1887 - 88 Directory - Town of Owego, NY
Part 1, "A - H"

[Outside Village of Owego Limits]

Donated by Martha S. Magill

Source: Directory of Tioga County, New York 1887-'88 Compiled and Published by W. B. Gay & Co. Syracuse, N.Y.: The Syracuse Journal Company, Printers and Binders. 1887

The Syracuse Journal Company, Printers and Binders 1887 Directory is arranged as follows - Name of individual or firm, postoffice address in parenthesis if different from name of town, business or occupation, figures placed after the occupation of a farmer indicate the number of acres owned or leased

Abbreviations used:
bds - boards; emp - employee; h - house; manuf - manufacturer;
prop - proprietor.
The word street is implied.
(Postoffice address is Nichols, NY unless otherwise designated in parenthesis.)

I have NO information on the persons listed.
Please contact the Tioga County Historical Society.

Ahern, Daniel, (Apalachin), book-keeper
Akerly, Charles, (Campville), laborer
Akerly, Jerry, (Campville), laborer
Aldrich, Aaron, (Apalachin), farmer
Aldrich, Charles, (Apalachin), farm laborer
Aldrich, Charles E. farmer with his mother Minerva H.
Aldrich, Frederick, (Apalachin), retired, h Main
Aldrich, Heman B., (Apalachin), resident, bds. Main
Aldrich, Melvin O., farmer 20
Aldrich, Minerva H., widow Olney, farm 50
Alger, Phineas, cooper
Allen, John, (Gaskill's Corners), farm laborer
Allen, Reuben, (Flemingville), retired farmer
Ames, Lydia, (Apalachin), resident
Ames, Phineas N., farmer 6
Anaville, Charles, farmer, leases of Mr. Thomas 130
Andrews, Romeo, butcher and cattle dealer
Annable, Jarvis B., farmer 50
Anson, Mary, (Apalachin), widow Amos, rsident, h Main
Appleby, Francis, (Union Broome Co.), farm laborer
Arnold, George, (Apalachin), farm laborer
Ayer, Mary A., (Apalachin), widow Isaac, resident, h Main
Ayer, Warren, (Apalachin), farmer 125
Ayers, Charles, physician
Ayers, Loren F., farmer

