"A - F"
Abbreviations used:
bds - boards; emp - employee; h - house; manuf - manufacturer;
prop - proprietor.
The word street is implied.
(Postoffice address is Nichols, NY unless otherwise designated in parenthesis.)
Ackley, Nathan G. (Smithboro) prop. pool-room Ahart, Albert, (Straight's Corners) farmer with his father George Ahart, George, (Straight's Corners) farmer 45 Allen, George, (Smithboro) farmer 50 Anderson, Ezra F., (Owego) farmer 125 Anderson, John J., (Owego) dentist Anderson, Willis D., (Owego) farmer, works on shares for his brother James M. 74 Andrus, Peter J., (Smithboro) farmer 77 Armstrong, James R., (Smithboro) resident Armstrong William, (Owego) farmer, works for his brother Fred 50 Ayers, Angelo, (Owego) farmer Badger, Celia, (Owego) widow Lucius, farm 100 Badger, Luke, (Tioga Center) farmer Badger, Noah, (Tioga Center) farmer 50 Bailey, Eugene, (Smithboro) trackman Bailey, Lucy, (Smithboro) widow, resident Ballou, Charles, (Owego) laborer Banfield, Elmer, (Tioga Center) farm laborer Barber, Ami W., (Halsey Valley) general merchant Barden, A.E., (Smithboro) carpenter Barnes, Charles E., (Owedo) farmer 20, and in Pa. 80 Bartron, Alonzo, (Smithboro) farmer with his father Moses Bartron, Moses, (Smithboro) farmer 75 Bates, William, (Halsey Valley) prop. blacksmith shop Bauer, Adam, (Strait's Corners) farmer 100 Bauer, Christian, (Strait's Corners) farmer 130 Bauer, George W., (Strait's Corners) farmer Bauer, Martin, (Strait's Corners) tanner Bauer, Martin L., (Strait's Corners)(Ford & Bauer) Bauer, Simion, (Strait's Corners) farmer Beddell, Mary G., (Smithboro) widow Bently F., farm 100 Bedell, Charles M., (Smithboro) farmer 50 Bedell, William H., (Smithboro) farmer 100 Bellis, William L., (Smithboro) station agat. Erie R.R. Bennett, Sabrina, (Tioga Center) widow Chester, resident Bentley, Webster, (Halsey Valley) farmer Best, Charles, (Tioga Center) farmer 60 Best, Jay, (Tioga Center) farmer Best, Jay C., (Tioga Center) farmer 100 Best, William H., (Tioga Center) farmer 55 Blake, John, (Tioga Center) currier, h Main Blake, William, (Tioga Center) drugs and medicines, Main, h do. Bogart, Almon, (Owego) farmer 35, and works for Oliver P. Ford 60 Bogart, David R., (Halsey Valley) carpenter Bogart, Eugene D., (Owego) farmer with his father Henry Bogart, Henry (Owego) farmer 51 Bogart, Peter V., (Smithboro) farmer 150 Bogart, William, (Strait's Corners) farmer Bonham, Charles H., (Tioga Center) general merchant, Main, h do. Bonham, Morris, (Tioga Center) retail merchant, h Main Booth, Ann E., (Owego) resident Bowman, Ann, (Smithboro) widow Zebulon, resident Bowman, Charles, (Smithboro) teamster Bowman, Isaac, (Smithboro) resident Bowman, John A., (Smithboro) rector of Emanuel Church Bradley, Andrew, (Smithboro) farm laborer Bradley, Edward, (Tioga Center) farm laborer Bradley, Mariette Miss, (Smithboro) resident Brearley, John W., (Tioga Center) farmer 100 Briggs, David, (Smithboro) farmer, workss for George Eckert 60 Brink, Amos, (Owego) farmer Brink, Edward, (Tioga Center) laborer Brink, Frederick, (Strait's Corners) farm laborer Brink, George, (Halsey Valley) farmer 20 Brink, Joseph (Owego) farmer 90 Brink, William, (Tioga Center) laborer Brooks, Benjamin J., (Tioga Center) farmer Brooks, Charles, (Tioga Center) farmer 50 Brooks, Cornelius, (Tioga Center) farmer 40 Brooks, Frank, (Smithboro) farmer