Ingersoll, Eugene F., cooper
Ingersoll, Guy, farmer for his father James H.
Ingersoll, James E., (Union, Broome Co.), farmer, works on shares for John
Wenn 112
Ingersoll, James H., farmer 100
Jackway, Fred D., farmer, leases of Rev. Mr. Kng 68
Jaycox, Alvin, (Gaskill's Corners), farm laborer
Jenks, Byron J., farmer 211
Jennings, Ransom, (Little Meadows, Pa.), farmer, leases of A. Jennings 70
Jewett, Charles, (Apalachin), produce
Jewett, George, (Apalachin), farmer 43
Jewett, Maurice W., (Apalachin), retired
Jewett, John, (Union, Broome Co.), farmer 40
Jewett, John W., (Union, Broome Co.), farmer 112
Johnson, Albert, attendant County Insand Asylum
Johnson, Andrew J., (Apalachin), contractor and builder
Johnson, Daniel, sup't County Alms House and Asylum, and in Candor farm 208
Johnson, Horace, farm laborer
Johnson, John, farm laborer
Johnson, Nathan A., farmer, leases of Mrs. Hauver 20
Johnson, Stillman, blacksmith
Johnson, Taylor, farmer 50
Jones, Edward, (Apalachin), carpenter, and farmer 31
Jones, George, (Apalachin), farm laborer
Jones, Pardon, (Apalachin), carpentenr
Joslin, Daniel F., (Flemingville), farmer 18
Judge, Thomas L., farmer 8
Judge, Thomas Jr., farmer 72
Judge, William, (Little Meadows, Pa.), farmer
Judge, William H., farmer 36
Kaley, Adam, I., (Flemingville), carpenter, and works farm 53
Kaley, John, (Gaskill's Corners), farmer 25
Kattell, Willard, (Flemingville), farm laborer
Keeler, James, (Union, Broome Co.), farmer 8
Kellum, Ambarose, (Apalachin), wagon-maker, Main, h do
Keltz, Henry, (Union Center, Broome Co.) farmer
Kent, Fred, farm laborer
Kent, Gibson, (Apalachin), farmer 10
Kent, Mary A., widow Amos, resident
Kenyon, Egbert, (Union Center, Broome Co.), farmer 40
Ketchum, Charles H., butcher, and farmer 42
Ketchum, Dell, farmer 15
Ketchum, Frederick, farmer with his father Charles H.
Keth, Jackson, (Campville), farmemr 75
Kettell, George, (Gatskill's Corners), farmer, works for John Scrofford 75
Kile, George O., prop. feed and shingle-mill, and farmer 130
King, Andrew, (South Owego), farmer 70
Kinney & Gray, (Apalachin) (J. D. K. and J. H. G.) general merchants,
Main cor. Depot
Kinney, John D., (Warren Center, Pa.) (Kinney & Gray), also store at
Kinney, Thomas (Apalachin), farm laborer
Kipp, Clinton, farmer 51
Kipp, Wallace, butcher, and farmer 20
Knapp, Amos (Apalachin), farmer
Knapp, Charles R., (Apalachin), hardware, flour and feed, boots and shoes,
Main, h do
Knapp, Frank J., (Apalachin), postmaster and tinsmith, h Main
Knapp, Henry, (Apalachin), farmer
Knapp, Ira, (Apalachin), farmer 80
Knapp, James, (Apalachin), farmer
Knapp, Joel, (Apalachin), farmer 7
Knapp, Wilbur F., (Apalachin), groceries and provisions, Main, h do
Knapp, William, (Apalachin), farmer
Knickerbocker, Harvey, laborer
Knight, Ambrose, (Apalachin), farmer
Knight, Irvin, (Apalachin), farmer
Kyle, Thomas, farmer 130
Ladd, Isabella, widow Cyrus, resident
Lainhart, Addison, farmer 135
Lainhart, Simeon, (Gaskill's Corners), farmer 60