Bailey, James, farmer 82
Bailey, Thomas, farmer
Bakeman, David, (Gaskill's Corners), farmer 3
Bakeman, Philip, (Gaskill's Corners), farmer 95
Baker, Albert E., farmer for C. LaMonte
Baker, Charles, (Apalachin), carpenter, h Ferry
Baker, E. Vandaber, (Flemingville), farmer 54, and in Newark Valley 25
Baker, William, (Flemingville), farm laborer
Ballard, James, (Campville), peddler
Ballou, Hartwell M., wagon-maker, carpenter and farmer 25
Ballou, Wendell D., music teacher
Banney, John F., (Apalachin), farmer with his father Ransom
Barker, Chauncey, (Apalachin), farmer 30
Barker, Chauncey Jr., farmer 36
Barker, Simeon, (Apalachin), farmer
Barnes, Newton W. Rev., (Apalachin), pastor M. E. church, h Church
Barnes, Reed A., farmer 75
Barney, E. Allen, (Apalachin), farmer 55
Barnhart, Alanson D., farm laborer
Barrett, Eugene, (Gaskill's Corners), farmer 117
Barrett, Simeon L., (Flemingville), farmer 80
Barton, Albert, (Apalachin), farmer
Barton, Andrew J., (Flemingville), farmer 100
Barton, Charles, (Apalachin), farmer with his mother Jane
Barton, Charles L., (Apalachin), butcher
Barton, Effy A. Mrs., prop. LaMonte ferry
Barton, George H., (Apalachin), farmer 40
Barton, Jane, (Apalachin), widow Isaac, farmer 107
Barton, Lester, (Union, Broome Co.), farmer 40
Barton, Louis A., carpenter and farmer 47
Barton, Rebecca W., widow Morris W., resident
Barton, Renselaer, blacksmith and farmer
Barton, Smith Jr., (Apalachin), farmer 80
Barton, Thomas, (Apalachin), farmer
Barton, Thomas, carpenter and farmer
Barton, Virgil P., (Flemingville), farmer 80
Barton, William, (Apalachin), farmer 45
Barton, William, (Apalachin), produce, h William
Barto, Charles, (Apalachin), laborer, h Church
Bateman, Isaac, (Campville), farmer 40
Bates, German A., (Apalachin), farmer with his father Gilford
Bates, Gilford, (Apalachin), farmer 40
Beach, George W., (Apalachin), physician and surgeon, Main, h Ferry
Beach, Olive, widow Nathan, farmer 33
Beardslee, William L., (South Owego), farmer 114
Becker, Fayette, retired farmer
Beebe, Orin, (South Apalachin), postal clerk and farmer
Beebe, Reuben, (South Apalachin), farmer 119
Beecher, Edgar R., farmer with his father, Isaac S.
Beecher, Isaac S., farmer 71
Beeman, Horace W., wood-sawing and feed-mill, and farmer 40
Beers, Charles M., farmer 47
Beers, Julia M., widow James, farmer 65
Belknap, John J., (Campville), farmer 120
Belknap, Parmelia Miss (Campville), resident
Bell, John, (Apalachin), trackman, bds. Exchange Hotel
Benjamin, Albert, farmer 55
Benjamin, J. Allan, farmer with his father Albert
Benjamin, James, retired
Benjamin, James U., farmer 165
Benner, Louise E., (Apalachin), music teacher, bds. Main
Benner, Ordelia, (Apalachin), widow Philip R., resident, h Main
Bennett, William, (Campville), farmer
Berdine, Laramie, (South Apalachin), widow William, resident
Berdine, William P., (South Apalachin), farmer 186
Billings, Charles (Little Meadows, Pa.), farmer 28
Billings, Norman, (Apalachin), farmer 55
Billings, Ransom, (Apalachin), farmer on shares with Almon Hotchkiss
Bills, Alonzo, (South Apalachin), deputy postmaster
