuse Journal Company, Printers and Binders 1887 Directory is arranged as follows - Name of individual or firm, postoffice address in parenthesis if different from name of town, business or occupation, figures placed after the occupation of a farmer indicate the number of acres owned or leased

Abbreviations used:
bds - boards; emp - employee; h - house; manuf - manufacturer;
prop - proprietor.
The word street is implied.
(Postoffice address is Nichols, NY unless otherwise designated in parenthesis.)

I have NO information on the persons listed.
Please contact the Tioga County Historical Society.

Sanderson, P. W. N. (Tioga Center) station and express agt. and
telegraph op. Erie R.R., h Main
Sargent, Alvin (Smithboro), carpenter
Schoonover, Ambrose L. (Barton), farmer 117
Schoonover, Eliza (Tioga Center), widow Smith, farm 16
Schoonover, Eugene S. (Tioga Center), farmer with his father Nicholas
Schoonover, Jackson J.F. (Tioga Center), farmer 63
Schoonover, James M. (Tioga Center), lumberman
Schoonover, Jerome J. (Tioga Center), farmer with his father Nicholas
Schoonover, Nicholas (Tioga Center), farmer 200
Schoonover, Nicholas M. (Barton), resident
Schoonover, Simeon L. (Barton), farmer 170
Scott, Wilson (Owego), gardener
Searles, Martha (Owego), widow John, farmer 80
Severn, George W. (Smithboro), resident
Sexsmith, Thomas (Tioga Center), section foreman
Sharp, Samuel (Tioga Center), farm laborer
Sharp, William (Smithboro), farmer 65
Shaw, W. Hulse (Owego), prest. Tioga Co. Agr'l Society, breeder of Holstein
cattle and fine horses, and farmer 133
Sherman, John (Owego), farmer 5
Sherwood, William (Tioga Center), laborer, h Main
Shiffer, George B . (Owego), farmer
Shipman, George (Halsey Valley) laborer
Signor, Charles (Tioga Center), prop. saw mill and farmer with his son
George H. 100
Signor, George H. (Tioga Center), wagon-maker and farmer 10, and with his
father Charles 100
Sly, John M. (Smithboro), resident
Smith & Truesdail (Owego)(H.K. Smith & George Truesdail), props. of
hay press and threshing machine
Smith, Cornelius D. (Tioga Center), farmer 100
Smith, David T. (Tioga Center), farmer 100
Smith, Frank (Tioga Center), farmer 87
Smith, George (Tioga Center), farmer 240
Smith, George A. (Owego) farm laborer
Smith, Harry J. (Tioga Center), farmer with his father George
Smith, Horace K. (Tioga Center), agrl. implements and farmer 50
Smith, James E. (Smithboro), steam thresher and farmer 150
Smith, John E. (Smithboro), farmer 125
Smith, John J. (Tioga Center), farmer with his father Horace K.
Smith, John Y. (Smithboro), resident
Smith, Losey M. (Smithboro), farmer 100
Smith, Michael (Smithboro), farmer 125
Smith, Spencer E. (Owego) farmer 35
Snyder, Adam (Strait's Corners), farmer 113
Snyder, Charles (Owego), carpenter
Snyder, Frank (Strait's Corners), laborer
Snyder, George (Strait's Corners), farm laborer
Snyder, Henry A. (Strait's Corners), prop. saw-mill, and farmer 57
Snyder, Nicholas (Owego), farmer 100
Snyder, Nicholas N. (Strait's Corners), carpenter
Snyder, Peter (Owego), laborer
Snyder, Samuel (Owego), farmer with his father Nicholas
Southwick, Mary J. Mrs. (Halsey Valley), general merchant
Speer, Irwin L. (Strait's Corners), farm laborer
Speer, Tunis (Strait's Corners), farmer 32
Spencer, Alberrt O. (Tioga Center), laborer
Spencer, Alvah (Owego), farmer 122
Spencer, Ambrose G. (Owego), farmer
Spencer, Charles (Owego), farmer 76
Spencer, Charles (Owego), farmer 50
Spencer, Elijah C. (Tioga Center), mail messenger
Spencer, John (Owego), farmer
Spendley, Araminta (Nichols), widow Anderson
Spendley, Robert H. (Nichols), farmer 100
Spicer, Harry (Halsey Valley), laborer
Springstead, Alfred (Halsey Valley), farmer for J.C. Latimer
Springstead, Daniel P. (Tioga Center), farm laborer
Starks, James (Strait's Corners), farmer 260
Starks, William (Strait's Corners), farmer for his father James
Steele, Fred C. (Owego), farmer 65
Steele, James (Owego), farmer 212
Steele, Jane Miss (Smithboro) resident
Sterling, John (Smithboro), laborer
Stetler, Charles J. (Tioga Center), farmer 126
Stetler, Irving F. (Tioga Center), school teacher
Stetler, Stokes (Tioga Center), farmer
Stetler, William (Tioga Center), farmer with his father Stokes
Steward, John (Smithboro), farmer 100
Stewart, Delos (Owego), mason
Stewart, Edward (Owego), mason and farmer
Stewart, Emily A. (Owego), dressmaker
Stiles, Fred H. (Stiles & Sibley)(Owego), farmer
Stiles, George B. (Owego), farmer
Stiles, Rhoda (Owego), widow Benjamin C., farmer 15
Stimpson, Charles (Smithboro), cooper
Stimson, Henry (Smithboro), station agent Southern Central R.R.
