1887-1888 Directory of Richford, NY

Donated by Martha S. Magill


Directory of Tioga County, New York 1887-'88
Compiled and Published by W. B. Gay & Co.
Syracuse, N.Y.

The Syracuse Journal Company, Printers and Binders 1887 Directory is arranged as follows - Name of individual or firm, postoffice address in parenthesis if different from name of town, business or occupation, figures placed after the occupation of a farmer indicate the number of acres owned or leased

Abbreviations used:
bds - boards; emp - employee; h - house; manuf - manufacturer;
prop - proprietor.
The word street is implied.
(Postoffice address is Richford, NY unless otherwise designated in parenthesis.)

I have NO information on the persons listed.
Please contact the Tioga County Historical Society.

Abby, Edward B., carpenter, and farmer 52
Allen, Carlton E. (Caroline, Tomp. Co.), farmer with H. C. Allen 134
Allen, Elmer, carpenter
Allen, George W., farmer, h Main
Allen, Henry C. (Caroline, Tomp. Co.) farmer 77, and with C. E.A. 134
Allen, James, physician and surgeon, h Main
Allen, J. W. (Finch & Allen) prop. saw-mill, lumber dealer, and farmer 330
Allen, Sidney B. (Caroline, Tomp. Co.) farmer 102
Allen, William B., commercial traveler, h Main
Avery, Ebeneazer (Caroline, Tomp. Co.) farmer 12
Ayers, Elias, farmer 110
Ayers, Freerick A., farmer 110
Ayers, James W., shoemaker, h Mill
Ayers, Jeptha L., laborer
Ayers, Job, farmer 230
Ayers, John L., farmer, leases of W. F. Wright, of Berkshire, 92
Ayers, Marietta, widow of Albert, farm 11 1/2
Ayers, Rudolph, farmer 219
Ayers, Wayland B., farmer
Barden, Charles F., farmer, leases of W. S. Goodrich 167
Barden, Edmund, carpenter
Barden, Ezra S., farmer 30, h Main
Barden, Frank, farmer 117
Barnes, Arba P., harness-maker, h Front
Barnes, George S. (Caroline, Tomp. Co.), farmer, leases of C. A. Fellows 100
Barnes, Grant W., manuf. and dealer in harnesses, saddles, whips, nets, robes, and dusters, also county superintendent of poor, h Aurora
Barney, George E., farmer 30
Beam, Charles (Caroline, Tompkins Co.) farmer 34
Belden, Edgar F., clerk for W. C. Smith & Co., and farmer with William F.
Belden 156
Belden, Frederick C., farmer 160
Belden, George R., farmer
Belden, William F., farmer 144
Bell, Augustus E., shoemaker, Main
Benjamin, Frank E. (Caroline, Tompkins Co.) farmer, leases of Sarah A.
Benjamin, of McGrawville, 60
Benjamin, Luther U. (Harford, Cort. Co.) laborer, h and lot
Berry, Benjamin (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.)
Blakeman, Allen (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.), farmer 161
Blakeman, Asahel, farmer 155
Blakeman, William (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.)
Bliss, Bert, laborer
Bliss, Franklin, prop. grist-mill, and farmer 30, opp. depot
Boice, Wiliam J. (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) farmer 30
Boyce, Charles (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) laborer, h and lot
Brace, Francis, resident, h Aurora, served in Co. D, 76th N.Y. Vols.