Bills, Amari, (Apalachin), farmer 30
Bills, James H., school trustee and farmer 100
Bills, Maria, (Apalachin), widow Warren, farm 125
Bills, Nehemiah, (Apalachin), laborer
Bills, Paul, (Apalachin), farmer 6
Bills, Ulysses, farmer 25
Bishop, Gilbert, (Apalachin), carpenter, h Main
Blair, Asa, (Flemingville), farmer
Blair, Ezra, farm laborer
Blow, Amanda, widow Francis, farm 50
Blow, Arthur, farmer on shares with H. Codner 90
Blow, Frank L., prop. threshing-machine and farmer 25
Blow, George, farmer with his father Henry
Blow, Henry, farmer 80
Blow, William, farmer 18, and on shares with his mother Amanda 50
Bodle, Arthur, farmer
Bornt, Anna Mrs., farm 35
Bornt, Frederick, (Campville), farmer 80
Bornt, Levi, (Union, Broome Co.), farmer 91
Bornt, Peter, (Campville), farmer 10
Bornt, Samuel, (Campville), farmer 40
Bornt, William H., (Union, Broome Co.), farmer with his father Levi
Bostwick, Curtis, farmer 52
Bostwick, Fred, farmer 138
Bostwick, Melvin F., farmer 105
Bostwick, Oliver, farmer 50
Bostwick, Spencer, farmer 70
Bostwick, Thomas, farmer 85
Bostwick, Willis, farmer 40
Bourst, Menzo, farm laborer
Bowen, Isaac A., law student
Bowen, Jonathan P., farmer 50
Bowen, William J., farmer, leases of J. F. Holmes 55
Boyce, John R., (Apalachin), clerk for Sleeper & Whitaker, bds. Main
Bradley, Otis, farmer 33
Bradt, Anthony, farmer 15
Bradt, Frank, farmer, works on shares for his father John 108
Bradt, John, farmer 108
Bradt, Peter, farmer 40
Brainard, Polly, (South Owego), widow Albert, resident
Branch, Andrew, (Campville), shoemaker
Branch, Charles, (Campville), brakeman
Brewster, John, (Apalachin), farmer 50
Briggs, Anson, farmer 60
Briggs, Charles, farmer, leases of Mrs. George Smith 83
Brink, Jefferson H., farm laborer
Brink, Mulford, (Union, Broome Co.), farmer for his father John 60
Brank, William, (Apalachin), farm laborer
Brooks, Henry G., (Campville), farmer 69
Brooks, John, (Campville), retired farmer
Brooks, John G., farmer 19
Brougham, Henry A., farmer 10
Brougham, Joseph, (Union, Broome Co.), farmer, leaes of William Conell 200
Brown, Asel, (Little Meadows, Pa.), farmer 50
Brown, Edgar, (Apalachin), farmer
Brown, Frank, (Little Meadows, Pa.), farmer 98
Brown, Frank L., (Apalachin), painter, h Cross
Brown, George, (Union, Broome Co.), school trustee, and farmer 125
Brown, Royal S., (Apalachin), butcher, h Main
Brown, Simeon, (Apalachin), farmer 27
Brown, William H. (Apalachin), farm laborer
Brownell, Benjamin W., farmer 50 and wood lot 36
Brownell, George, farmer with his father Benjamin W.
Brownell, John C., (Flemingville), farmer 84 and wood lot 86
Brumage, Ann, (Flemingville), widow William, resident
Brumage, David (Flemingville), farmer 20
Buck, Alonzo D., farmer 46 1/2
Buck, Charles W., carpenter and farmer
Buck, George H., carpenter
Bunzey, Charles H., farmer, works on shares 150
Bunzey, Sophia, widow Jacob, resident
Burgett, Robert, farmer 80
Burton, Amelia, (South Owego), widow Obadiah, farm 100
Burton, Ann, (Apalachin), widow Benjamin
Burton, Oliver, (South Owego), farmer 50