Lainhart, Thomas, (Union, Broome Co.), carpenter
Laird, George H., (Apalachin), insurance, h Church
Laird, George H. Mrs., (Apalachin), dressmaker, h Church
La Monte, Cyrene M., farmer 115, and prop. Hiawatha Island and picnic
La Monte, David M., breeder fine horses, and farmer 75
La Monte, Hannah, widow Marcus, resident
Lamphere, Grant U., (Apalachin) (Campbell & Lamphere), h Dept
Lampman, Jared, (Little Meadows, Pa.), resident
Lane, A. Lindsley, (Apalachin), farmer 80
Lane, Don C., (Apalachin), farmer
Lane, Edgar S., (Apalachin), farmer with his father A. Lindsley
Lataurette, Androette, (Campville), farmer 88
Leasure, George, (South Owego), carpenter, and farmer 10
Leonard, Leonard, (Apalachin), farmer 80
Letts, Matthew, (Gatskill's Corners), farmer
Lewis, Edgar, (Apalachin), farmer 50
Lewis, Hiram, (Apalachin), farmer
Lewis, Isaac W., (Apalachin), physician and surgeon, and farmer 314, and
in Kansas 160, and in Iowa 80, h Main
Lewis, Maria, widow of James, carpet-weaver
Like, George W., (Apalachin), agricultural implements, and farmer 56
Like, William, (Apalachin), farm laborer
Lillie, Charles T., (Apalachin), farmer on shares with John Decker
Lillike, George M., (Apalachin), farmer 35
Lillie, Lucina, (Apalachin), widow Jared, resident
Lillie, Merritt F., (Apalachin), farmer 66
Lillie, William, (Apalachin), mason, and farmer 63
Lindsly, Hiram, carpenter
Livingston, Amos, gardener 7 1/2
Livingston, Christiana, widow Peter, resident
Livingston, John, (Campville), lawyer in New York city and farmer 83
Livingston, Marcus, (Campville), farmer 66
Livingston, Peter, (Campville), farmer 160
Lory, Joseph, (Apalachin), bartender
Lory, Kaziah, (Apalachin), widow David, resident
Lown, Catherine, (South Owego), widow Jacob, resident
Lown, William P., (South Owego), horse-dealer and farmer 47
Lucas, Daniel T., farmer, works on shares with Mr. Drake 80
Lyke, Peter, (Campville), farmer 120
Lyke, Rufus F., farmer 30
Mabee, Robert, (Apalachin), farmer
Mack, Thomas, track-hand
McGee, Griffin, farm laborer
Mahar, Michael, farmer 72
Maloney, Jeremiah, (Apalachin), farmer 92
Marean, Duane, (Flemingville), farmer 42
Marean, George, (Union, Broome Co.), farmer 113
Mason, Albert G., farmer 60
Mason, Albert G., Jr., farmer 12
Mason, Samuel, locomotive engineer
Mason, Samuel, farmer 42
Mason, Thomas, farmer with his father Samuel 77
Mason, William, (Apalachin), farmer
Maston, Charles, farmer 10
Maston, John, farmer 40
Mayhew, Charles, (Little Meadows, Pa.), painter
Nayhew, George W., (Apalachin), resident, h Main
McCann, George E., (Campville), upholsterer
McCann, J. William, (Campville), farmer 44
McCaslin, Alexander, (Apalachin), blacksmith Main, h do
McClain, Charles, (Gaskill's Corners), farm laborer
McClain, Polly, widow Charles, farm 20
McClary, Rexford, (Union, Broome Co.), farmer 46
McCoy, Stiles, retired farmer
McDonald, Cameron, painter
McHenry, Francis B., (Apalachin), farmer, h Church
McHenry, James, (Apalachin), farmer with his mother Sally J.