Brigham, Bostwick, farmer 130
Brink, Theodore, farmer
Brookins, George W., farmer 25
Brumage, John (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) farmer 4
Brusie, Granville (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) farmer, leases of Allen Blakeman
Bunch, Harvey A., farmer with William A., 65
Bunce, William A., farmer with Harvey A., 65
Chaffee, Varnum, farmer 72
Chambers, Samuel (Slaterville, Tomp. Co.) farmer 90
Chapman, Amos E., farmer
Clark, Birdwell (Berkshire) farmer, leases of Abram Clark, of Owego, 1180
Clark, Charles A., postmaser, and farmer 188 1/2
Clark, Erastus W., farmer 8
Clark, George, laborer
Clark, John D., laborer, h Aurora
Cleveland, Ezekiel, farmer 140
Cleveland, Justus, farmer 110
Colby, Lewis I., farmer 144
Cole, John (Berkshire) farmer 28
Coney, William (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.), laborer
Congdon, Peter, farmer 122
Conrad, Charles H., farmer 28
Cooper, Ephraim A. (Slaterville, Tomp. Co.) prop. saw-mill and farm 12
Cortright, Charles, laborer
Cortright, James, sawyer, h Main
Cox, Sarah
Crain, Marvin (Harford Mills), laborer
Crandall, Ira (Caroline, Tomp. Co.) farmer 15
Culver, John L. (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) farmer, leases of A. Boyce of Harford 47
Curtis, Charles F., justice of the peace, breeder and dealer in horses, dairy 16 cows and farmer 200
Curtis, Loren H., resident
Dalrymple, Lydo H. (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.), farmer
Dalrymple, Samuel A. (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) farmer 100
Daniels, H. & S.H., dairy 15 cows and farmers 180
Daniels, Heman (H. & S.H.)
Daniels, Samuel H. (H. & S.H.) also civil engineer and surveyor
Darlin, Preston (Slaterville, Tomp. Co.) farmer 4
Davis, Charles P. (Harford Mills) farmer, leases of Alfred Davis of Harford, 80
Davis, John M., reacher and farmer 188
Decker, Peter N. (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) farmer 102
Decker, Rensselaer (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) farmer 40
Decker, Stephen (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) farmer 60
Dennis, Frank, farmer 50
Deuel, Oliver (Harford Mills) farmer 100
Dimon, John (Harford, Cort. Co.) farmer 136
Dodge, Charles, farmer 73
Donley, David, cigar-maker, bds. Main
Dow, Dewitt C. (Slaterville, Tomp. Co.) farmer, leases of Mrs. Sumner, of Ithaca 230
Dye, Ansel M., blacksmith
Dye, Milton R., farmer 81
Earsley, Frederick L., farmer
Earsley, Richard, farmer 148
Ellis, Anson, laborer
Ellis, John, laborer
Ellis, Pison, farmer 34
Ellis, William (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) laborer
Fellows, Catherine A. (Caroline, Tomp. Co.) widow of Edward, farm 100
Fellows, Egbert M. (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) farmer 131
Fellows, Gardner (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) farmer 116
Fellows, Lucius (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) farmer 120
Fenner, Alfred, laborer
Fenner, Arthur (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) laborer
Finch, Charles R., farmer and breeder of Clydesdale horses
Finch, Clarence W. (H. S. & C. W.) (W. C. Smith & Co.) h Main
Finch, Elam, emp. H. S. & C.W. Finch
Finch, H. S. & C. W. (Hotchkiss S. and Clarence W.) props. steam saw-mill and manufs. of lath, flooring, ceiling, etc., also woven wire mattress frames, corn knife, grass hook, and hay-knife handles, sythe boxes, extension table slides, bed slats, etc.
Finch, Hotchkiss S., manuf. and dealer in soft and hard wood lumber, lath, posts and shingles, farmer 1,200, 12 houses and 20 vacant lots in Auburn.