for his father William Brooks, Lot M., (Tioga Center) bridge carpenter Brooks, Nicholas, (Tioga Center) farmer 100 Brooks, William, (Tioga Center) farmer 100 Brown, Alvah S., (Halsey Valley) shoemaker Brown, David L., (Tioga Center) drug clerk, bds. Main Brown, John B., (Owego) farmer 48 Brown, William H., (Tioga Center) farmer, works for C.D. Hoff 76 Brundage, Matthias, (Owego) farmer 35 Buchanan, James H., (Halsey Valley) farmer 58 Buchanan, Ephraim, (Owego) farmer 61 Buchanan, Hugh W., (Owego) farmer 100 Burlington, John A., (Owego) farmer 125 Burnham, Elizabeth Mrs., (Smithboro) resident Burns, Robert, (Owego) farmer 60 Burns, Willie J., (Owego) farmer for his father Robert Butler, William, (Tioga Center) trackman Cable, Silas, (Owego) farmer, works for Mrs. John Taylor 100 Campbell, Alexander, (Owego) laborer Campbell, Bert, (Owego) farmer Campbell, Fred, (Halsey Valley) farmer for L.B. West Campbell, Jacob, (Halsey Valley) famre for L.B. West Campbell, Orlando, (Owego) farmer Canfield, Alfred, (Smithboro) farmer, works fo rhis father Amos 160 Canfield, Amos, (Smithboro) farmer 170 Caple, John, (Owego) farmer 50 Caple, Philip, (Catatonk) farmer 100 Carlisle, William, (Tioga Center) laborer Carmer, Amasa, (Halsey Valley) farmer 140 Carns, John A., (Owego) farm laborer Carpenter, Charles E., (Smithboro) farmer with his father Peter R. Carpenter, Jesse C. (Tioga Center) farmer 200 Carpenter, Peter R., (Smithboro) farmer 75 Casterline, Stephen B., (Tioga Center) farmer 54 Casterline, Warren, (Smithboro) farmer 40 Catlin, Andrew R., (Tioga Center) farmer, works for George Truman 150 Catlin, Benjamin F., (Owego) farmer 100 Catlin, Charles, (Owego) farmer 123 Catlin, Edmund S., (Tioga Center) carpenter, and farmer 51 Catlin, Emeline, (Owego) widow Jonathan, farmer 42 Catlin, Frank H., (Owego) produce dealer, and farmer Catlin, Frederick H., (Owego) farmer 42 Catlin, George, (Tioga Center) wagon-maker Catlin, Jacob, (Tioga Center) farmer 55 Catlin, James H., (Tioga Center) physician, and farmer 50 Catlin, Laverne, (Owego) farm laborer Catlin, Mary J., (Owego) widow Nathaniel, farmer 27 Catlin, Mead, (Owego) emp. foundry Catlin, Nathan S., (Tioga Center) farmer 80 Catlin, Nathaniel, (Owego) farmer 38 Catlin, Sarah E. Mrs., (Owego) farm 20 Catlin, William, (Owego) farm laborer Catlin, Willis E., (Owego) farmer with his father Benjamin F. Chamberlain, Oscar C., (Owego) farmer Chandler, Horace, (Owego) laborer Chew, Clark, (Owego) farmer Chew, Guy, (Owego) farmer 167 Clune, James, (Smithboro) farmer 50 Coburn & Van Norstran, (Tioga Center) (C.S.B. & G. Van N.) tin and iron roofing, and manuf. eve spouting Coburn, C. Sidney, (Tioga Center)(Coburn & Van Norstran) also tin shop Coburn, Eliza, (Tioga Center) widow Charles R., resident Coffin, Milton, (Owego) farmer Cole, Alfred, (Owego) farmer, leases of James Taylor 30 Cole, Austin R., (Smithboro) farmer 50 Cole, Benjamin F., (Smithboro) farmer Cole, Daniel H., (Tioga Center) retired farmer Cole, Frank, (Smithboro) farmer 100 Cole, Frank, (Smithboro) farm laborer Cole, Horace, (Owego) farmer Cole, Samuel E., (Smithboro) farmer 50 Cole, William, (Halsey Valley) farmer Coleman, Isaac, (Tioga Center) bridge carpenter Coleman, Jackson, (Halsey Valley) farmer 116 Coleman, James, (Tioga Center) carpenter Coleman, John P., (Tioga Center) farmer 180 Coleman, William D., (Tioga