Gaher, Henry, tailor, bds. 73 Liberty
Gale, William E., station agent S. C. R. R., h 47 George
Gallagher, Dryden, widow William, bds. 41 Paige
Gardner, William G., manager Central House, Main cor. Lake
Garey, Henry J., brakeman, h 236 E. Temple
Garvey, Michael, laborer, h 111 Erie
Garvey, Patrick, emp. Erie R. R., h Delphine
Gates, Anna, widow Simon, bds. 229 Main
Gavell, Edward, cigar manuf. over 169 Main, h do
Gavin, Catherine, resident, bds. 125 Chestnut
Gavin, Mary, widow Patrick, h 125 Chestnut
Geary, Patrick, laborer, h 22 Temple
Genung, Abram C., carpenter, h 118 Franklin
Gere, Adaline, widow Bradford, 192 North ave.
Gere, Eugene B., attorney at law, 112 Front
Gere, Theodore D. (Gere, Truman, Platt & Co.) h 118 Main
Gere, Truman, Platt, & Co. (T. D. G., F. W. T., T. C. P. and C. F. Johnson)
manufs. "Champion" wagons, grain and fertilizer drills, harrows, etc. Central
Gibbons, John H., laborer, bds. Constine's lane
Gibson, Charlotte, widow Stephen D., h 205 North ave.
Gibson, Donald, bridge builder, h 205 North ave.
Gibson, Frank, laborer, h 205 North ave.
Gibson, Sarah, widow Edward G., resident, h 127 North ave.
Gilbert, Charity, widow John H., h 115 Temple
Gilday, Edward, clerk, bds. 54 Delphine
Gilday, John, emp. foundry, bds. 54 Delphine
Gilday, Michael, laborer, h 54 Delphine
Gilday, William, emp. foundry, bds. 54 Delphine
Giles, Chester, emp. foundry, bds. Canal
Gill, Ellen, widow Christopher, h 16 Paige
Gillett, Luther W. (Riley & Gillett) Front, h 114 McMaster
Gillett, J. Fred, clerk, bds. 114 McMaster
Gillson, William H., bridge carpenter, h 116 West ave.
Gilman, Herbert, stage driver, bds. Lackawanna House, South Side
Gilman, Milton H., prop. mill-yard, lumberland in Sullivan Co., Pa., h
Gilman, N. M. Mrs., millinery, 204 Front, h do.
Ginnane, Joseph, emp. foundry, h 161 West ave.
Ginnane, Mary, widow Edward, h 135 West ave.
Ginnane, Mary A., teacher, bds. 161 West ave.
Ginnane, Thomas, laborer, h 448 Front
Glaseo, Thomas, gardner(sic), h 112 Paige
Glezen, Oscar B., att'y at lsw, and justice of the peace, Academy Bldg.,
Court, h 9 Front
Goodnough, William, expressman, h 268 North ave.
Goodrich & Co. (J. W. Goodrich and W. H. Ellis) drygoods, 196 Front
Goodrich, David L., surveyor, h 388 Front
Goodrich, Frank, sewing-machine agent, h over 80 North ave.
Goodrich, James W. (Goodrich & Co.) h 27 Front
Goodrich, Lyman T., traveling agent, h 425 Front
Goodrich, Samuel, yard-master Erie R. R., h 123 Liberty
Goodspeed, Eliza A., widow Joel J., h 57 Paige
Goodspeed, Elizabeth, teacher, bds. 57 Paige
Goodwill, Burdett D., laborer, h 22 Temple
Goodwill, Martha M., widow James G., h 22 Temple
Gordon, Martha N., widow William C., resident, h 229 Main
Gordon, Samuel, laborer, h off North ave. near S. C. R. R. round-house
Gorman, Dorinda M., widow Capt. John, h 383 Front
Gorman, James, switchman, bds. 64 South Depot
Gorman, Orrin T., shipping-clerk, Gere, Truman, Platt & co., h 339 Main
Goss, Seward, retired, h 25 Ross
Gotleiber, Victor, policeman, bds. 88 Chestnut
Gould, Adam C., blacksmith, Temple, h 16 do.
Gould, Appleton H., leather-cutter, h 290 Prospect
Gould, Ephraim, retired, h Talcott
Gould, Ephraim C., drayman, bds. 112 West ave.