Fish property, West ave., corner King st., and with J. W. Allen, block cor. State, Perry and Mill sts., Rochester
Finch, Philander W., justice of the peace, and dealer in live stock and produce, h Aurora
Foote, George M., farmer 50 in Candor, h Main
Foster, Brewster, farmer 60
Foster, Miles, farmer, leases of R. Holmes, of Newark, 74
Freeland, Eugene L. (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) farmer, leases of S. Freeland 150
Fries, James M. (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) farmer 25
Friss, Philip, farmer 50
Fundis, John, dairy farmer 335
Fundis, John Jr., farmer, leases of John Fundis 54
Gee, Charles, farmer, h Main
Gee, Moses L., farmer 107, h Aurora
Gee, Noah, farmer 25
Geer, Calphernia, widow Henry, resident, h Main
Geer, George M., supervisor, and farmer 200
Geer, Ichabod H., resident
Genung, Edward, farmer, leases 80
Genung, Orrin L., wagon-maker and carpenter, also farmer 6
Gilbert, Milo (Center Lisle, Broome Co.), farmer 58
Gilbert, William (Center Lisle, Broome Co.) laborer
Glezen, Charles A. (Center Lisle, Broome Co.) farmer 246
Goodrich, William S., dealer in cattle, sheep, calves and swine, and farmer 167, h Main
Gostley, Peter, farmer 30
Granger, Edmund R. (Harford Mills, Cortland Co.) (Francis & Son)
Granger, Francis & Son (Harford Mills, Cortland Co.) (Edmund R.) prop. of saw and grist mill, and manuf. of yard-sticks, bee-hives, honey sections, shipping crates, potato crates, mouldings, brackets and novelty goods
Gray, Dennis, live stock and farm produce, also farmer 44, h Main
Greaves, Susan D., widow George, resident
Griswold, Lavina (Harford Mills, Cortland Co.) widow William, farm 180
Griswold, William (Harford Mills, Cortland Co.) laborer
Hale, Samuel B., farmer 60, served in Co. B. 104th N.Y. Vols.
Hall, Leonard (Harford Mills, Cortland Co.) laborer
Hamilton, Alexander, farmer 20
Hamilton, Luther B. (Harford Mills, Cortland Co.) farmer 138
Haynes, Charles A., farmer
Haynes, Sylvester C., farmer 100
Heath, Ambrose B., farmer 37 1/2, leases of Nathaniel 28 1/2
Heath, Nathaniel, carpenter, and farmer 28 1/2, served in Co. H. 146th N.Y. Vols.
Heath, Seymour, resident
Hefron, Leroy (Slaterville, Tomp. Co.) portable saw-mill
Herrick, Amos, farmer 80
Hill, Charles H., laborer
Hill, Ignatius, resident
Hill, Wilson I., farmer 93
Hoaglin, Edward, farmer
Hoaglin, Marvin A., dealer in organs and sewing machines, and farmer 42
Holcomb, Adelbert, farmer 50
Holcomb, Timothy M., farmer
Hopkins, Daniel H., house, sign and carriage painting and paper-hanging,
kalsomining, etc. h. Main
Horton Bros. (Orlando and Stephen L.) farmers 140
Horton, Horace, section hand
Houk, George, farmer 40, and leases of Lydia Houk 130
Houk, Lydia, widow Benjamin, farm 100
Howland, Harrison (Center Lisle, Broome Co.) carpenter, and farmer 174
Howland, Wilber (Center Lisle, Broome Co.) farmer 68
Hubbard, Linderman M., farmer 11 1/2
Hulsander, George, emp. H. S. & C. W. Finch, h Mill
Hulslander, Jacob, farmer, leases of M. L. Gee 107
Hunt, Daniel E., miller, and farmer 37
Hutchinson, Alzina, widow John, resident, h Railroad
Hutchinson, Edward, farmer, leases of George M. Geer 200
Hutchinson, Frank, resident, h Aurora
Hutchinson, Wesley J., carpenter, h Railroad
Japhet, George, laborer
Jayne, Amzi, farmer 115
Jayne, Charles F., farmer
Jayne, Samuel A., farmer 150
Jennings, George, laborer
Jennings, Henry A., breeder and dealer in horses, and farmer 170
Jennings, William H., farmer 175
Jewett, Caroline, widow Richard, farm 96
Jewett, Charles F. (Berkshire) dairy 14 cows, farmer 125