Center) carpenter Congdon, Harry (Tioga Center) farmer, leases of Mrs. Mary Munnohan 12 Conklin, Elizabeth, (Owego) widow John, resident Conklin, Sylvenas, (Owego) farmer, works on shares for Alexander Duncan 110 Conway, John, (Smithboro) farmer 50 Cook, Dewitt C., (Halsey Valley) farmer 53 Cook, Esther, (Strait's Corners) widow Samuel, farmer 100 Cook, Florence, (Strait's Corners) farmer for his mother Esther Coon, Walter, (Strait's Corners) farmer 104 Coons, Arthur, (Tioga Center) farmer with his father Jonathan Coons, Daniel, (Strait's Corners) farmer 100 Coons, George B., (Tioga Center) farmer, works for Mrs. Perry Ward 75 Coons, Hiram, (Strait's Corners) farmer Coons, John, (Tioga Center) farmer with his father Johnson Cons, Johnson, (Tioga Center) farmer 200 Coons, Lemuel, (Tioga Center) farmer 50 Cooper, Frank A., (Halsey Valley) farmer 50 Corsin, William, (Owego) farm laborer Cortright, Alfred, (Tioga Center) laborer Cortright, Charles, (Tioga Center) farm laborer Cortright, James, (Tioga Center) farm laborer Cortright, John, (Tioga Center) farm laborer Cortright, (Tioga Center) farm laborer Crandall, Benjamin, (Tioga Center) farmer 50 Crandall, Daniel, (Smithboro) farmer, works for Mrs. M. Richards 117 Crawford, Absalom, (Smithboro) laborer Crawford, Abram, (Tioga Center) farmer 95 Croft, Michael, (Smithboro) trackman Crum, Henry, (Owego) resident Cunningham, Daniel, (Owego) farmer 33 Curkendoll, Cornelius, (Smithboro) prop. Erie Hotel Curkendoll, Prudence Mrs., (Smithboro) resident Daily, Daniel, (Barton) farmer 380 Dailey, Eugene E., (Barton) farmer 150 Dailey, Fred C., (Barton) dealer in agricultural implements, wagons, etc., and farmer 75 Davenport, Adelbert, (Halsey Valley) farmer 50 Davenport, Alvin M., (Smithboro), works on shares for Henry Light 73 Davenport, Emmet J., (Smithboro), farmer with his father Alvin M. Davenport, George, (Smithboro), section-hand Davenport, Henry, (Strait's Corners), farmer 70 Davenport, Jackson, (Smithboro), farmer 50 Davenport, Judson, (Barton) farmer, works for James J. Green 73 Davis, Albert J., (Tioga Center) farmer 82 Davis, Nathaniel W., (Owego) farmer 117 Day, George H., (Owego) farmer, works for Herbert Farnham 65 Day, Marvin G. (Owego) farmer Dean, Franklin S. (Smithboro) resident Decker, Alexander D., (Tioga Center) Methodist minister, h Main DeCaytor, Ralph, (Owego) farm laborer DeHart, Sanda, (Tioga Center) laborer, h Main DeHart, Thomas (Owego) laborer Delano, Charles, (Owego) mason Delano, Sarah, (Owego) widow Reuben, resident Densmore, Samuel, (Owego) farmer, works on shares for A.J. Goodrich 240 Deyo, Charles, (Tioga Center), farmer, works fosr Joseph DuBois 220 Deyo, Chauncey, (Owego) farmer Deyo, Elijah W., (Tioga Center) miller Dinehart, John, (Tioga Center) farm laborer Dinehart, Robert, (Smithboro) farm laborer Doane, Janes Mrs., (Smithboro) resident Doane, Leroy, (Smithboro) laborer Doane, Timothy, (Strait's Corners) prop. saw-mill and farmer Doane, William H., (Smithboro) farmer 50 Dorn, David, (Halsey Valley) farmer 160 Dorn, Willis (Halsey Valley) farmer for his father David Dorwin, Asa F., (Owego) farmer Dorwin, William E., (Owego)(Dorwin, Rich & Stone) also railroad contractor and farmer 235 Drake, C. Sidney, (Smithboro)(W.J. Darke & Son) h Main Drake, Ezra P., (Halsey Valley) farmer 100 Drake, George P., (Smithboro) tinsmith Drake, William