"G - R"
Abbreviations used:
bds - boards; emp - employee; h - house; manuf - manufacturer;
prop - proprietor.
The word street is implied.
(Postoffice address is Nichols, NY unless otherwise designated in parenthesis.)
Garber, John, (Tioga Center) resident Gardner, Frederick, (Tioga Center) nurseryman, h Main Gasier, William H., (Tioga Center) laborer Gavin, Michael, (Tioga Center) trackman Geer, Rezin J., (Strait's Corners) farmer 83 Genung, Adam S., (Smithboro) wagon-maker Gile, Adelbert, (Tioga Center) farm laborer Gile, George, (Tioga Center) farmer for his father Leonard Gile, Joseph, (Halsey Valley) farmer for his father William W. Gile, Leonard, (Tioga Center) farmer 63 Gile, Samuel, (Tioga Center) farmer 25 Gile, William W., (Halsey Valley) farmer 100 Gile, Willis, (Tioga Center) farm laborer Giles, Cyrus, (Tioga Center) farmer Giles, Daniel, (Strait's Corners) farmer Giles, George, (Tioga Center) laborer Giles, George, (Strait's Corners) invalid Giles, Rufus, (Strait's Corners) laborer Giles, Rufus D., (Strait's Corners) farmer 60 Giles, Sophia Mrs., (Smithboro) resident Giles, Waterman, (Halsey Valley) farmer 100 Gilkey, Martha M., (Halsey Valley) widow Peter P., farm 60 Gilkey, Samuel G., (Halsey Valley) farmer 102 Gillson, Nathan S., (Owego) farmer 38 Giltner, William, (Barton) farmer 100 Goodenough, Chancey J. , (Tioga Center) shoe-shop, and grape grower, Main, h do. Goodrich, Andrew J., (Owego) farmer 1,150 Goodrich, Charles P. (Owego) farmer 44 Goodrich, Charles T. (Owego) farmer 100 Goodrich, Ephraim, farmer 160 Goodrich, George J., (Owego) farmer 170 Goodrich, Hiram E., (Owego) farmer 85 Goodrich, Jairus T. (Owego) farmer 27 Goodrich, Louisa (Owego), resident Goodrich, Noah, (Owego) justice of the peace, and farmer 25 Goodrich, Sarah, (Owego) widow Herman, resident Goodrich, Sarah, (Owego) farm 12 Goodrich, Stephen S., (Owego) apiarist 15 swarms, poultry raiser, and farmer 60 Goodwin, William H., (Halsey Valley) farmer Gould, Charles, (Halsey Valley) farm laborer Gould, William, (Halsey Valley) farmer 50 Green, James J., (Barton) farmer 73 Green, James L. , (Halsey Valley) farmer 50 Groat, Ira, (Owego) farmer 70 Gulden, Henry J., (Owego) works for A.J. Goodrich 230 Gulden, John, (Owego) farmer Guyles, Charles P., (Strait's Corners) farmer, works for James Taylor 50 Haddock, Andrew J., (Tioga Center) farmer 96 Haddock, Lamont, (Tioga Center) farmer with his father Andrew J. Halsey Valley House, (Halsey Valley) Mrs. Jane P. Higgins, prop. Hamilton, Charles, (Tioga Center) carpenter Hamilton, George, (Halsey Valley) harness-maker Hamilton, Henry, (Halsey Valley) teamster Hamilton, Sarah Miss, (Smithboro) school teacher Hamilton, Thomas A., (Halsey Valley) farmer Hanbury, Adam Jr., (Owego) farmer 105 Hanbury, Ezra, (Strait's Corners) farmer 58 Hanmer, George W., (Catatonk) telegraph operator Hanna, John, (Smithboro) trackman Harding, Adna, (Owego) farm laborer Harding, Alonzo, (Owego) farm laborer Hardman, John, (Owego) retired tanner Hardman, John, (Owego) farm laborer Hardman, John