Cafferty, Asa, (Campville), farmer 120
Cafferty, Fayette, (Campville), farmer 55
Cafferty, Frank B., farmer 50
Cafferty, James, (Union, Broome Co.), farmer 200
Cafferty, James Jr., (Union, Broome Co.), farmer 50
Cafferty, Muron, farmer, leases of James Armstrong 105
Camp, Gurdon H., (Apalachin), horse dealer, h Main
Camp, Nathan, (Campville), farmer 129
Camp, Orin, threshing machine and farm laborer
Campbell & Lamphere, (Apalachin), (I. W. C. & G. U. L.) saw and planning-mill, depot
Campbell, David S., farmer 85
Campbell, Isaac W., (Apalachin) (Campbell & Lamphere), h depot
Campbell, John A., farmer with his father
Campbell, Jospeh, farmer, leases of Elin Gould 160
Campbell, Joseph Jr., emp. Coe's saw-mill
Campbell, Raph, fireman Coe's mill
Cane, Ezra, farmer on shares with Mrs. Steele 105
Cane, Peter, farmer with his father Ezra
Card, Abel, (Apalachin), farmer 27
Card, Albert, (Apalachin), farmer with his mother Eliza 24
Card, Charles, (Apalachin), farmer 24
Card, David, (Apalachin), farmer 32
Card, Eliza, (Apalachin), widow Harrison, farmer 24
Card, Henry, (Apalachin), farmer with his mother Eliza 24
Card, Isaac, (Flemingville), engineer
Card, John, (Apalachin), farmer with his father David 32
Carleton, M. Dwight, farm laborer
Carman, Charles, (Apalachin), farm laborer
Carpenter, Albert J., farmer 54
Carpenter, Ann M., widow Joseph S., resident
Carrier, A. B., (Apalachin), laborer, h River
Carrier, Hartley, (Apalachin), farmer, leases of Simeon Barker 50
Carte, Louise, widow Eli, farmer 50
Case, Daniel, (Campville), farmer 50
Case, Hiram, (Campville), farmer 50
Case, Marilla D., (Campville), widow Zenos, resident
Case, Peter, (Union, Broome Co.), farmer 50
Castle, Albert, laborer
Catlin, George L., (Apalachin), supt. Marshland stock farm
Catlin, Jacob, (Apalachin), farmer 40, h Main
Central House, (Apalachin), Alanson Goodenow, prop., h do
Chaffee, Elizabeth, widow Oliver P., resident
Chandler, Harrison, farmer
Chapman, Horace, resident
Chidester, John, (Little Meadows, Pa.), farmer
Childs, Mark W., (Campville), school teacher
Clapham, Harry J., (Flemingville), manager and prop. Globe Theatre Co., and farmer 160
Clark, David L., (Apalachin), farmer 75
Clark, James, farmer 100
Clanson, Albert, (Apalachin), farmer on shares with W. Hilton 50
Codner, Charles N., farmer with his father Nelson
Codner, Hiram, farmer 90
Codner, John, (East Nichols), farmer 100
Codner, Nelson, farmer 100
Coffin, Frank, (South Apalachin), farmer with his father
Coffin, Harvey, farm laborer
Coffin, Lucy, (South Owego), widow Henry, resident
Coffin, William H., (South Apalachin0, farmer 75, and on shares with F. D. Coffin 130
Cole, Abram, farmer 75
Cole, Helen, matron County Alms House
Cole, William T., farmer 25
Coleman, Peter, (Campville), trackman
Conant, Emery, (Little Meadows, Pa.), farmer
Congdon, Amos, (East Nichols), farmer 100
Conklin, Alfred, farmer 100
Conklin, Charles H., farmer, leases of Mrs. Anson Decker 60
Conklin, David, (Apalachin), farm laborer, h River
Conklin, Lewis D., mason
Conklin, Marcus A., (Apalachin), bds. River
Conklin, Matthew H., (Apalachin), laborer, bds. River
Conklin, William, carriage-maker
Connant, Simeon, blacksmith
Connell, Edward, farmer 20
Connell, Joseph, resident
Connor, Martin, (Campville), trackman
Cooper, Charles, (Union, Broome Co.), farmer 70
Cooper, George P., (Apalachin), farmer on shares with F. Aldrich 40
Cooper, Hiram, (Apalachin), farmer
Coots, Henry D., milk dealer and farmer, works on shares for Reuben Fraser 140
Corbin, Arthur L., (South Owego), farmer 30, and on shares with Myron Prince 100
Corbin, George, farm laborer
Corbin, Newell, (South Apalachin), farmer 50
Cornell, Daniel, (Union Center, Broome Co.), farmer 150
Cornell, Eli, (Union Center, Broome Co.), farmer 150
Cornell, Eugene, (Union, Broome Co.), farmer 64
Cornell, Henry, blacksmith
Cornell, Thomas, (Union, Broome Co.), farmer 70
Courtright, Herbert N., (Apalachin), shoemaker
Cragan, John, (Apalachin), mason, h William
Crandall, Amos J., farmer on shares with Asa Stanton 135
Crater, Samuel, farmer 50
Crawford, Arthur, farmer 100
Crawford, Merrills J., (South Owego), farmer 100
Creemon, Aaron, (Apalachin), farmer
Crounse, Henry E., (Gaskill's Corners), farmer 175
Crum, James, farmer 20
Curtis, Bertie D., (Gaskill's Corners), invalid
Curtis, Harmon, (Gaskill's Corners), postmasmter and prop. saw and feed-mill and grocery
Curtis, Harvey, nurseryman 2