Gould, Frederick, emp. Drill Works, h 87 Liberty
Gould, Jane, widow Wilber D., h 234 Main
Gould, Joel S., retired, h 146 Talcott
Gould, Joseph, laborer, h Canal Front
Gould, Marion D., emp. foundry, bds. 16 Temple
Gould, Morris P., emp. foundry, h 8 Temple
Gould, William L., blacksmith, h 112 West ave.
Grand Army Hall, over 76 North ave.
Grand Union Tea Company, Milton T. Knight, agt., 42 Lake
Granger, Cora A., teacher, bds. 135 Main
Grant, Simon, produce, bds. 264 Main
Graves, Henry A., news, cigars and confectionary, 49 Lake, h 62 Church
Gray, George, painter, h Delphine
Gray, John C. (Cauldwell & Gray) h McMaster opp. Academy
Gray, John H., clerk, h North ave.
Green, James W., miller, h 119 Liberty
Greenleaf, Emeline, widow John M., bds. 105 Main
Greenleaf, John T., physician and surgeon, 101 Main, h 105 do.
Greenwood, Frank A., printer, bds. 80 William
Greenwood, James, custom boot and shoemaker, 188 Front, h 80 William
Greenwood, James W., emp. foundry, bds. 80 William
Greenwood, John E., emp. U. S. Express Co., bds. 80 William
Greenwood, Lizzie M., dressmaker, 80 William, bds. do.
Griffin, Emma, laundress, 138 Talcott
Griffin, Margaret Mrs., h 148 Fox
Griffing, Samuel B., village alderman and salesman, h 226 E. Temple
Grimes, James, brakeman, h 27 Adaline
Grimes, Sarah, widow James Jr., bds. 36 William
Groat, Abram W., confectionery and cigars, 115 North, h do.
Groo Lines (Andross & Groo) residence in New Jersey
Gross, Jerry S., lawyer, 178 Main, h do.
Hall, George H., dry goods, h 122 Main
Hall, Granville W., carpenter, bds. Cortright House
Hall, James D., apprentice, bds. 105 Franklin
Hall, Mary, widow Edward, h 105 Franklin
Hall, Michael, confectionery, h 59 Church
Hall, William, laborer, h Water
Hallock, Andrew J., brakeman, h 61 Forsyth
Hamilton, Joel A., contractor and builder, h 3 Front
Hammond, ___ (name not given), laborer, h 136 Main
Hammond, Edgar, baker, h over 69 North ave.
Hammond, Edwin, printer, h Buckbee Block
Hampton, James W. (Foster & Hampton) h 129 North ave.
Handlon, Jerry, saloon-keeper, bds. 133 North ave.
Haner, John, tanner, h 274 North ave.
Hannon, John, laborer, h 107 Fox
Hannon, Patrick, laborer, 88 South Depot
Hannon, Thomas, local mail agent, h South Depot
Hansell, George I., book-keeper, Storrs, Chatfield & Co., h River, So.
Hanvey, Eliza, resident, h 2 W. Main
Hanvey, Hugh, retired, h 2 W. Main
Hanvey, John, retired, bds. 2 W. Main
Hanvey, Rosanna, resident, 2 W. Main
Hard, Horace, miller, h W. Main
Harder, Emmott, boots and shoes, 23 Lake, h 279 Main
Harding, George A., farm laborer, h Pumpelly, South Side
Harding, Grant, laborer, h 222 North ave.
Harding, Hannah T., widow Robert, h 143 Temple
Harding, Osee, widow John, h 222 North ave.
Harding, Ward, baggageman, bds. 222 North ave.
Hargrave, William G., artist and photographer, 38 and 40 Record block, Lake,
h do.
Harold, Edward, R. R. section foreman, h 149 Fox
Harold, James J., foreman Owego Blade, h 149 Fox
Harrington, Thomas, track foreman D. L. & W. R. R., h 122 Fox
Harris, Scott, cashier Erie express office, h 68 Liberty
Harris, William M., book-keeper, 180 Front, bds. 12 Liberty
Harris, William S., resident, h 377 Main
Harrison, James, laborer, h 24 Temple
Harrison, John B., R. R. signal tender, h 11 East ave.