McHenry, Sally J., (Apalachin), farmer 92
McMahon, Thomas, track-hand
McNeil, Roswell C., (Campville), farmer
McNeil, Sarah, (Campville), widow Roswell C., resident
Mead, George, farmer 175
Mead, Holloway, (Flemingville), farmer 90
Mead, John, (East Nichols), farmer 50
Mead, Ransom H., (Gaskill's Corners), farm laborer
Mead, William E., (Gaskill's Corners), farmer 150
Meade, Fayette E., farmer 83
Meade, Maria, widow Isaac, resident
Meads, Peter, (Little Meadows, Pa.), farmer
Mericle, Jacob, farmer 112
Mericle, James H., farmer 52
Mericle, John, farmer 110
Mericle, William H., farmer 110
Merrick, Austin B., farm laborer
Merrick, John B., farmer for L. H. Pitcher
Mersereau, Adeline, widow George, farm 100
Mersereau, Frank, farmer 150
Mersereau, Grant, farmer 150
Millage, Brinton, (Campville), farmer 64
Miller, Augustus, (Apalachin), farm laborer, h Church
Miller, Cornelia, (Gaskill's Corners), widow Alexander, farm 40
Miller, Emanuel, (Apalachin), cooper
Miller, John, (South Apalachin), farmer 50
Miller, Jonas, (Gaskill's Corners), farmer for his mother Cornelia
Millrea, Edward, farmer for his father, Thomas
Millrea, Thomas, farmer 100
Mills, Gurdon T., (Union, Broome Co.), farmer 5
Moe, Ezra, (South Apalachin), farmer 56
Moe, Sherman, (Little Meadows, Pa.), farmer 40
Montanyea, Buffum D., (Campville), farmer 65
Moot, Peter, farmer 60
Morgan, Alexander, (Union, Broome Co.), farmer 50
Morgan, William, farmer 100
Morton, David, (South Apalachin), farmer 70
Morton, Levi, (Apalachin), boot and shoe dealer, also custom work, Main,
h do
Moss, Samuel, farmer, leases of James Clark 50
Mott, Frank C., (Apalachin), farm laborer
Mott, Israel D., stone-mason
Mott, Lorenzo, resident
Murphy, Edward, (Apalachin), retired, h Church
Myers, John, emp. Mrs. E. A. Barton
Myers, Joseph H., farmer 23
Narsh, Frederick, farmer, leases of Leonard Foster
Narsha, Marvin A., farmer 6
Nash, Allen, (Gaskill's Corners), painter
Newman, Maria, (Apalachin), widow Nelson S., resident
Newman, Warren A., (Apalachin), farmer 34
Newman, William, (Flemingville), farmer 24
Nichols, Betsey, (Apalachin), widow William, h Main
Nichols, Charles, farmer 112
Nichols, Charles H., farmer with his father Justus
Nichols, George, farmer 160
Nichols, George S., farm laborer
Nichols, Justus, farmer 145
Nichols, Robert, farmer with his father George
Nichols, Washinton, (Apalachin), apiarist, and farmer 35
Nichols, Will F., (Apalachin), hostler
Noteware, Frederick H., (South Apalachin), farmer 90
Noteware, Wallace R., (South Apalachin), apiarist, and farmer 170
Noteware, Walter R., (South Apalachin), farmer 35
Northrop, Arthur T., farmer, leases of Lainhart estate 300
Ogden, Catherine E., (Apalachin), widow Isaac, resident, h Main
Ogden, Frank C., (Apalachin), teacher, bds. Main
Olmstead, Augustus, farmer 120
Olmstead, Daniel B., (Apalachin), farmer 71
Olmstead, Maria S., (Apalachin), widow Avery, farm 200
Olmstead, Luman, farmer
Olmstead, Robert, farmer with his father Augustus, 120
Olmstead, Seth, grocery, and farmer 28
Olmstead, Whiting W., farm laborer
O'Neill, James M., farmer 89
Orford, Charles F., (Apalachin), carpenter, h Church
Orford, David, (Apalachin), shoemaker, h Church
Padgett, Allen W., farm laborer
Pangburn, Jacob, (Union, Broom Co., N.Y.), farmer 50
Pearl, Charles E., farmer, leases of his father Loring C.
Pearl, Frederick J., farmer, leases of his father Loring C.
Pearl, Diana B., widow Austin, resident
Pearl, Loring C., farmer 240
Pearl, Myram W., farmer, leases of J. F. DeGroat 123
Pearsall, Grace L., (Apalachin), teacher, bds. Willilam
Pearsall, Ransom S., (Apalachin), justice of the peace and farmer, h
Pease, Joseph N., farmer 130
Pendleton, Jenks, (Little Meadows, Pa.), farmer
Pendleton, Loren, (Little Meadows, Pa.), farmer
Peendle, Monroe, (Little Meadows, Pa.) farmer
Perkins, Barney, (Apalachin), peddler, and farmer 5
Perkins, Maggie, matron County Insane Asylum
Perry, Charles F., (South Owego), farmer on shares with L. B. Truman 250
Perry, George H., (South Owego), farmer with his father Charles F.