F., (Owego) drug clerk Hardman, Patrick, (Owego) farmer 100 Hardy, Lizzie, (Smithboro) widow John, farmer 60 Harford, Edward, (Smithboro) farmer 70 Harlin, Lott, (Strait's Corners) farmer Harlin, William, (Strait's Corners) farmer 120 Heath, Rebecca, (Halsey Valley) widow Hermberger, Adam, (Strait's Corners) farmer 42 Hess, William, (Strait's Corners) laborer Hevland, Douglass, (Owego) cooper Higbee, Augusta, (Tioga Center) widow Forman S., resident Higby, James, (Tioga Center) laborer Higgins, Jane P. Mrs., (Halsey Valley) prop. Halsey Valley House Hill, Abner G., (Tioga Center) justice of the peace and sawyer Hill, Ward, (Smithboro) trackman Hoaglin, Peter, (Owego) laborer Hobler, Peter, (Owego) farmer 50 Hodge, Adelia, (Owego) widow Andrew C., resident Hoff, Cornelius, (Strait's Corners) farmer 75 Hoff, Hiram, (Tioga Center) farmer 100 Hollenbeck, Charles E., (Halsey Valley) physician and surgeon, and farmer 90 Hollister, William H. (Halsey Valley) farmer 95 Holloway, John, (Tioga Center) farm laborer Holloway, John C., (Tioga Center) farmer 23 Holt, C. Edgar, (Tioga Center) farmer 96 Holt, William, (Smithboro) farmer 70 Hoover, Benjamin, (Smithboro) farmer with his father Smith F. Hoover, Smith F., (Smithboro) farmer 73 Horton, Abram, (Owego) farmer 220 Horton, Ada F., (Owego) farm 25 Horton, Charles, (Owego) farmer 90 Horton, George M., (Smithboro) carpenter, and farmer 12 Horton, Gurdon, (Owego) farmer 100 Horton, Hannah, (Owego) widow George C., resident Horton, Isaac S., (Owego) farmer 100 Horton, John, (Owego) farmer 105 Horton, Julia A., (Owego) widow Daniel B., farmer 25 Horton, Theodore, (Owego) agricultural implements, and farmer 100 Houghtaling, William, (Owego) farmer 14 Housten, George, (Owego) farmer 5 Howard, Bishop, (Owego) farmer 25 Hoyt, Fred D., (Halsey Valley) general merchant Hoyt, Ira, (Halsey Valley) prop. cooper shop, and farmer 95 Hoyt, LaGrange, (Tioga Center) laborer Hunt, Theodore, (Catatonk) farmer 34 Hurlburt, Henry, (Owego) farm laborer Hurlburt, Perrine, (Owego) farmer Hyatt, John D., (Owego) retired farmer Hyatt, John M., (Owego) farmer 121 Hyde, Gordon, (Owego) cooper Hyres, Charles, (Halsey Valley) cooper Ide, Irwin N., (Smithboro) small fruits, and farmer 52 Ide, Jacob A., (Smithboro) berry raiser, and farmer 25 Ingersoll, Susan, (Tioga Center) widow Ebenezer, resident Jewett, Charles F., (Catatonk) lumberman, and farmer 120 Jewett, Harris, (Catatonk) farmer 110 Jewett, Henry, (Catatonk) farmer 87 Johnson, Abigail Mrs., (Smithboro) resident Johnson, Jay, (Halsey Valley) farmer 100 Johnson, J. Edward, (Smithboro) undertaker and carpenter Johnson, Julius, (Barton) farmer 100 Johnson, Peter M., (Tioga Center) carpenter, and farmer 18 Johnson, Thomas, (Tioga Center) farmer, works for William Ransom 96 Johnson, Warren, (Smithboro) carpenter Johnson, William H., (Smithboro) farmer 100 Johnson, William W., (Tioga Center) farmer Jones, Anna, (Owego) widow Horton, resident Jones, Horace, (Owego) farmer 60 Jones, Levi J., (Owego) farmer, works for Mrs. Beers 60 Jones, Stephen