1887 - 88 Directory of Spencer, NY
"A - K"

Donated by Martha S. Magill


Directory of Tioga County, New York 1887-'88 Compiled and Published by W. B. Gay & Co. Syracuse, N.Y.: The Syracuse Journal Company, Printers and Binders 1887

The Syracuse Journal Company, Printers and Binders 1887 Directory is arranged as follows - Name of individual or firm, postoffice address in parenthesis if different from name of town, business or occupation, figures placed after the occupation of a farmer indicate the number of acres owned or leased

Abbreviations used:
bds - boards; emp - employee; h - house; manuf - manufacturer;
prop - proprietor.
The word street is implied.
(Postoffice address is Spencer, NY unless otherwise designated in parenthesis.)

I have NO information on the persons listed.
Please contact the Tioga County Historical Society.

Abbey, Lizzie, millinery, Main, h do
Abbott, Andrew, (North Spencer) farmer 100
Abbott, Reuben, cartman, h Brooklyn
Abbott, Solomon, drug clerk, h Academy
Ackerman, Riley, farm laborer, h Main
Ackerman, Roscoe E., farmer, leases of Samuel Eastham 40
Ackles, Lewis, (North Spencer) laborer
Ackles, Truman, farmer
Adams, Frank W., (North Spencer) justice of the peace, and farmer 120
Adams, William, farmer
Aldred, Cynthia, widow Robert B., resident, h Park
Allen, Jerome, laborer
Allen, Olive, widow Joel, resident, bds. Main
Ammerman, Daniel, retired farmer
Armstrong, Dennison B., laborer, h Liberty
Armstrong, William H., emp. Seely's Mill, h Van Etten
Bacorn, Darius, farmer, leases of Dr. Davis 40
Bailey, Oliver P., farmer 50
Baker, Emily, widow Epaphras, resident, h Van Etten
Baker, L. E., prop. Spencer Marble Works, h Academy
Barber, Adeline, widow of Stockholm, farmer 50
Barber, Charles, laborer
Barber, Fred C., farmer
Bartley, Larow, farmer, h Mill
Bartrom, John P. (Halsey Valley) farmer 50
Batz, Jacob, retired, h North ave.
Beadle, Edward G., laborer, bds. Liberty
Beadle, George, resident, h Liberty
Bell, Alfred F., farmer
Bellis, Elizabeth Miss, laundress, h Academy
Benedict, William H., emp. Seely's Mill, h Liberty
Benton, Harry, farmer
Benton, James, farmer 103
Benton, William, farmer 10
Berry, Nathaniel, (North Spencer) farmer 8
Besley, Reuben D., emp. Seeley's Mill, h Laurel
Bidlack, Ranson, farmer 177
Bingham, I. Augustus, farmer 250
Bingham, Seth H., farmer
Blanch, Maria, widow David, resident, h Brooklyn
Bliven, Charles, resident, h Main
Bliven, Luther, farmer 92
Bliven, Samuel G., retired, h Van Etten
Boda, Charles, farmer 150
Boda, Frederick C., breeder and dealer in horses and cattle, and farmer 50
Boda, George, farmer 50
Bogart, John J., laborer
Bogert, Clarence, laborer
Bogert, Franklin, laborer
Bogert, Orlando W., laborer
Bogert, William W., farmer 50, and leases of Jane Williams 128
Bosley, Asa, dairy 30 cows, farmer, leases of Seymour Seeley 360
Bowen, James G., laborer
Bower Brothers, (Philip and Levi) furniture and undertaking, Main
Bower, Philip A. (Bower Bros.) h Main
Bower, Levi (Bower Bros.) bds. at Van Ettenville
Bowen, Samuel, laborer
Bowen, Seth, groceries, Academy, bds. do
Bradley, Calvin W., retired, h Main
Bradley, Charles E., merchant, Main, h do
Brearley, Arthur J., brickmaker
Brearley, Willie J., laborer
Breese, Frank, farmer, leases of L. Emmons 80
Breese, Fred P., emp. brickyard
Brock, Clilnton, farmer 50
Brock, Estella, teacher, bds. Academy
Brock, Ethel, farmer, h Academy
Brock, John, dealer in cattle and breeder of sheep and lambs, also
wool-buyer and farmer 280
Brock, John A., farmer, leases of Ethel Brock 150
Brooks, Daniel, farmer 85
Brooks, Daniel C., agricultural implements, and farmer 145, h Maple ave.