Pettigrove, Laura J., farm 47
Pettigrove, Sewell, miller, and farmer 6
Phalen, Patrick, farmer, works on shares for William P. Stone, 110
Phelps, George, (Gaskill's Corners), farm laborer
Phelps, Jesse, (Flemingville), farmer 11, and in Candor 100
Phelps, Philip, (Gaskill's Corners), farmer 50
Phelps, William, farmer 16
Phillips, James, (Apalachin), farmer 101
Phinleyson, Richrad, (Apalachin), farmer
Pitcher, Harvey, resident
Pitcher, Leroy H., agricultural implements, and farmer 100
Potter, John, (Flemingville), farmer for Frank Scott
Potter, Wendall, farmer 78
Powell, John H., (Union, Broome Co.), farmer
Powers, Angeline (Apalachin), widow John J., resident
Powers, Francis J., (Apalachin), farmer laborer
Powers, Frederick A., (Apalachin), farm laborer
Post, Gardner, (Apalachin), farmer 75
Pray, Ephraim, (Apalachin), resident
Pritchard, Asa, (Flemingville), farmer 37, and wood lot 14
Pritchard, James, (Flemingville), farmer with his brother Truman 30
Pritchard, Herbert E., (Flemingville), farmer with his father Sylvester
Pritchard, Sylvester H., (Flemingville), farmer 126
Pritchard, Truman, (Flemingville), farmer with his brother James 30
Pritchard, William H., (Flemingville), farm laborer
Probasco, Elmer, farm laborer
Probasco, Frank M., farmer 75
Probasco, Gurdon, farmer laborer
Pultz, Henry, farmer
Pultz, Henry Jr., farmer
Pultz, Putnam, farmer 40
Pultz, Ransom, farmer 50
Queeman, West, (Apalachin), resident
Quimby, Adelbert H., (Apalachin), laborer, h William
Quimby, John W., (Apalachin), farmer
Randall, Henry, farmer 80
Rauch, George F., (Flemingville), farmer, leases of the Allen estate 38
Recorden, Charles, (Flemingville), farmer 87
Reed, James L., (Flemingville), blacksmith, and farmer in Newark 100
Redding, John, farmer 50
Reynolds, Albert L., farm laborer
Richardson, Austin, farmer for his father Cephas
Richardson, Cephas, farmer 90
Richardson, Harry, farmer for his father Cephas
Richrdson, Jerome B., farmer 35
Rinevault, Amanda, widow Alfred
Rising, James H., (Gaskill's Corners), farmer 108
Rising, Jeanette, (Gaskill's Corners), widow John, farm 100
Rising, William H., (Gaskill's Corners), farmer 57
Robbins, Ephraim, (Union, Broome Co.), armer
Robinson, Benjamin, farmer 25
Robinson, Bridget, widow Matthew, farm 118
Robinson, Henry, (Union, Broome Co.), farmer 64
Robinson, Howard, farmer 123
Robinson, Jacob, farmer 61
Robinson, John, farmer 118
Robinson, John L., farmer, leases of Frank Bliss 47
Rockwood, Charles, farm laborer
Rodman, Benjamin, (Union, Broome Co.), farmer 60
Rodman, Calvin, (Union, Broome co.), farmer
Rodman, Nicholas, (Apalachin), farmer
Romain, Benjamin, farm laborer
Romain, Charles, (Campville), farmer 15
Romain, George, (Campville), laborer
Romain, Jesse, (South Owego), farmer on shares with D. Gifford
Rounds, Simeon, (Apalachin), cider and shingle-mill, and farmer 25
Rowe, Edward, gardener 17
Rowley, James, (Apalachin), resident
Rulison, George P., (Apalachin), maosn, h Main
Rundle, James A., farmer on shares with Mrs. G. Van Bunschoten 76
Russell, Daniel, farmer
Russell, Elbridge, farmer 7
Russell, Minor, (South Apalachin), carpenter and wagon-maker
Ryan, Michael, (Apalachin), farmer 56
Ryan, James, (Apalachin), farmer 35
Ryan, John S., (Apalachin), prop. Exchange Hotel, h do
Ryan, Thomas, (Apalachin), laborer
Ryan, William, (Union Center, Broome Co.), farmer 100
Sandford, George, (South Owego), farmer 160
Sandford, Lewis C., farmer with his father Oliver B.
Sandford, Oliver B., farmer 80
Savey, Edmund G., (Apalachin), carpenter, h Main
Savey, Seth, (Apalachin), carpenter
Savey, William, (Apalachin), carpenter and builder, h Main
Sawyer, George, farmer with his father Nathan
Sawyer, Nancy M., widow William, farm 60
Sawyer, Nathan, farmer 50
Sawyer, Oscar W., farmer for his mother, Mrs. Nancy M.