W., (Owego) saw and grist mill, turning shop, plaining-mill, etc., and farmer 10 Kane, John, (Smithboro) trackman Keeler, Egbert, (Owego) miller for Shaw & Dean, h 2 1/2 Kelly, Johanna Mrs., (Smithboro) resident Kelly, John, (Tioga Center) watchman Ketchum, Ruth M., (Barton) widow Seymour, resident Ketchum, Seymour C., (Barton) farmer 50, and works for Daniel Daily 50 King, Adam, (Owego) farmer 185 King, Charles C., (Barton) farmer 45 King, Ezra, (Owego) farmer, works for his father Adam 53 King, Frank, (Owego) farmer 50 King, George, (Owego) farmer with his father Adam Kinney, Amzi, (Smithboro) resident Kline, Philip, (Tioga Center) tanner Kirk, Charles N., (Halsey Valley) blacksmith, and armer 52 Knapp, Frederick J., (Smithboro) boots & shoes, barber, Main, h do. Knapp, Sylvester, (Smithboro) physician Knowlton, William, (Tioga Center) farm laborer Krum, Dillen, (Owego) farmer 25 Kurkendall, Samuel, (Tioga Center) farmer 37 Lamberson, Jedusen, (Halsey Valley) farmer 100 La Monte, Allen D., (Tioga Center) farmer with his father Seth D. La Monte, Seth D., (Tioga Center) horse farrier and farmer 60 Landers, William, (Owego) farmer 100 Lane, Charles, (Owego) farmer, works for Thomas Dundon 50 Latimer, Jonathan C., (Tioga Center) assemblyman for Tioga Co., lumberman and farmer 1,300 Lawler, John, (Owego) farmer with his brother Patrick 110 Lawler, Patrick, (Owego) farmer with his brother John 110 Leach, Stephen W., (Owego) prop. "Leach's Mills" grist-mill Leach, William H., (Owego) farmer 30 Leonard, Elbridge, (Tioga Center) farmer 42 Leonard, George, (Tioga Center) mason and farmer 50 Levett, Edward, (Tioga Center) laborer Lewis, David, (Owego) farmer 15 and works for Gilbert Truman 126 Lewis, Martin V., (Owego) farmer 75 Light, Mary, (Smithboro) widow Ely S., farm 160 Link, Joseph, (Tioga Center) laborer Lockwood, Charles (Tioga Center) peddler Lollis, Mercy Mrs., (Smithboro) resident Lollis, Samuel C., (Smithboro) general merchant, Main, h do. Longley, James F., (Owego) merchant Lounsberry, Amos L., (Smithboro) farmer 100 Lounsberry, Benjamin, 2d, (Smithboro) farmer 109, and in Nichols 52 Lounsberry, Robert L., (Smithboro) medical student Lounsbury, Amy F., (Tioga Center) school teacher Lounsbury, Anson B., (Tioga Center) farmer with his mother Mary Lounsbury, Clark, (Tioga Center) farmer 32 Lounsbury, Cornelia H., (Tioga Center) school teacher Lounsbury, Harriet A., (Tioga Center) school teacher Lounsbury, John L., (Tioga Center) farmer with his mother Mary Lounsbury, Mary, (Tioga Center) widow Lewis, farm 150 Lounsbury, Sheldon, (Smithboro) apiarist 52 swarms and farmer 129 Loveless, James J., (Smithboro) farmer 25 Lovell House, (Smithboro) O.E. Lovell, prop. Lovell, Oliver E., (Smithboro) prop. Lovell House Luce, Parmelia P., (Smithboro) widow Lot, farmer 75 Luddington, James A., (Smithboro) farmer 85 Luddington, Joseph, (Smithboro) farmer Lunger, Alvin, (Owego) laborer Lyons, Marvin, (Tioga Center) laborer Mack, Anthony, (Smithboro) section boss Madden, John, (Smithboro) trackwalker