J., (Smithboro)(W.J. Drake & Son) postmaster, h Main Drake, W.J. & Con (Smithboro)(C.S. Drake) general merchants, hardward and tinshop and dealers in agt. imp., coal, lime, plaster and cement, Main DuBois, John E., (Tioga Center) lumberman, h in DuBois, Pa. DuBois, Lucy, (Tioga Center) resident, h Main DuBois, William (Tioga Center) farmer, works for Charles Poole 234 Duff, Alexander, (Strait's Corners) farmer 150 Duff, Andrew, (Strait's Corners) farmer Duff, Harry (Strait's Corners) farmer with his father Alexander Duff, James, (Owego) farmer 90 Duff, Millie, (Tioga Center) widow Moses, resident Duff, Robert H., (Tioga Center) farmer 206 Duff, Thomas, (Strait's Corners) farmer 75 Duncan, Alexander, (Owego) farmer 150 Duncan, James, (Owego) farmer 30 Earll, David, (Tioga Center) retired physician and farmer 28 Easton, Frances M., (Catatonk) resident Eaton, Ambrose, P., lawyer, office at Waverly Eaton, Daniel B., (Smithboro) cooper Eckert, George F., (Smithboro) manf. eave-spouts Eckert, Maria J., (Smithboro) widow Alexander B., resident Edwards, Christopher, (Halsey Valley) laborer Edwards, Samuel, (Owego) meat and grocery peddler Ehle, George, (Strait's Corners) laborer Elliot, Sarah A., (Smithboro) widow, resident Evelien, Alfred, (Tioga Center) hay and potato dealer, and farmer in Candoe, h Main Evelien, Christopher, (Tioga Center) farmer 100 Evlin, John, (Strait's Corners) farmer Emerson, Charles, (Strait's Corners) farmer 160, and in Candor 40 Emerson, David B., (Strait's Corners) farmer 96 Emerson, Frank, (Strait's Corners) farmer 108 Emerson, George, (Strait's Corners) farmer 50 Emerson, Lot S., (Strait's Corners) farmer for his father William Emerson, Luther, (Halsey Valley) farmer Emerson, Mary, (Owego) widow Jonathan, resident Emerson, Robert H., (Strait's Corners) farmer Emerson, Samuel H., (Owego) farmer 200 Emerson, Walter, (Strait's Corners) farmer Emerson, William, (Strait's Corners) farmer 70 Erie Hotel, (Smithboro), Cornelius Curkendoll, prop. Estep, Jacob, (Tioga Center), farmer 45 Estep, Loren, (Tioga Center), blacksmith and wagon-maker, h do. Farnham, Agnes L., (Owego) widow Frederick A., h do. Farnham, Enos S., (Owego) commercial traveler and farmer 80 Farnham, George A., (Owego) farmer 65 Farnham, Herbert A., (Owego) wool-carding, wood-turning, cider-mill and farmer 250 Farnham, Joel S., (Owego), farmer 40 Farnham, Orin, (Smithboro) blacksmith Farnham, Roland B., (Owego) farmer with his father George A. Farnham, Sylvester J., (Owego) farmer 7 Fassett, Alonzo, (Tioga Center) farmer 25 Fenderson, Althier, (Tioga Center) widow Isaiah, resident Fenderson, Ely, (Tioga Center) carpenter Finch, Herbert, (Owego) farm laborer Finn, William H., (Owego) sup't Campbell farm 230 Finnegan, Barney, (Owego) farmer 30 Fisher, Frank, (Strait's Corners) laborer Foote, Jared A., (Owego) farmer 13 Foote, Jared H., (Owego) traveling salesman Foote, Lyman C., (Owego) farmer 12 Ford & Bauer, (Strait's Corners)(L.F. & Bauer) Ford, Lucius, (Strait's Corners)(Ford & Bauer) Ford, Zera T., (Tioga Center) farm laborer Forsyth, W. Henry (Halsey Valley) cooper Franklin, Burton B., (Tioga Center) prop. grist-mill Franklin, Ransom J., (Tioga Center) miller French, Jeremiah, (Tioga Center) shoemaker, and farmer 13 Fox, Henry, (Owego) carpenter Frister, Noah, (Smithboro) farmer |
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Ernie Miles