Schoolcroft, Peter, farmer 200
Schoolcroft, Philip, farmer 60
Scott, Abram, (Campville), cartman and mail-carrier
Scott, Clinton, farmer 50
Scott, Elizabeth, (Flemingville), widow Frederick, resident
Scott, Emery, (Flemingville), farmer with his father Frank
Scott, Frank, (Flemingbille), farmer 92
Scott, Phoebe, widow Alonzo, farm 10
Scrafford, James, (Gaskill's Corners), farmer 75
Scrafford, John, (Gaskill's Corners), farmer 75
Scutt, Dell, farm laborer
Scutt, George, farm laborer
Scutt, Isaac, farmer 4
Searl, Edward, farmer 86
Searl, Edward F., farmer 75
Searles, Amos, (Flemingville), farmer 14
Searles, Asahel, (Flemingville), farmer 50
Searlse, Esther, (Flemingville), widow Chester, farmer 15
Searles, George, (Flemingville), mason
Searles, Homer, (Flemingville), prop. steam saw-mill and farmer 10
Searles, Lot, (Flemingville), farmer 13
Searles, Luke E., (Flemingville), farmer, leases of G. Pultz 100
Searles, Nathan P., (Flemingville), mason and farmer 90
Severson, George, (Campville), blacksmith
Shaffer, Abram, farmer 50
Shaffer, Abram Jr., farmer
Shannon, Elizabeth, widow Cornelius, farm 37
Shaw, Hiram D., (South Owego), farmer 130
Shay, John, (Apalachin), section foreman D. L. & W. R. R., bds. Exchange
Shay, Wesley W., milk dealer and farmer, leases of B. Woodford 160
Shellman, Chauncey, (Campville), cobbler and ferryman
Shepard, Charles D. Rev., (Flemingville), pastor M. E. Church
Sherwood, Charles, farmer, works on shares for George Young 128
Sherwood, Elsworth, (South Apalachin), farmer 150
Sherwood, George J., (Apalachin), stock-breeder and farmer 55
Sherwood, John, (Apalachin), farmer 25
Sherwood, Nathaniel, (Apalachin), farmer 50
Sherwood, Van Ness, (Apalachin), farmer with his father Nathaniel
Sherwood, William H., (Apalachin), farmer 145
Shirley, Jonathan, farmer 13
Shirley, John, farmer 20
Shirley, Nathaniel, farm laborer
Shirley, Rial, farmer 30
Shirley, Samuel, farmer 40
Shopp, John, (Union, Broome Co.), farmer
Short, Frank, (Apalachin), farmer with his father Uriah
Short, Fred, (Apalachin), farmer, leases of Uriah Short, Sr., 35
Short, G. Ransom, (Apalachin), farmer 15
Short, Lorenzo, (Apalachin), farmer, leaes of Uriah Short, Sr., 35
Short, Uriah Sr., (Apalachin), farmer 152
Short, Uriah, (Apalachin), laborer
Shultz, John, (South Apalachin), farmer
Sibley, Charles V., farmer 65
Sibley, Elvira S., resident
Sibley, George D., (Flemingville), farmer, works on shares for S. Marquit
Slawson, George, (South Owego), farmer 75
Slawson, Schuyler M., farmer 35
Slawson, Milton, (South Owego), farmer 160
Sleeper, Thomas J., (Apalachin), (Sleeper & Whittaker), h Main
Sleeper & Whittaker, (Apalachin) (T. J. S. & W. W.) produce and general
merchants, Main
Slocum, Humphrey C., farmer 25
Smith, Albert, (Apalachin), farmer
Smith, Aurelia, (Gaskill's Corners), widow James, resident
Smith, Charles F., farmer 200
Smith, Elizabeth, widow George, farm 83
Smith, Franklin E., (Apalachin), laborer, bds. Cross
Smith, Fred W., milk dealer and farmer 323
Smith, George W., bridge builder
Smith, Henry W., deputy sheriff and farmer 32
Smith, Ira A., farmer 108
Smith, Jerome, (Campville), farmer, leases of Dr. Allen 100
Smith, Orville, (Campville), prop. cider-mill and farmer 100
Smith, Phoebe, widow Stephen W., resident
Smith, Robert C., (Gaskill's Corners), farmer 140
Smith, Robert E., (Gaskill's Corners), farm laborer
Smith, Royal V., (Apalachin), farmer
Snell, Robert, farmer 10
Snell, Samuel B., emp. Coe's saw-mill
Snooks, Halsey, (Apalachin), chair-seating
Snooks, William D., (Apalachin), farm laborer
Snyder, Nett, widow Edward D., resident
Southwick, William, (Flemingville), sugar orchard 76 trees, and farmer 100
Spencer, A. Judson, farmer 180
Spencer, Arminda, widow Brinton W., farm 65
Spencer, George, (Campville), trackman
Spencer, Hiram, farm laborer
Sprong, Christopher C., farmer 75
Sprong, George, farmer
Stage, Clarence, (Flemingville), farmer, leases of Harry I. Clapham, 125
Stalker, Charles, farm laborer
Stalker, George, emp. Leonard Foster
Stanton, Asa, surveyor and farmer 195
Stanton, Mary, (Union, Broome Co.), widow Edward, resident
Stedman, Lyman, (Flemingville), farmer 58
Stedman, Wheeler, (Flemingville, hay, coal, lumber, produce, and farmer 170
Steele, Aaron, (Apalachin), express and station agt. D. L. & W. R. R.