Madden, Martin, (Smithboro) retired Mallery, George, (Smithboro) mason Mallery, Henry, (Smithboro) mason Manchester, Henry H., (Owego) life insurance Manley, Frank N., (Halsey Valley) farmer Manley, George S., (Halsey Valley) farmer 50 Mapes, Lewis, (Owego) blacksmith, bds. do. Martin, Fred, (Tioga Center) general merchant, Main, h do. Martin, Jay H., (Tioga Center) retired merchant, and farmer 113 Mastin, Julia Mrs., (Smithboro) resident Matteson, Fayette A., (Smithboro) Baptist clergyman Matteson, Frank, (Smithboro) divinity student Matteson, George M. (Tioga Center) laborer McBride, John, (Tioga Center) tanner, Main McCormick, Elias, (Smithboro) laborer McDermott, Michael, (Catatonk) fireman N.T. Co. McDonald, Charles H., (Smithboro) physician and surgeon McDonald, Edward, (Tioga Center) trackman McDuffee, Nathaniel J., (Smithboro) farmer McNeal, Jane, (Smithboro) widow George, resident McNeil ___, (Smithboro) works for L.B. Pearsall 160 McWhorter, DeForest, (Tioga Center) clerk, bds. 1 Main Mead, James R., (Owego) farmer 100 Meder, Paul, (Owego) farmer 25 Meeker, Jane, (Smithboro) resident Merritt, John, (Tioga Center) laborer Mespell, Joshua, (Owego) farmer 40 Mespell, Willis, (Owego) farmer Middaugh, Jacob, (Owego) resident Middaugh, Lorenzo T., (Smithboro) carpenter, and farmer Miller, C. Henry, (Smithboro) farmer 400 Miller, George, (Tioga Center) tanner Miller, Julia A., (Smithboro) widow Henry, resident Morris, Caroline D., (Tioga Center) widow Almon, h Main Mortz, George, (Tioga Center) tanner, bds. Main Mortz, William, (Tioga Center) tanner, bds. Main Mulligan, Thomas, (Owego) farmer 42 Mulock, Chancy, (Smithboro) farmer Mulock, David, (Smithboro) farmer Mulock, Edwin, (Smithboro) carpenter Munnahun, Charles, (Tioga Center) farm laborer Munnahun, Mary, (Tioga Center) widow Martin, farm 12 Munson, Frederick, (Owego) farmer Munson, Heman, (Owego) farmer Myers, Alford, (Owego) farmer, leases of Charles Catlin 40 Nelson, George, (Owego) farmer Nelson, James J., (Owego) farmer 20 Nelson, Winslow, (Owego) farmer 50 Nichols, Addie R. Mrs., (Smithboro) resident Northrup, James B., (Tioga Center) farmer, works for Dr. J. Wilson 200 Oakley, Joshua, (Smithboro) farmer 50 O'Connor, James, (Owego) invalid O'Connor, John, (Owego) farmer O'Connor, Joseph, (Owego) gardener O'Hara, John, (Smithboro) trackman Ohart, Moses, (Tioga Center) prop. Tioga Center Hotel, Main O'Hern, William, (Smithboro) trackman Osborn, Joseph, (Strait's Corners) farmer 50 Ott, Frank U., (Owego) farmer for his father Nicholas Ott, George D., (Owego) farmer for his father Nicholas Ott, Nicholas, (Owego) farmer 159 Ott, Sophia, (Owego) widow Nicholas, Sr., resident Pace, John, (Tioga Center) trackman Park, Dunham, (Barton) farmer 200 Parmentier, Franklin M., (Owego) butcher Pearsall, John C., (Smithboro) carpenter Pease, William, (Owego) farmer, leases Mrs. Sisson 20 Pelham, Charles, (Owego) carpenter and farmer Pembleton, John E., (Tioga Center) lumberman, farmer 350 and wild land 318 Pepper, Jackson S., (Smithboro) farmer 50 Pepper, John