Brooks, George, justice of the peace, and farmer 55
Brooks, Leonard, clerk
Brooks, Victor W., farmer 47
Brown, Frederick R., farmer 50 in Candor, and leases of J. Thompson, of
Candor, 250
Brown, Lee A., laborer
Brown, William, cooper
Brundage, DeWitt C., carriage, wagon, and sleigh manuf., VanEtten, h do
Brundage, Jay C., wagon-makaer, bds. VanEtten
Buckley, Frank A., laborer
Bunnell, Charles, farmer 53
Burchard, Stephen, farmer 16
Burdick, Peter, stone mason
Burhyte, Andrew, farmer 147
Burtless, James, (North Spencer) basket-maker
Buttles, Morden U. (VanEttenville, Chemung Co.) farmer 75
Butts, Andrew P., retired tanner, h Main
Butts, Celestia, widow Hyatt, resident
Butts, Charles E., justice of the peace, and farmer 127, h Main
Butts, Charles E., Jr., carpenter, bds. Main
Butts, Fred G., farmer with his father Charles E., bds. Main
Butts, Harvey, laborer, bds. Main
Canfield, Edgar E., teamster, h VanEtten
Canfield, Fred U., miller, h Liberty
Card, Albert J., street commissioner, and farmer 52, h VanEtten
Card, Alvin D., farmer 94
Card, Chrles B., cider-mill
Carter, Frank E., barber, Main, h Water
Cashady, Guy, meat-market, Main, h Brooklyn
Cashady, John, (Halsey Valley) farmer 133
Cashman, William H., farmer
Cavanaugh, Edwin, (North Spencer) farmer 50
Chadrick, Lewis, farmer 97
Chapman, Samuel, lumberman, h Main
Chapman, Willard E., (North Spencer) laborer
Clapp, John W., miller, h VanEtten
Clapp, Walker G., photographer, VanEtten, h do
Clarey, Dennis, emp. L. V.R.R., h Liberty
Clark, Howard, carpenter, h Brooklyn
Clark, John S., upholsterer, bds. Brooklyn
Clark, Lewis, blacksmith, and farmer 90, and leases of James Bishop, of
Candor, 100
Clark, Samuel, (Halsey Valley)
Clark, Shepard B., medical student, bds. Brooklyn
Clark, Sylvenus B., blacksmith and farmer, works for Lewis Clark 90
Clark, Theodore A., farmer 215
Clark, William A., (Halsey Valley) farmer 12
Clay, John, farmer 85
Coggin, George E., farmer 100
Compton, Silas, (West Candor) general blacksmith and wagon-maker,
horse-shoeing a specialty, served in Co. F., 76th N.Y. Vols.
Coney, Frank G., emp. Seely's Mill, h Liberty
Coney, Irving M., lumberman
Congdon, V. B., farmer 56
Converse, Lottie, widow Theodore, farmer 160
Cook, Almon, (North Spencer) resident
Cook, Anderson B., (North Spencer) station agent and telegraph operator,
also machinist
Cornell, Charles S., grain threshing, and farmer 100
Cortright, Albert, farmer 8, and leases of A. S. Emmons 120
Cortright, Ayres D., (Halsey Valley) mason and farmer
Cortright, David, (Halsey Valley) farmer 16
Cowell, Alvah, (North Spencer) farmer
Cowell, Betsey, (North Spencer) widow Lewis, farm 45
Cowell, Charles, (North Spencer) farmer 150
Cowell, Edward, (North Spencer) farmer 150
Cowell, Eliza, (North Spencer) widow James, residnet
Cowell, Eva S., teacher, bds. Maple ave.