Jewett, Lyman, farmer, leases of James Smith estate of Caroline 147
Jewett, Oliver, retired farmer
Jewett, Orrin, farmer, works for Caroline Jewett 96
Johnson, James B., farmer 100
Johnson, William (Center Lisle, Broome Co.), farmer, leases of Gamaliel H. Tubbs 115
Johnson, William R., strawberry culturist, and farmer 50
Jones, Lucius A., farmer 16, h Main
Jordan, Frankln (Berkshire) farmer
Kent, Isman, farmer 10
Keyes, Thomas S., farmer 58
King, William W. (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) carpenter, and farmer 30
Krum, Charles G., dairy 15 cows, farmer 240
Lacey, Charles, laborer, h Main
Lacey, George, laborer
Lacey, Louis V., telegraph operator
Lacey, Philip, laborer, h Main
Lacey, Rufus, laborer, h Railroad
Leach, Daniel, farmer 45
Leebody, Henry, laborer, h Aurora
Leebody, Robert, laborer
Leonard, John B., millwright, and farmer 25
Lewis, William, laborer
Livermore, Walton, sawyer, h Aurora
Locke, Benjamin (Slaterville, Tomp. Co.) laborer
Locke, Henry D. (Slaterville, Tomp. Co.) farmer, leases of Mrs. S. A. White 250
Marsh, Burr (Center Lisle, Broome Co.) farmer 134
Marsh, Washington, farmer 70, served in Co. E., 76th N.Y. Vols., and Co. F., 1st Vet. Cavalry
Marshall, Charles, laborer
Marshall, Charles, blacksmith
Marshall, William, laborer, h Main
Marshall, Wilson, farmer 13
Matson, Frank (Harford, Cort. Co.) farmer, works for Orrin Matson 90
Matson, Lucy A. (Caroline, Tomp. Co.) widow Isaac, farm 17, and with Seth
Matson 200
Matson, Ormal (Harford, Cort. Co.) laborer
Matson, Orrin (Harford, Cort. Co.) farmer 90
Matson, Seth (Caroline, Tomp. Co.) farmer with Lucy A. 200
Mayo, William W., farmer
McIntyre, John (Harford Mills Cort. Co.) farmer
Meacham, George W., farmer
Meacham, James W., brick and plaster mason
Meacham, Orrin N., carpenter, also mason, and farmer 32
Meloy, Charles T., farmer 50
Meloy, Frank P., lumberman, breeder and dealer in horses, and farmer 96 1/2
Miller, William F., dealer in groceries and provision, and farm produce, Read & Co.'s fertilizers and champion mowers and reapers, and Perry spring tooth harrow, Main
Mills, George F., laborer
Moore, Charles H., justice of the peace and produce dealer, h Main, served in Co. G., 137 N.Y. Vols.
Moore, Dana A., farmer 28
Moore, Emily A., widow Elijah, farm 112
Moore, Enoch N., laborer
Moore, Helen A., farm with Diadama Walker 71
Moreland, George D., general blacksmith, served in Co. G. 109th N.Y. Vols, h Main
Morenus, Chancey, farmer 100
Morenus, William H., farmer
Morton, Agnes, widow Spencer, resident
Morton, Edward, laborer
Morton, John, farmer
Morton, Lewis, sawyer and farmer 20
Morton, William, mason, carpenter and farmer 18
Myers, Fred (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) lumberman and farmer
Myres, John S. (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) farmer 53, served in Co. E. 157th N.Y. Vols.
Nash, David, laborer, h Mill
Neff, Alexander, laborer, serve in 109th Artillery, N.Y. Vols.
Neff, Harrison, farmer 67
Neff, Jerome, farmer 60
Newton, Delay, farmer 38
Nigus, Judson (Harford, Cort. Co.) stone-mason
Nixon, Albert, laborer
Norton, Cyrus (Caroline, Tomp. Co,) laborer
O'Brien, Dennis, farmer 50, h Main
O'Brien, James, farmer 130
Ostrander, Lorenzo, farmer 127
Owens, Levi, blacksmith, and farmer 20
Owens, Phineas, laborer
Owens, William, well-drilling
Packard, George, farmer 26
Packard, John, farmer 30
Palmerton, Fred H., laborer
Palmerton, George, farmer 40
Parker, William W. (Harford Mills) dairy 28 cows, farm 260
Patch, Edward H. (Berkshire) farmer, works for Mrs. E. L. Patch, of Berkshire 222
Perry, Ebenezer (Caroline, Tomp. Co.)