Steele, Aurelia, widow William, farm 105
Steele, E. Jennie, teacher
Steele, George, farmer 26
Steele, James, (Apalachin), farmer 42, h Main
Steele, Maria, (Apalachin), widow Lucius, h Main
Steele, Marinda, widow Aaron W., resident
Steele, Philetus, farmer, leases of Aaron W. Steele 160
Steenburg, Fred, (Apalachin), farmer 70
Steenburg, Isaac, (Apalachin), farmer 30
Steenburg, Nicholas, (Apalachin), farmer
Stein, Jacob, laborer
Stephens, Bert, (South Apalachin), farmer 100
Stephens, Henry, (South Apalachin), farmer 125
Stephens, Samuel J., farmer 52
Stevens, Charles, farm laborer
Stockwell, Frank, (Gaskill's Corners), farm laborer
Stone, Charles M., farmer 28
Stratton, James H., farmer, leases of Hiram Johnson 40
Stratton, John, (Union, Broome Co.), farmer
Stratton, Richard, wagon maker, and farmer 35
Strong, Beri, (Flemingville), farm laborer
Strong, Charles, farmer, leases of Mrs. Caroline Allen 90
Strong, Clayton B., farmer
Strong, Susan A., widow Levi, leases of Dr. Phelps 100
Sturtevant, Harrison C., farm laborer
Stilson, Eugene, (Apalachin), farm laborer
Stilson, Sarah E., (Apalachin), widow Hiram, farm 6
Stinard, Joseph, miller
Stinard, R. C harles, farmer
Surdam, P. Smith, (Union, Broome Co.), farmer 127
Swartwood, Joseph A., (Apalachin), gardener, h Cross
Swart, J. Walter, (Campville), farmer 42
Talcott, Charles, apiarist 35 swarms, and farmer 75
Talcott, Frederick, farmer
Talcott, Eunice B., widow Joel, resident
Talcott, George B., apiarist 70 swarms, 90 head sheep, and farmer 207
Talcott, William H., farmer 75
Tallmade, Ezra W., fruit grower, 600 apple trees, and farmer 116
Taylor, Frank, resident
Teater, Philip, (Union, Broome Co.), farmer 80
Terbush, Clark, (South Owego), farmer 188
Terbush, Hiram, (Apalachin), farmer 46
Thomas, Jane E. Mrs., resident
Thomas, William, farmer 44
Thompson, John A., (Apalachin), farm laborer
Thompson, William, (Apalachin), shoemaker, Main, h William
Thornton, Abram, emp. Foster's saw-mill
Thornton, Thomas, basket and shoemaker
Throop, John G., (Apalachin), farmer 25
Tilbury, Charles F., (Campville), farmer 50
Tilbury, Frederick, (Union, Broome Co.), farmer 100
Tilbury, Herman M., (Campville), potato dealer, and farmer 40
Tilbury, Isaac, farmer 96
Tilbury, James, (Campville), farmer 100
Tobey, James D., (Apalachin), saw-mill, and farmer 30
Tobey, Ruel L., (Apalachin), farm laborer
Toburn, Richard, (Campville), trackman
Tousley, Silas G., farmer 50
Towsand, Frederick, farmer 91
Towsand, Joel, farmer 100
Towsand, John, farmer 110
Towser, John, farm laborer
Tracey, Benjamin F., (Apalachin) (B. F. Tracey & Son)
Tracey, B. F. & Son, (Apalachin) (Frank B.), props. Marshland stock
Tracey, Frank B., (Apalachin) (B. F. Tracey & Son)
Tracy, Frank Y., (Apalachin) (Howell & Tracy) h Cross
Tracy, Harrison, (Apalachin), farmer 110
Tracy, Harvey J., (Apalachin) stock raising and farmer 105
Tracy, Pardon, (Apalachin) (Howell & Tracy) h Church
Travis, Charles J., farmer with his father James
Travis, James, farmer 50
Travis, Samuel, (Apalachin) farmer 50
Travis, William, (Apalachin) hostler
Truman, Aaron B., (Gaskill's Corners), farmer 203