Daniels, Darwin H., (Union Center, Broome Co.), farmer 50
Daniels, Douglas, (Union Center, Broome Co.), farmer 60
Daniels, George F., farmer 20
Daniels, Gustavus, (Union Center, Broome Co.), farmer 70
Darling, Albert, (Little Meadows, Pa.), farmer 70
Davidson, John, (South Apalachin), farmer 107
Davis, Leslie R., farmer with his mother Mary A.
Davis, Mary A., widow James, farm 19
Davis, Walter J., farm laborer
Davis, William, farm laborer
Davison, Lucius, (Apalachin), farmer 70
Decker, Albert L., farm laborer
Decker, Emanuel, (Union, Broome Co.), farmer
Decker, Gideon, farm laborer
Decker, John S., (Apalachin), carpenter
Decker, John W., farmer 85
Decker, Jonathan, laborer
Decker, Marvin W., farm laborer
Decker, Narcis Mrs., resident
Decker, Wayne, farmer
DeGroat, J. DeWitt, musical instruments, and milk dealer
DeGroat, Lorenzo, farmer 99
Delaney, Richard, (Apalachin), trackman, bds. Exchange Hotel
Dennison, Cerene, widow Henry, farm 25
Dennison, George, farmer with his mother Cerene
Dennison, Joseph, farm laborer
Deuel, Augustus S., farmer 59
Dexter, Adelia, widow Frank B., farmer 40
Dexter, Edwin J., (Campville), carpenter and farmer
Deyo, William, farmer, works for Michael Lynch 100
Dickinson, Ira W., (Campville), Methodist clergyman, and farmer 44
Dickinson, McKenzie, (Campville), postmaster and grocery
Dingman, Abraham, (Apalachin), retired, h William
Dingman, John, (South Owego), farmer 160
Dodge, Asa J., farmer 70
Dodge, Benjamin F., farmer
Dodge, Daniel S., farmer 120
Dodge, John G., expressman
Donnelly, Joanna, widow John, resident
Donnelly, Matthew, farmer 141
Donnovan, John, track-hand
Doty, James, farm laborer
Dougherty, James R., farmer
Dowd, James, (Little Meadows, Pa.), farmer
Downs, William, (Apalachin), blacksmith, h Main
Doyle, Bernard, (Apalachin), laborer, h Main
Drake, Charles, (Apalachin), farmer 40
Drake, Tamar, (Apalachin), widow Jerome
Duane, Burr, farmer 100
Duane, John, farmer 100
Dunham, Asa, farmer 131
Dunham, Burdett N., (South Apalachin), farmer
Dunham, Chauncey R., dairy 35 cows and farmer for G. S. Camp 130
Dunham, Dudley J., (South Apalachin), farmer
Dunham, Jennie, (South Apalachin), teacher
Dunham, Nathan Y., farmer
Dunham, Sylman, (South Apalachin), farmer 95
Dunham, Willard F., farmer
Dutton, Mortimer E., (Apalachin), boarding-house