Cowell, Mariette, (North Spencer) widow John A., farm 19
Cowell, Mary A., widow John, resident, h Main
Cowles, Aaron, (North Spencer) farmer, leases of A. Abbott 100
Cowles, Almiron, (North Spencer) farmer 50, and leases of D. Randall of Etna 50
Cowles, Ebenezer, emp. Seely's Mill, h Liberty
Cowles, Jason, farmer 50
Cowles, John S., (North Spencer) farmer, leases of Almiron Cowles 50
Cowles, Marcus E., (North Spencer) lumberman, and farmer 127
Cowles, Mary L., (North Spencer) owns with Edgar D. Sabin of Candor 107
Cowles, Sylvester, (North Spencer) carpenter
Crafts, Calvin B., student, bds. Main
Crane, John, farmer 22
Crum, Peter, farmer 50
Cummings, Albert, lumberman and farmer, leases of Jerome Thompson of Candor 180
Cummings, Andrew, laborer
Cummings, Jacob W., farmer 12
Cummings, Williams P. (Van Ettenville) musician and farmer
Daughty, Robert, laborer, bds. Liberty
Davenport, Arthur V., farmer
Davenport, John S., clerk, bds. Main
Davenport, Sherman, farmer 50
Davis, Cornelius W., farmer, h Academy
Davis, George W., physician and surgeon, Main, h do
Davis, Isaac S., laborer
Davis, Jerome S., manuf. of all kinds mowing machine knives, and Buckeye
hand cornplanters, also all kinds of machine job work, Cedar, bds. do
Dawson, Chester, farmer 173
Dawson, John, peddler, h Liberty
Dawson, Mary E., widow Myron, resident, bds. Main
Dawson, Nelson, retired, h Main
Dawson, Seth W., farmer, leases of Chester 173
Dawson, Sidney A., threshing, and farmer 65
Day, Cyrenus N., general merchant, h North ave.
Day, John & Son (Cyrenus N.) hardware, stoves and tinware, groceries and
provisions, boots and shoes, and agricultural implements, Main
Day, John, general merchant, h Maple
Day, William S., blacksmith, and farmer 78
Dean, Edward E., atty. at law, Main, h do
Dean, Mary, widow Casper, farm 16
Dean, Orrin F., farmer 54, h Main
Decker, Andrew, laborer
Decker, William, emp. Bower Bros., h Van Ettenville
Deming, Augustus C., farmer 192
Deming, Joseph B., farmer
Deming, William H., stump-puling and farmer 36
Denniston, Chester B., asst. station agt. B. I. & S.R.R. and telegraph opp.
h Liberty
De Remer, Enos, (West Candor) carpenter
De Remer, Olan, (West Candor) farmer 75
Devereaux, Seymour, laborer
Dewey, Charles, farmer
Deyo, Chauncey, mason
Deyo, Harry, mason
Dickens, Robert E., emp. Seely's Mill, h off Liberty
Dikeman, George, farmer 103
Dodge, Alvin, retired, h Myrtle
Dodge, Anthony, lumberman
Dodge, Sarah A., widow Edwin, saw-mill and farm 190
Dorn, Abram, farmer 60, and leases of Nelson Dawson 107
Doty, Asa T., farmer 109
Douglass, James, farmer, leases of Edward Cowell 100
Downey, Frank, laborer, h Academy
Downey, Robert L., sawyer, h Academy
Drake, Charles W., farmer 35, h Van Etten
Dresser, Jacob S., clerk for S.A. Seely, h Railroad ave.
Dumond, Harry, watchmaker and jeweler Main, h Center
Dutton, James, laborer
Eastham, John, (West Candor) farmer 40
Eastham, Lucy A., (West Candor) widow of Edmund, farm 59
Eastham, Peter, farmer 50
Eastham, Samuel (West Candor) prop. saw-mill and manf. and dealer in
Hemlock lumber, lath and wood, also shipper of baled hay and straw, and
farmer 165, and works for Maggie Eastham 100
Eastham, Thomas, (West Candor) farmer 106
Eastham, Thomas J., farmer 80
Eaton, Harris, (North Spencer) farmer 2
Edwards, Clarissa, widow Philo, resident, h Liberty
Edwards, George, laborer
Elbrooks, Charles, clerk, bds. Main
Elbrooks, Elmore L., clerk, h Main
Ellis, Edwin R., lumberman, h Van Etten
Embody, Isaac, laborer, h Main
Emery, David, farmer 90
Emery, James C., prop. saw-mill and farmer 33
Emmons, Alfred s., general merchant and farmer 260, Van Etten, h do
Emmons, Lucius E., drugs, books and stationery, Main, h do.