Perry, Edwin A., steam-threshing and grist-mill, wagon maker, and farmer 110
Perry, Frank, music teacher, and farmer 25
Perry, Lewis (Caroline, Tomp. Co.) laborer
Perry, Richard H. (Caroline, Tomp. Co.) resident
Personius, John J. (Slaterville, Tomp. Co.) farmer 8
Phelan, Patrick, section boss
Phillips, C. Martin (Center Lisle, Broome Co.) farmer
Phillips, Franklin (Center Lisle, Broome Co.) farmer 66
Phillips, W. Ardell (Berkshire) leases of C. Arnold of Geneva 90
Pierce, Banjamin (Harford, Cort. Co.) dealer in charcoal, and farmer 60
Pierce, George H. (Harford, Cort. Co.) resident
Pierce, John (Harford, Cort. Co.) laborer
Pierce, Wallace C., dealer in furniture and household goods, also undertaker and dealer in breech-loading shotguns and rifles, agent for the Ithaca breech-loading shotguns
Polley, Amos, farmer 275
Polley, Lemuel, farmer 68
Polley, Solomon, farmer 62
Quail, Fred (Caroline, Tomp. Co.) laborer
Rawley, Daniel T., retired farmer
Rawley, George W., dentist and jeweler, Main
Rawley, Hiram B., general store
Rice, William, laborer, h Railroad
Rich, Chauncey L., retired treasurer Southern Central R. R.
Rich, Henry L, book-keeper, bds. Main
Rich, Lucian D., station and express agent
Richford Hotel, H. W. Theleman, prop.
Root, Reuben (Berkshire) farmer 43
Robinson, Asher (Caroline, Tomp. Co.) farmer, leases of M. Robinson 90
Robinson, Calvin J., att'y and counselor at law, notary public, and pension agent, h Main
Robinson, Fred J., telegraph operator, bds. Main
Robinson, Hiland, mechanic, h Main
Robinson, Isaac N., carpenter, and wagon repairer, also farmer 60
Robinson, James, telegrah operator, h Main
Robinson, Martin, farmer 290
Rockefeller, Egbert (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) farmer 135
Rockefeller, Henry (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) farmer 30
Rockefeller, Jacob (Caroline, Tomp. Co.)
Rockefeller, John (Caroline, Tomp. Co.) farmer 82
Rockefeller, Simeon W. (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) farmer 100
Rogers, Mary Powell, resident, h Aurora
Royce, Dewitt (Harford, Cort. Co.) farmer with Herman 63
Royce, Herman (Harford, Cort. Co.) farmer with Dewitt 63
Rusher, William (Harford, Cort. Co.) farmer, leases of Jane Sheldon, of Newark, 144
Satterly, Charles, farmer 5
Satterly, Ira, farmer 15
Satterly, Lyman J., farmer 18
Satterly, Willard, lumberman, and farmer 62
Satterly, William B. (Center Lisle, Broome Co.) farmer 41
Sears, Dioclesian, retired farmer
Sears, James M., stock breeder and dealer, and farmer 237
Sexton, Ransom (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) dairy 17 cows, farmer 160
Sherwood, Isaac (Berkshire) dairy 15 cows, farmer 150
Slater, George, emp. H. S. & C. W. Finch, h Aurora
Slater, Joseph, farmer 22
Slater, Timothy, farmer 15
Smith, Eliza, widow James, farm 147
Smith, Jerome, laborer
Smith, Julius C., millwright, and wagon-maker, h Aurora
Smith, Nicholas (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) farmer 80
Smith, Ralph P., breeder and dealer in Clay and Hambletonian horses, dairy 30 cows, farmer 200
Smith, W. C. & Co. (H. S. and C. W. Finch) general store
Smith, William R., laborer
Stanley, Anson (Center Lisle, Broome Co.) farmer 56
Steele, Andrew (Caroline, Tomp. Co.) farmer 160
Stephens, Hector, teamster
Stewart, Lewis, laborer
Swift, Chalres H., dealer in hardware, tinware, stoves and ranges, hanging lamps, Robers Bros.' plated-ware, cutlery, alarm clocks, agate ware, churns and churn-powers, bird cages, horse-blankets, syrup cans, sap-buckets, tin-roofing, eave-troughs, tobacco and cigars, etc., Main, h Main