Easton, Mary, (Apalachin), widow Julien G., resident
Edward, Edward (Campville), blacksmith
Edwards, Edson, (Apalachin), resident
Edwards, Fred, (Apalachin), farmer with his father Ira
Edwards, Ira, 1st, (Apalachin), farmer 65
Edwards, Ira, (Apalachin), butcher and farmer, h Main
Edwards, Nelson, (Apalachin), resident
Edwards, Susie, (Apalachin), dressmaker
Eldred, Nelson, farmer 60
Eldridge, Chester, farm laborer
Eldridge, Simeon, (Union, Broome Co.), laborer
Elliott, Francis H ., (Apalachin), painter, h Main
Ellis, Airy Mrs., resident
Ellis, Nathan H., prop. grist and flouring-mill
Evans, Truman, (Campville), carpenter
Exchange Hotel, (Apalachin), John S. Ryan, prop., Main

Fairbanks, Benjamin R., (Apalachin), hostler Exchange Hotel, bds. do
Fairbanks, Benjamin R., (Apalachin), laborer
Fairbanks, Harriet E., (Apalachin), farm 47 1/2
Ferguson, David, (South Owego), farmer with Mrs. Slawson 160
Ferguson, Eugene B., (Flemingville), farmer 100
Fessenden, Adelbert N., (Apalachin), resident, h Cross
Fessenden, Nelson Rev., (Apalachin), Wesleyan Methodist, h Cross
Finch, Jehial S., farmer 79
Finch, Russell, farmer 25
Fish, Frank E., (Apalachin), farm laborer
Fisk, Darwin, (Gaskill's Corners), farm laborer
Fleming, John, (Flemingville), farmer 120
Fleming, Luke, (Flemingville), farmer 54
Folker, Frank, (Apalachin), farm laborer
Ford, Charles H., (Gaskill's Corners), carpenter
Ford, George L., (Gaskill's Corners), farmer 350
Foster, David, (Apalachin), farm laborer
Foster, Electa, widow Daniel R., resident
Fox, Alanson, farmer 75
Fox, Albert, (Apalachin), retired
Fox, Allen, farmer 50
Fox, Charles, apiarist, and farmer 32
Fox, Fred, farmer 51
Fox, Fred E., (Apalachin), farmer with E. Jones 31
Fox, George, (Apalachin), farmer
Fox, Ira, (East Nichols), farmer 50
Fox, James, (Apalachin), farm laborer
Fox, Jerome, (Gaskill's Corners), farmer, works on shares for Charles Becker 120
Fox, John, (Gaskill's Corners), laborer
Fox, Julia A., (Apalachin), widow Charles T., resident, bds. Cross
Fox, Lewis L., (Apalachin), telegraph operator, h William
Fox, Oliza, resident
Fox, Russell, (Apalachin), farmer 53
Fox, Thomas (Campville), farm laborer
Fox, William, farmer 100
Fox, William S., (Apalachin), contractor and builder, h William
Frear, Elias, (Apalachin), farmer
Frear, Hannah, widow John, farmer 40
French, William, farmer 75
Fuller, Benjamin F., (Apalachin), carriage-maker, Main, h William
Fulmer, Charles, farmer 112
Fullmer, Peter, (Gaskill's Corners), farmer 80
Fulmer, Philip, farmer 45

Gage, Ellen, widow Jeremiah, resident
Gage, Ezra M., farmer 50
Gage, Mary A. Mrs., (Apalachin), teacher, bds. Cross
Gage, Miner, apiarist 50 swarms, and farmer 75
Gage, Walter, apiarist 38 swarms, and farmer 37
Garrison, Chester, (Apalachin), farmer 35
Garrison, James, (Apalachin), farm laborer
Gaskill, David W., farmer 40
Gaskill, Frank, milk peddler
Gaskill, Paul, (Gaskill's Corners), farmer 110
Gaskill, Stephen H., (Gaskill's Corners), farmer for his father Paul
Gaskill, Wilder J., (Apalachin), retired merchant, h Main