F., (Smithboro) grain and potato dealer, and farmer 100 Perry, Albert A., (Smithboro) carpenter and joiner Perry, Leonard, (Smithboro) farmer 45, h Main Perry, Milo M., (Smithboro) hostler Piche, Gasper Mrs., (Tioga Center) resident Pickering, Joseph, (Smithboro) resident Pilkington, Charles, (Catatonk) telegraph operator Platt, Houston, (Smithboro) farmer 10 Poole, Charles F., (Tioga Center) farmer 234 Poole, Edward V., (Smithboro) retired merchant Poole, Murray, (Smithboro) lawyer Post, Albert W., (Tioga Center) physician and surgeon, and farmer 160 Pressure, George, (Tioga Center) laborer Preston, Frederick, (Owego) farm laborer Preston, Louis, (Owego) farmer, works for A.J. Goodrich 100 Preston, Silas, (Owego) farmer Price, John, (Tioga Center) farm laborer Pudbaugh, John, (Tioga Center) farm laborer Quirin, Charles M., (J.G. Quirin & Co.)(Tioga Center) h Main Quirin, Edward, (Tioga Center) tanner Quirin, Emil J. F., (Tioga Center) tanner, h Main Quirin, Emil F., (J.G. Quirin & Co.)(Tioga Center) h Main Quirin, George L.A., (Tioga Center) tanner, Main Quirin, J.G. & Co., (W.C.A., E.P. and C.H.N. Quirin)(Tioga Center) tanners, Main Quirin, John G., (J.G. Quirin & co.)(Tioga Center) also farmer 137, h Main Quirin, William, (Tioga Center) tanner, h Main Quirin, William C.A., (J.G. Quirin & Co.)(Tioga Center) h Main Ragan, Daniel, (Owego) laborer Randall, Walter C., (Smithboro) justice of the peace and farmer Ransom, Warren W., (Tioga Center) farmer 130 Rauch, George, (Strait's Corners) farmer 117 Rauch, Henry E., (Strait's Corners) farmer Rauch, John M., (Strait's Corners) farmer Rauch, Peter A., (Strait's Corners) farmer Rauch, Wesley, (Owego) farmer, works for Rev. S. Evans 115 Reed, Maria, (Catatonk) widow George, house-keeper Rice, Chauncey, (Owego) farmer, leases of James Anderson 125 Rice, Rachel, (Owego) widow Merrick, resident Richards, Benjamin, (Smithboro) farmer 168 Richards, Eugene, (Tioga Center) clerk, bds. Main Rider, Amos L., (Strait's Corners) farmer 96 Rider, Dana B., (Halsey Valley) farmer 90 Rider, David, (Strait's Corners) farmer 100 Rider, Elethere, (Strait's Corners) resident Rider, George T., (Halsey Valley) bartender Halsey Valley House Rider, Isaac, (Halsey Valley) farmer 80 Rider, Jacob S., (Tioga Center) thresher and farmer 105 Rider, Seymour, (Halsey Valley) farmer with his father Dana B. Rider, Stephen J., (Strait's Corners) farmer 98 Rider, William, (Halsey Valley) mason Ring, Jesse B., (Owego) resident Ring, Theron S. , (Owego) farmer Roberts, James A., (Smithboro) farmer Robinson, Duncan, (Owego) farm laborer Robinson, Joel, (Owego) farmer, works for Henry Young 150 Romine, Hannah, (Owego) widow Samuel, resident Romine, William, (Owego) tailor Root, Oris L., (Halsey Valley) billiard and pool room and farmer in Barton 36 Ross, John W., (Smithboro) farmer 300 Rousier, Charles, (Owego) farmer 30 Rumsey, James, (Halsey Valley) farmer, works for Fred Taylor 150 Russell, Holmes W., (Owego) farmer 160 |
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Ernie Miles