Stone, Edward F. (Tioga Center), drug clerk
Stone, William (Owego), laborer
Stowell, Cornell S. (Smithboro), lumberman, and farmer 236
Strait, Alvinza (Strait's Corners), postmaster and farmer
Strait, Aretus A. (Strait's Corners), hay-dealer and farmer 66
Streibel, Peter (Tioga Center), tanner
Stutler, Andrew (Tioga Center), laborer
Sullivan, Thomas (Smithboro), section boss
Swartwood, Charles (Halsey Valley), farmer
Swartwood, Edwin (Owego), farmer 100
Swartwood, Eugene (Owego), farmer
Swartwood, Frank (Strait's Corners), farm laborer
Taylor, Addison J. (Owego), farmer 50
Taylor, Charles D. (Owego), farmer
Taylor, Cynthia (Owego), widow John T., farmer 113
Taylor, Frank E. (Owego), farmer with his mother Cynthia
Taylor, John E. (Owego), farmer, leases of Abram Vermilyea 50
Taylor, John H. (Owego), painter
Taylor, John M. (Owego), farmer 22
Taylor, John T. (Owego), farmer, works for Abram Vermilyea 50
Taylor, Norman (Owego), farmer 50
Taylor, Rodney (Smithboro), farmer 50
Tewilliger, Jay (Strait's Corners), farm laborer
Thomas, David B. (Owego), farmer 53
Thomas, Delos H. (Owego), farmer with his father David B.
Thomas, Frank (Owego), keeper at Binghamton asylum
Thomas, George (Halsey Valley), farmer 27
Thomas, John D. (Smithboro), millwright, and farmer 4
Thorn, Warren (Owego), farmer
Tiffany, Austin (Owego), farmer 6 1/2
Tilden, Alanson Rev. (Tioga Center) pastor Baptist church
Tioga Center Hotel (Tioga Center), Moses Ohart, prop., Main
Toff, William (Tioga Center), laborer
Toft, Isaac (Owego), farmer 153
Towner, Andrew J. (Smithboro), farmer 59
Traynor, Mary (Owego), widow Edward
Tribe, Charles H. (Tioga Center), carpenter and joiner, and prop. saw and
plaining-mill, Railroad cor. Alden
Tribe, Frank B. (Tioga Center), farmer 50
Tribe, James P. (Halsey Valley), farmer 104
Tribe, John (Halsey Valley), farmer 56
Tripp, Seymour (Smithboro), jeweler at Nichols
Trowbridge, E. Owen (Smithboro), school teacher
Truesdail, David S. (Owego), farmer 57
Truesdail, Frank J. (Owego), farmer
Truesdail, George (Owego)(Smith & Truesdail), thresher
Truesdail, Jeremiah (Owego), farmer 60
Truesdail, John (Tioga Center), laborer
Truesdail, William (Owego), carpenter, and farmer 36
Truesdell, Alvin (Owego), laborer
Tuff, Sarah (Tioga Center), widow Thomas, resident
Turner, Cornelius (Tioga Center), trackman
Turner, Peter (Strait's Corners), justice of the peace, and farmer 200
Tuthill, Joseph M. (Strait's Corners), groceries, provisions and drugs, Main
Tyler, Luzerne (Halsey Valley), invalid
Ulrick, George (Owego), farmer for Adam King
Ulrick, John (Owego), farmer 150
Ulrick, John Jr. (Owego), farmer 7
Valentine, Louisa (Strait's Corners), resident
Van Dermark, John (Smithboro), farmer 50
Van Dermark, Mary (Smithboro), widow Henry, resident
Van Dermark, Selinda (Smithboro), widow George, farmer 50
Van Duser, Frank (Catatonk), farm laborer
Van Duser, Gilbert (Catatonk), laborer
Van Duser, Henry (Catatonk), laborer
Van Etten, Alonzo (Smithboro), farm laborer
Van Etten, Lorenzo (Halsey Valley), farmer 50
Van Leven, Elias (Strait's Corners), butcher and farmer 32 and in Candor 52
Van Luven, John B. (Halsey Valley), stock-buyer and farmer
Van Norstran, Arthur G. (Smithboro), farmer for his father James
Van Norstran, Charles C. (Tioga Center), farmer 125
Van Norstran, George (Tioga Center)(Coburn &Van Norstran), also farmer 16
Van Norstran, James (Tioga Center), farmer 30
Van Norstran, James (Smithboro), farmer 30
Van Riper, George W. (Halsey Valley), farmer 90
Van Tyl, Anthony W. (Tioga Center), farmer, works for Henry Wiggins 40
Vincent, Colvin (Barton), farmer 50
Vosburgh, Henry P. (Halsey Valley), physician and surgeon, and farmer 185
Vroman, Moses (Owego), farm laborer
Walden, Joseph (Halsey Valley), laborer
Wallace, David B. (Owego), farmer for his mother Rachel
Wallace, Rachel (Owego), widow David, farm 140
Wallace, William (Tioga Center), farmer 100
Wallis, Harry C. (Owego), farmer
Walworth, Seymour E. (Owego), M.E. clergyman and farmer 17
Ward, Lewis J. (Smithboro), farmer, works for Judson Winters 260
Ward, Perry C. (Tioga Center), carpenter and farmer 40
Waterman, Oren (Owego), farmer, works on shares for Lottie A. Horton 100
Waterman, William P. (Tioga Center), farmer, works for C. H. Van Norstran 50
Watkins, Charles H. (Catatonk), engineer N.T. Co.