Truman, Charles E., (Flemingville), postmaster, justice of the peace and
farmer 70
Truman, Elias, farmer 160
Truman, Elias W., (Apalachin) farmer
Truman, Lyman B., (South Owego), postmaster and farmer 250
Trusdell, Morris, (Campville), farmer, leases of Michael Livingston 80
Tucker, Nelson, (Apalachin) resident
Tullock, James A., (Flemingville), farmer 40
Tuttle, Jason, (Campville), laborer
Tyrrell, Henry I., farmer 33
Tyrrell, Walter D., farmer, leases of W. Fox estate 100
Van Brunschoten, George W., (Apalachin) farmer 6
Van Dermark, farm laborer [first name not stated]
Van Gorder, Ezra, (Apalachin), farmer
Van Gorder, James, (Apalachin), farmer
Van Gorder, Jonathan, retired
Vanorder, Frederick, (Gaskill's Corners), farm laborer
Van Riper, Fred, (Apalachin), farmer
Van Riper, Morris, (Apalachin), farmer 27
Verguson, Edward, (Gaskill's Corners), farmer for F. W. Smith 240
Verry, Russell, (Little Meadows, Pa.), farmer
Viele, John N., farmer 25
Vincent, Dexter C., cooper
Vosburgh, Stephen H., saw-filer
Wade, John, (Flemingville), farm laborer
Wade, Ozias D., (Flemingville), farmer 41, and in Newark 65
Wait, Charles B., (East Nichols), farmer 90
Wait, Frederick C., (East Nichols), farmer 200
Wait, Henry, (East Nichols), farmer 112
Wait, Horace, (East Nichols), farmer with his father Charles
Wait, John, farmer 50
Wait, John H., (East Nichols), farmer with his father William 225
Wait, William, (East Nichols), farmer 225
Wait, William H., farmer with his father John 50
Walker, Abram, (Campville), laborer
Walker, Frank, carpenter
Walker, George D., (Union, Broome Co.), farmer 128
Walker, Judson R., farmer, with his father Rial
Walker, Rial, farmer 36
Walter, Artemas, (Gaskill's Corners), farmer 250
Walter, Franklin A., (Gaskill's Corners), carpenter
Walter, Lester, (Gaskill's Corners), farmer for his father Artemas
Walter, Lyman, (Gaskill's Corners), farm laborer
Walter, Herman, (Gaskill's Corners), student
Walter, Margaret, (Gaskill's Corners), widow William, farm 300
Walter, Orin, (Gaskill's Corners), farmer, leases of Mrs. M. Walters 300
Ward, Charles, farmer, leases of Ira Edwards
Ward, Daniel, farmer with his father Richard 55
Ward, Richard, farmer with his son Daniel 55
Warrick, Peter, retired farmer
Warrick, Samusl, (Union, Broome Co.), farmer
Welch, Charles, farmer, works on shares for the Misses Hollenback 275
Welch, James, (Gaskill's Corners), farmer 80
Welch, Herbert, farmer 40
Wells, Maria K., resident
Wemple, Isaac S., (Union, Broome Co.), farmer 84
Wenn, John, (Union, Broome Co.), farmer 100
Wheeler, Charles, (Apalachin), farmer
Wheeler, Fred S., (Campville), clerk
Wheeler, John, (Campville), groceries and provisions
White, Andrew, (Apalachin), farmer 110
Whitmarsh, Andrew, on Hiawatha Island, works on shares for C. M. LaMonte
Whitney, David H., (Campville), farmer 23
Whitney, Nathan S., (Campville), farmer
Whittaker, Wellington, (Apalachin) (Sleeper & Whittaker) h Main
Whittemore, Alvin, (Union, Broome Co.), farmer 85
Whittemore, Charles, farmer 80
Whittemore, Egbert, (Union, Broome Co.), farmer 17