Gaskill, William C., (Apalachin), farmer 13, h Main
Gibson, David W., (South Apalachin), farmer on shares with Orin Bebee 100
Gibson, Frank, (Little Meadows, Pa.), farmer
Gibson, George, (Apalachin), farmer
Gibson, William, (Apalachin), laborer, h Ferry
Gifford, Albert R., (South Owego), farmer with his mother Sophia H.
Gifford, David S., (South Owego), farmer 100
Gifford, Sophia H., (South Owego), widow Russell D., farm 85
Gile, Orton, gardener
Giles, Alexander (South Owego), farmer
Giles, Ebenezer, (South Owego), farmer 50
Giles, John S., (Apalachin), pres't School Board, small fruit and hop grower, apiarist 200 swarms, and farmer 115
Glann, George W., (Apalachin), farmer
Glass, James H., (Apalachin), farmer 160
Glann, Martin, (Apalachin), farmer 50
Glann, William, (Apalachin), farmer 140
Glover, Anson, (Apalachin), farmer
Glover, George, (Apalachin), farmer
Glover, Stephen B., (Apalachin), farmer
Goodenow, Abram, (Apalachin), farmer 42
Goodenow, Alanson, (Apalachin), prop. Central House, and farmer 26
Goodenow, Chauncey B., (Apalachin), clerk Central House, bds. do
Goodenow, Henry, (Apalachin), farmer 38
Goodenow, Isaac, (Apalachin), farmer 5
Goodenow, John W., (Apalachin), hostler Central House, bds. do
Goodenow, Peter, (Apalachin), resident
Goodenow, Ransom B., (Apalachin), farmer on shares with his father Abram, 140
Goodrich, Edwin, farmer
Goodrich, Matthew, farmer 87
Goodsel, A. Ford, farmer 61
Goodspeed, Alden, farmer 100, and leases of Abner Goodspeed 50
Goodspeed, James, (East Nichols), farmer 100
Gould, Andrew C., farm laborer
Gould, Charles P., farm laborer
Gould, Elin, (Apalachin), resident
Gould, George W., farmer with George Sandford
Gould, Smith, (South Owego), farmer 160
Gould, Stanley H., farmer, leases of Joel Tuttle, 60
Gower, Charles, (Union Center, Broome Co.), farmer
Gower, Thomas, (Union Center, Broome Co.), farmer
Graves, Chester W., (South Owego), farmer 260
Graves, E. Talmage, (South Owego), teacher
Graves, Horace, (Little Meadows, Pa.), farmer 100
Gray, John H., (Apalachin) (Kinney & Gray), h Main
Green, A. L. & R. D., (Gaskill's Corners), groceries and provisions
Green, Allen L., (A. L. & R. D. Green) (Gaskill's Corners)
Green, Mary A., (Apalachin), widow Nathan, resident
Green, R. Devere (A. L. & R. D. Green) (Gaskill's Corners)
Green, Will M., (Apalachin), farmer
Griffin, Alfred, retired carpenter
Griffin, Alvah, (Campville), farm laborer
Griffin, Edward E., farmer, leases of Mrs. B. W. Spencer 65
Griffin, Emily, widow Seth
Griffin, Fanny, (Gaskill's Corners) widow Alvah, resident
Griswold, George M., school trustee and farmer 92
Griswold, Jacob, (Apalachin), laborer, h Ferry
Groesbeck, Betsey, widow Cornelius, farm 70
Groesbeck, Charles H., farmer, leases of his father Isaac 50
Groesbeck, Frank P., farmer on shares with Mrs. Betsey Groesbeck
Groesbeck, George B., (South Owego), farmer on shares with Elin Gould
Groesbeck, George S., contractor and builder
Groesbeck, Isaac W., farmer 170
Groesbeck, Theodore P., farmer with his father Isaac W.
Groesbeck, William, (Apalachin), farmer, leases of I. W. Groesbeck 50