Watkins, Elizabeth Mrs. (Tioga Center), resident
Watkins, John (Smithboro), stone mason
Watkins, Thomas (Smithboro), farmer 50
Watkins, William H. (Tioga Center), meat market in Binghamton
Weber, George (Owego), farmer 63
Weber, Philip (Owego), farmer
Weber, Philip Jr. (Owego), carpenter and farmer 55
Weiss, Sebastian (Owego), farmer 100
West, Andrew L. (Halsey Valley), farmer 140
West, Charles (Halsey Valley), farmer
West, Grant M. (Halsey Valley), postmaster and assistant to his father
Luther B.
West, Luther B. (Halsey Valley), retired merchant, lumberman, dairyman and
farmer 530, and in Newark Valley 181
Wheeler, John N. (Strait's Corners), general merchant
Whitcomb, Benjamin R. (Smithboro), farmer 55
Whitcomb, John M. (Smithboro), farmer 50
White, Dudley (Owego), farmer 35
White, Jerome (Smithboro), farmer, works on shares for Henry Miller 50
White, Leon (Halsey Valley), physician and surgeon
White, Lewis (Smithboro), farmer 95
White, Lorenzo (Catatonk), laborer
Whipple, Fernando (Tioga Center), farmer 50
Whitley, Emily (Owego), widow Joel S., farm 141
Whitmarsh, Abram (Owego), farmer 74
Whitmarsh, Avery (Owego), sawyer and farmer 5
Whitmarsh, Harvey (Owego), sawyer
Whitmarsh, Herrick (Tioga Center), farmer
Whitmarsh, Sidney D. (Tioga Center), farm laborer
Whitney, Isaac N. (Owego), farm laborer
Wiggins, Eliza (Tioga Center), widow George
Wiggins, Henry (Tioga Center), farmer 40
Wiggins, Silas (Tioga Center), blacksmith, h do.
Wilbur, Frederick (Halsey Valley), laborer
Williams, Charles (Tioga Center), farm laborer
Willis, Sylvester (Halsey Valley), farmer 75
Willmott, George W. (Owego), farmer 133
Willmott, James R. (Owego), prop. saw and plaster-mill, and ice-dealer
Wilson, William (Owego), resident
Winfield, James (Owego), retired farmer
Winner, James F. (Owego), cartman
Winter, Byron L. (Tioga Center), law student, bds. Main
Winters, Harry B. (Tioga Center), clerk, bds. Main
Winters, Joseph (Tioga Center), postmaster and grocery, and farmer 159
Winters, Thoms (Tioga Center), laborer
Wolcott, George B. (Smithboro), farmer 60
Wood, Edward (Tioga Center), laborer
Wood, Elmer (Tioga Center), farm laborer
Wood, George (Strait's Corners), farmer 50
Wood, James (Strait's Corners), farmer 50
Wood, Joseph (Strait's Corners), farmer 100
Wood, Spencer (Halsey Valley), farmer 90
Woodburn, Clarence (Tioga Center), laborer
Woodburn, David P. (Tioga Center), farmer
Woodburn, Henry Q. (Tioga Center), laborer
Woodcox, Richard (Tioga Center), trackman, h Main
Wright, William (Tioga Center), stone mason and carpenter
Yaples, Charles (Owego), carpenter
Yearsley, Frank (Smithboro), farmer with his father John
Yearsley, John (Smithboro), farmer, works for Henry Miller 250
Yontz, Chloe (Smithboro), widow John, resident
Young, Franklin H. (Owego), farmer with his father Henry
Young, Henry (Owego), speculator, dairy 14 cows and farmer 200
Zorn, Charles (Owego), farmer 27
Zorn, Christopher (Owego), farmer 15
Zorn, George (Owego), farmer 39
Zorn, Jacob (Owego), farmer 27

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Ernie Miles