Whittemore, Fred, (Union, Broome Co.), farmer, works on shares for Charles
J. Stanton, 162
Whittemore, George, (Union, Broome co.), farmer 120
Whittemore, John, carpenter and farmer 40
Whittemore, Marcus, (Campville), laborer
Whittemore, Virgil, farmer 200
Whittemore, William, (Gaskill's Corners), farmer 140
Wicks, Lucius M., ice-dealer
Wilcox, Elizabeth Mrs., (Apalachin), resident, h Main
Williams, Emeline, widow James H., resident
Williams, George E., farmer 110
Williams, Isaac F., farmer 41
Williams, Jacob, retired
Williams, John E., (Apalachin), harness-maker, Main, h Church
Williams, Lucy, widow Reuben, resident
Williams, Stephen L., farmer, and leases of Mrs. Lucy Williams 100
Williams, Wright B., fruit-grower and farmer 100
Wililamson, Ezra M., farmer 80
Williamson, George D., agt. for the "Sprague" farm wagon, and farmer, leases
of Mrs. M. McLean
Williamson, Isaac, farmer
Wilsey, Otis, (South Owego), farmer 150
Winans, Ernest, farmer with his father Orlando
Winans, Orlando, farmer 110
Winchell, John J., (Flemingville), farmer 71
Winne, Ajelica, (Gaskill's Corners), widow Walter V., resident [name spelled
Ajelica in directory]
Winne, Eugene, (Gaskill's Corners), farmer with his broher James 183
Winne, Jacob, farmer 30
Winne, James, (Gaskill's Corners), farmer with his brother Eugene 183
Winship, Frank, (Flemingville), farm laborer
Witter, Lyman, farmer 70
Witter, William, shingle-maker and farmer
Wolcott, Aaron, (South Owego), farmer 50
Wood, Alva, (Apalachin), farmer 37
Wood, Andrew J., farmer 41
Wood, Catherine E., (Apalachin), widow Luman B., farmer 75
Wood, Charles E., (Flemingville), dealer in agricultural implements and
Wood, Charles H., cabinet-maker
Wood, Clarence, farmer
Wood, C. Leonard, emp. Kin & Co.
Wood, Edward B., (Apalachin), farmer with his mother Catherine
Wood, Frank T., (Gaskill's Corners), farmer 75
Wood, J. Henry, farm laborer
Wood, Nelson, (Flemingville), farm laborer
Wood, Royal, (Flemingville), farm laborer
Wood, Royal P., farmer 85
Wood, Samuel H., farmer with his father Andrew J.
Worrick, Charles T., farmer 70, and leases of Anna M. Boyce 110
Worrick, Freeman, (Apalachin), farmer
Worrick, Nathaniel S., farmer 130
Woughter, Andrew C., (Union, Broome Co.), farmer 113
Woughter, Avery, (Union, Broome Co.), farmer 70
Woughter, Chester, (Union, Broome Co.), farmer 50
Woughter, Cornelius, (Union, Broome Co.), farmer 85
Woughter, Vol, farmer 57 1/2
Wright, Adam, farmer, works on shares fosr Joseph Young 100
Wright, Elson, farm laborer
Yarrington, Sylvia, (Apalachin), widow Washington, bds. Main
Yates, Daniel, (Campville), farmer 36
Yates, Frank, (Apalachin), farmer
Yates, George L., farmer with his father John
Yates, John, farmer 70
Yates, John S., (Apalachin), farmer 85
Yates, Mary A., resident
Yearsley, Aaron, (Apalachin), horseman
Yearsley, William, (Apalachin), emp. Marshland stock farm, h Main
York, Abram, (Apalachin), farm laborer
Young, Charles, farmer 50
Young, George, farmer 265
Young, Joseph, farmer 200
REMINDER: these people resided OUTSIDE of the Owego
village limits. Locations in parentheses are their post office addresses.