Talbot, Selah, farmer 32
Talcott, Horace B., farmer 25
Talcott, Jessie F., farmer 25
Talcott, Willard, farmer 27
Tarbox, Benjamin, farmer 40
Theleman, Frank, porter Richford Hotel
Theleman, Hiram W., prop. Richford Hotel, and livery, also dealer in wagons, mowing-machines, horse-rakes, etc., and farmer 50
Thomas, Theodore F., farmer 6
Thompson, Alexander (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) farmer 85 1/2
Thompson, Benjamin, cooper, and farmer 2 1/4
Thompson, Charles, farmer 40
Thompson, Charles H., farmer
Thompson, William H. (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) farmer 22, leases of Mrs. E. N. VanDyke 80
Tobey, Josiah G. (Caroline, Tomp. Co.) prop. saw-mill, and farmer 118
Tryon, Daniel (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) farmer 64
Tubbs, Elbert, laborer
Tubbs, Freedom U., widow Robert, farmer 35
Tubbs, Gamaliel C. (Center Lisle, Broome Co.) prop. steam saw-mill, dealer in lumger and farmer 300
Tubbs, Gamaliel H., (Whitney's Point, Broome Co.) farmer 100 and at Whitney's Point steam saw-mill, and mnfr. and dealer in lumber, doors, blinds, sash, mouldings and butter packages
Turk, George H., farmer, leases of Amos Polley
Tyler, Edward (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) clergyman (Chris.) and farmer 10
Tyler, Laura, widow Ezra, resident, h Main
Vandemark, Samuel, farmer 72 1/2
Van Gorder, Charles H., farmer 25
Vincent, Delia (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) widow Peter, farmer 142
Vincent, Henry (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) farmer, leases of James Foster 52
Vincent, Henry G. (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) farmer, leases of Delia
Vincent 142
Vunk, J. Frank, carpenter, h Main
Walker, Albert (Berkshire) farmer 86
Walker, Lyman M., farmer 130
Walker, Orrin, farmer 196
Watkins, Amos G., justice of the peace and dealer in horses, cattle, sheep and swine, also farmer 400, and with James L. Watson estate 195, h Main
Watkins, Eugene (Harford, Cort. Co.) farmer 31
Welch, Luther H. (Caroline, Tomp. Co.) farmer 84
Welch, Rufus H. (Caroline, Tomp. Co.) carpenter and farmer 130
Westcott, Matthew, conductor Southern Central R. R., h Main
Wheaton, Mason S. (Harford, Cort. Co.) farmer 67
Wightman, George W., farmer
Wilbur, James F., prop. grist mill at Harford and dealer in flour, meal and feed
Wilcox, Frederick, laborer
Wilcox, Gardner (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) farmer 160
Wilcox, John (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) farmer 95
Wilcox, Justin (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) farmer
Wilcox, Smith, farmer 10, and leases of Ransom Sexton 160
Williams, Cyrel (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) farmer 52
Williamson, James, farmer 43
Wilson, Josiah, farmer 44
Witter, Daniel P., dairy 14 cows, farmer 143
Woodard, Edgar, laborer
Woodard, Elijah, laborer
Woodard, John, farmer 54
Woodard, John P., farmer 50
Woods, Elisha B., contractor and builder, and dealer in apples and all kinds of furs and hides
Yaple, Deloss, teaming, h Main
Yaple, O. A., wife of Deloss, dealer in millinery and fancy good Main
Yaple, Philip H., farmer 100
Zee, Franklin, farmer 28
Zee, Horner, farmer
Zimmer, Hiram, laborer

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