English, Minor W. (Van Ettenville, Chemung Co.) farmer 150
Ennis, Aldis F., farmer, h Academy
Ennis, Samuel, laborer
Esmay, Claude H., drug clerk, bds. Main
Eveland, Samuel, laborer
Fanning, Andrew J., laborer
Farmers' and Merchants' Bank of Spencer (Thomas Brock, pres't; O.P. Dimon,
vice-pres't; M.D. Fisher, cashier; M.B. Ferris, ass't cashier, Main)
Farnsworth, Edgar, farmer, h Main
Farnsworth, George, laborer, h Cedar
Farnsworth, James, farmer 26
Farnsworth, Marcellus, laborer
Ferguson, George N., shoemaker, Main, h do
Ferris, Andrew P., laborer, h Laurel
Ferris, S. Arthur, farmer
Ferris, Charles, (Halsey Valley) farmer 50
Ferris, Cornelia, widow George H., resident, h Main
Ferris, Cyrus B., farmer 82
Ferris, Daniel, (Halsey Valley) farmer 63
Ferris, David A., carpenter and farmer, works for Electa A. Ferris 30
Ferris, Edmund, farmer 127
Ferris, Gabriel, farmer
Ferris, George C., (West Candor) apiarist 50 colonies, and farmer 100
Ferris, Harvey, farmer
Ferris, James, farmer 50
Ferris, John, farmer 90
Ferris, Louisa, widow Joshua H., resident, Main
Ferris, Moses, farmer 50
Ferris, Myron, (West Candor) laborer
Ferris, Myron B., ass't. cashier Farmers' and Merchants' Bank, also fire
and life insurance, h Main
Ferris, Willis C., farmer, leases of D B. Hadorn 120
Field, Henry E., farmer, h Main
Fields, Noah, farmer, h Main
Fisher, Bert F. (Fisher Bros.) musician
Fisher Brothers (B.F. and S.J.F.) dairy 20 cows, farmers, lease of J. P.
Fisher 190
Fisher, Charles, (Halsey Valley) farmer 25
Fisher, Charles A., farmer, leases of Harriet L. Fisher 80
Fisher, Charles J., drugs and medicines, Main, h do
Fisher, Clarence, (Halsey Valley) laborer
Fisher, Fred M., laborer, h Main
Fisher, Joseph T., farmer
Fisher, Leonard, farmer, h Liberty
Fisher, Marvin D., postmaster, and general merchant, Main, h do
Fisher, Philip J., farmer, h Main
Fisher, Robert H., dairy 30 cows, farmer 375
Fisher, Stephen J., (Fisher Bros.)
Fisher, Susan, widow Thomas, resident, h Main
Fisher, William H., physician and surgeon, Main, h do
Fleming, William H., farmer 280, h Academy
Forsyth, Augustus, laborer
Forsyth, Henry, farmer 77
Forsyth, Henry B., (Halsey Valley) farmer 60
Forsyth, Hettie, resident, bds. North ave.
Forsyth, Nelson A., apiarist, and dealer in bee-keeper's supplies, also
farmer 25
Forsyth, Perry, laborer
Forsyth, Rumsey, (Halsey Valley) farmer 50
Forsyth, Wallace, laborer
Fox, John, (North Spencer) leases of Bethaney Hill 50
Frisbie, Lucinda, widow Charles, resident, h Academy
Fulton, Frederic, farmer 50
Fulton, Maria, wife of Frederick, farm 45
Furman, Horace, (North Spencer) farmer 80
Gallagher, Patrick, emp. Seeley's mill, h off Liberty
Galpin, George R., farmer
Galpin, James, farmer 60
Galpin, Orrin B., farmer
Garatt, Elmore, farmer with Harriet 218
Garatt, Harriet, widow Corinth, farmer with Elmore 218
Garatt, S.C., widow Amasa, milliner, Van Etten, h do
Garey, Abram L., wagon-maker, h Brooklyn
Garey, Daniel, (North Spencer) shoemaker
Gay, Patrick, (West Candor) farmer 150
Georgia, D. Lamont, supt. Spencer creamery, h Liberty
Georgia, Mary M., widow Nathan S., resident, h Liberty
Georgia, William W., emp. Spencer creamery, h Liberty
Gilbert, Burdett, laborer
Gilbert, Norman A., barber, Brooklyn cor. Main, h Creek
Giles, Mary, farm 75
Gilkie, Riley, farmer 3
Goehner, Louis G., cigar manuf. and farmer
Goodrich, Austin L., foreman Seeley's mill, h Liberty
Goodrich, Calvin E., farmer 30
Goodrich, Calvin J., stone mason, h Myrtle
Goodsell, Rebecca A., widow Jared H., resident, bds. Liberty
Green, Anson, (North Spencer) farmer
Green, John B., resident, h Park
Green, Wheeler C., (Halsey Valley) farmer 105
Greer, Charlotte, farm 24
Griffin, James A., carpenter and builder, Park, h do
Griffith, Absalom, blacksmith and farmer 60
Griffith, Frederick D., clerk, h Center
Grinnell, Daniel P., laborer
Grove Hotel, C. J. Rice, manager, opp. G.I. & S. depot
Guinnip, Dempster N., painter, paper-hanger, Brooklyn, h North ave.