Hagadorn, Frank E., farmer with his father William A.
Hagadown, William A., farmer 108
Hall, Eunice E. Mrs. (Flemingville), prop. Flemingville Hotel, special attractions for summer boarders
Hall, George W., (Flemingville), hotel
Hall, Peter, (Apalachin), laborer
Hall, Temperance, (Apalachin), widow John, resident
Hall, William, (Little Meadows, Pa.), farmer 50
Halsted, Thomas D., (Gaskill's Corners), farmer 52
Hammond, Frederick, farmer 50
Haner, Addison L., carpenter and farmer 64
Haner, Irving J., farmer with his father Levi J.
Haner, Levi J., farmer 45
Haradon, Julius S., gardener
Harden, Ford, (Flemingville), laborer
Harrington, George W., (South Owego), farmer 34
Harrington, Lyman D., farmer 41
Harrington, Russell, farmer 41
Harris, David, (South Owego), farmer 168
Harris, Levi, (Apalachin), resident
Harris, Linus, (South Apalachin), farmer 100
Hart, Daniel, farmer 37
Harvey, Charles, (Apalachin), farmer, works for Charles Gland, 50
Hatfield, Harry, (Apalachin), laborer, h Main
Hauver, Frank M., farmer 35, and leases of James Archibald 160
Hayes, Henry, (Apalachin), lumberman
Hayes, Ira P., (Apalachin), farmer 36
Hayner, David H., (Campville), farmer 340
Hemstrought, Charles, (Campville), farmer 20
Hemstrought, Harvey, (Campville), farmer 24
Hemstrought, Jacob, (Campville), brakeman and farmer 45
Henstrought, James, (Campville), wagon-maker and farmer 30
Hemstrought, Jesse, (Campville), laborer
Hemstrought, Joseph, (Campville), farmer 50
Hemstrought, Lovejoy, (Campville), laboer
Hendershott, Adelbert, emp. grist-mill
Herrick, Bert, farm-hand county alms-house
Herrick, Edward P., (Flemingville), retired farmer
Herzig, Julius, farmer, works for Mrs. Shannon 37
Hiawatha House, on Hiawatha Island, estate of E. G. Brown, of N. Y. city, Eugene F. Baton, lesee
Hickein, John, farm laborer
Hickey, John, (Apalachin), farmer 112
Hickey, Patrick J., (Apalachin), farmer with his father John
Hickok, Godeon F., (South Owego), farmer 25
Hicks, Eber, (Apalachin), farmer 40
Higbee, George, farmer 135
Higbee, Orson, farmer with his father George
Higbee, Sidney C., farmer with his father George
Hills, George H., (Apalachin), farmer 130
Hills, John F., (Apalachin), resident
Hills, Marvin L., (Apalachin), farmer with his father George H.
Hills, Phoebe, (Apalachin), widow Abner
Hills, Levi G., (Apalachin), lawyer
Hilton, George, (Apalachin), farmer 50
Hilton, William, (Apalachin), farmer 45, h Main
Hoagland, Fred, farmer with his father William
Hoagland, William, farmer 60
Hoary, Edward, (Campville), trackman
Hodge, William, laborer
Holbrook, Albert, lumberman
Holbrook, Frank, lumberman
Holbrook, George, lumberman
Holbrook, Herman, lumberman
Holden, Edward P., farmer 100
Holden, Fred, (Flemingville), farm laborer
Holden, John F., farmer with his father Edward P.
Holden, Jonathan P., (Apalachin), farmer with I. W. Barton, 200
Holden, Melvin, (Flemingville), farm laborer
Holden, Oliver, (Flemingville), farmer 120
Hollenbeck, William, farmer 120
Hollister, Edwin S., (Gaskill's Corners), farmer 75
Hollister, Eliakim H., (Gaskill's Corners), farmer 73
Hollister, Watson P., (Gaskill's Corners), farmer 143
Holmes, Anson C., farmer with his father Easton
Holmes, Asher, (Apalachin), retired, h Main
Holmes Bros., (Apalachin), (James & Gilbert), dealers in horses, Depot
Holmes, Elston, farmer 200
Holmes, Gilbert, (Apalachin) (Holmes Bros.) also potato dealer and farmer 200, h Main
Holmes, James, (Apalachin) (Holmes Bros.) also commissioner high-ways, insurance agent and farmer 16
Holmes John, (Apalachin), notary public, lumberman, and farmer 200
Holmse, John J., clerk for Kinney & Gray, h William
Holmes, Ranson S., (Apalachin), farmer, leases of John Thurber 40, h Main
Holmes, Susan W., (Apalachin), widow Stephen, resident, bds. Main
Hopkins, Clark, (Union, Broome Co.), farmer
Hopkins, Lancy N., (Apalachin), drugs and medicines, Main, h do
Hopler, Peter Q. (Flemingville), laborer
Hotchkiss, Almond, (Apalachin), farmer 40, h Main
Hotchkiss, Edward, farmer 90
Howe, Peter R., (Apalachin), farmer 40
Howe, Ralph, farmer 36
Howell & Tracy, (Apalachin), (G. W. H. & P. T.), blacksmiths, and horse-shoers, Main
Howell, Charles W., (Apalachin), blacksmith
Howell, George W., (Apalachin), (Howell & Tracy), h Main
Howes, Joshua F., farmer
Hoxie, Raymond J., (Apalachin), farmer 50
Hullett, Oney, treamster
Hull, Catharine, widow Clark, resident
Hull, Dwight, (Gaskill's Corners), farmer 23
Hull, George W., (Gaskill's Corners), farmer 60
Hull, Wellington G., farmer 78
Hunt Bros. & Co. (John, Charles, Samuel and Susan), farmer 224
Hunt, Charles (Hunt Bros. & Co.), farmer
Hunt, Charles H., (Apalachin), farmer for Mrs. Mersereau
Hunt, Ellen, widow John, resident
Hunt, John, (Hunt Bros. & Co.), farmer
Hunt, Harriet L., (Apalachin), widow Thomas H., resident
Hunt, Samuel, (Hunt Bros. & Co.), farmer
Hunt, Susan, (Hunt Bros. & Co.), farm
Hyde, William, cooper

REMINDER: these people resided OUTSIDE of the Owego village limits. Locations in parentheses are their post office addresses.

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Ernie Miles