Guinnip, George, painter and paperhanger, Brooklyn, h North ave.
Hagadorn, David B., feed-mill, and farmer 193
Hall, Cornelia L., wife of H.S., farm in Ulysses, Tomp. Co. 95
Hall, Harvey Smith, manuf. and dealer in lumber and shingles, and farmer 600
Hall, Leonard F., wagon-maker
Hallock, Emily, widow John, resident, h Main
Hallock, William M., farmer, h Main
Hanson, Charles, tinsmith, h Main
Harding, Ella Mrs., resident, h Main
Hart, Morris, farmer 50
Haskins, Charles, laborer, h Brooklyn
Hawkins, Albert, farmer
Hawley, Edward, laborer, h Myrtle
Hawley, Edward, farmer
Head, Bradford, laborer
Head, Theron, tobacco-grower and farmer, leases of A.J. Card 21
Hedges, Frank L., emp. Seely's mill, h Academy
Hedges, Laton N., resident, h Aurora
Hess, John, (Halsey Valley) farmer, leases of Daniel Ferris 63
Hevland, William H., laborer
Hiers, Theodore, laborer, h Main
Hike, W. Harvey, mason, h Academy
Hill, Bethaney, (North Spencer) widow Luther, farm 50
Hilligas, Joshua, life insurance, h Tompkins ave.
Hinds, James H., (Halsey Valley) laborer
Hinds, William H. (Halsey Valley) farmer leases of Joshua Tompkins 110
Holdridge, Amos, with William A., farmer 217
Holdridge, William A., apiarist, and with Amos farmer 217
Hollister, Warren L. (West Candor) farmer 90
Homiston, Ezra W., physician and surgeon, Main, h do
Hover, Elisha, (West Candor) farmer 90
House, George W. (North Spencer) farmer 107
House, John P., mason, h Academy
House, Lewis M., (North Spencer) farmer 175
Howard, Alvin, (West Candor) laborer
Howard, Henry, laborer
Howard, Loring P., Rev., pastor M.E. church, h Van Etten
Howell, Charles, laborer
Howell, Frank C., book-keeper Bachelor's endowment association, h Main
Howell, Henry H., farmer 50
Howell, Ira M., farmer 45, h Van Etten
Howell, James K., farmer 5
Howell, John, farmer 27
Howell, Myron P., station agt., G.I. & S.R.R., h Park
Howell, Norman J., brickmaker
Hubbell, Ira, laborer
Hugg, Horace A., carpenter, h Liberty
Hugg, Luman H., farmer 119
Hurlburt, Luther J., (North Spencer) farmer 130
Hulet, George, farmer
Hull, Eben, blacksmith, Cedar, h Main
Hull, James B., farmer 125
Hull, Loring W., farmer 100, h Main
Hunt, Isaiah, retired, h Main
Hunt, James O., farmer, leases of Isaiah Hunt 87
Hutchings, Eli M., carpenter, h Laurel
Hyatt, William, farmer h Main
Johnson, Allen, laborer
Johnston, Chauncey, (North Spencer) farmer
Johnston, David, (North Spencer) farmer 140
Johnston, Ira, (North Spencer) farmer
Joy, Abel, farmer
Joy, Alvah, farmer 50
Joy, Daniel, tobacco grower, and farmer 70
Joyce, Joseph, resident, h Academy
Kellogg, Mahlon A., (North Spencer) postmaster, and general merchant
Kelsey, Charles, farmer 100
Kelsey, Lewis, farmer 50
Kelsey, Walter, farmer
Kelsh, John G., laborer, h Brooklyn
Ketcham, Henry, laborer
Keyes, Nathan, resident
King, Duane C., clerk, h North ave.
Kinner, Asa, emp. Seely's mill, h Van Etten
Kirk, Charles (Halsey Valley), carpenter, and farmer 33
Kirk, Charles N., (Halsey Valley) blacksmith, and farmer 40
Kirk, Fred G. (Halsey Valley) farmer
Kirk, Henry P., (West Candor) farmer 75
Kirk, Stephen, (Halsey Valley) farmer 64
Knapp, Elias, farmer, leases of Franklin Poole of Barton 75
Knapp, Isaac, (Halsey Valley) farmer 30
Knupenburg, Frank, laborer
Knupenburg, Myron, (North Spencer) laborer

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