Harrison, Lewis, clerk, bds. 115 North ave.
Harrison, Samuel, teamster, h 36 W. Main
Harrison, S. M. Mrs., resident, h 115 North
Harrison, William L., harness-maker, 127 North, h do.
Harros, Daniel, cartman, h 153 Erie
Hart, Alfred, laborer, bds. 256 Prospect
Hart, Daniel, machinist, h 483 Front
Hart, Horace, miller, h 12 Temple
Hart, Lewis, laborer, h 104 South Depot
Hartnett, Maria, resident, h John R.
Hartnett, Michael, emp. Haywood's Marble Works, h 100 South Depot
Haskins, Edward T., engineer, h 34 George
Hastings & Stratton (J. M. H. & E. S.) dry and fancy goods, 186
Hastings, James M. (Hastings & Stratton) school commissioner, h 351
Hastings, Rebecca, widow William, bds. 351 Main
Haughy, Robert, laborer, h 108 Green
Haupt, Frank, emp. King & Co., bds. 118 Temple
Havland, Harriet, widow Geroge, h 254 North ave.
Havland, Ruth, widow Frederick, housekeeper, Spruce
Hawes, Judson, harness-maker, bds. 133 North ave.
Hawkins, Philander, tanner, h n Dean's Tannery
Hayden, James J., emp. King & Co., bds. 31 Delphine
Hayden, Maggie, tailoress, bds. 87 Paige
Hayden, Mary Mrs., resident, h 87 Paige
Hayden, William P., retired, h 31 Delphine
Hayden, William P., Jr., foreman King & Co., bds. 31 Delphine
Hayes, John, prop. European House, 151 North ave.
Hayes, Michael J., peddler, h 185 E. Temple
Hayes, Richard J., bartender, bds. European House
Haynes, George L., painter, h 42 William
Hays, Richard, laborer, bds. Water
Haywood, Charles M., marble and granite work, 80 North ave., h 42 Temple
cor. Liberty
Haywood, Harry C., marble-cutter, bds. 42 Temple
Hazzard, Ella, clerk, bds. 118 Temple
Head, Kate Mrs., nurse, 104 West ave.
Head, Melinda, widow John M., resident, h 152 Talcott
Heaton, Carlton R., physician and surgeon, treas. Cruciform Casket Company,
and medical director O. M. B. Association, Park cor. Main, h do.
Hemstrought, Abram V., carpenter, h 198 E. Temple
Herrick, John J., market gardener, 577 Main, bds. do.
Herrick, Laura A., teacher, bds. 577 Main
Hevland, George W., emp. Grain Drill Works, h 242 North ave.
Hewitt, Frederick C., retired, h 223 Front
Hewitt, Gurdon, retired, h 223 Front
Hibbard, George R., crockery, 84 Front, h Spencer ave.
Hibbard, Jemima, widow Ralph, bds. 101 Franklin
Hickey, James, cigarmaker, bds. 301 Prospect
Hickey, John, laborer, h 301 Prospect
Hickey, John, clerk, bds. 68 South Depot
Hickey, Lizzie C., dressmaker, 399 Main, bds. do.
Hickey, Mame, tailoress, bds. 68 South Depot
Hickey, Mary, widow Patrick, h 68 South Depot
Hickey, Thomas, shoemaker, h 399 Main
Hicks, Horace H., blacksmith, h 52 Fox
Hierstiner, Moses, resident, h 88 Chestnut
Hill, Alfred, janitor, h William
Hill Brothers (H. H. and C. C.) dentists, Front
Hill, Charles C., Dr. (Hill Brothers) h Binghamton, N.Y.
Hill, Charles F., special claim agt. for pensions, h 354 Front
Hill, Charles O., manuf. and dealer in lumber and shingles (estate of James
Hill) 89 Central ave., 99 do.
Hill, Edward, coachman, bds. William
Hill, Fred C., atty. at law and clerk Surrogate's court, Court House, h
Hill, Harriet, widow James, h 84 North ave.
Hill, Homer H. (Hill Brothers) bds. Dugan House
Hill, James (Estate) manuf. and dealer in lumber and shingles, 89 Central
Hill, Lucy, widow Chauncey, bds. 254 E. Temple
Hinckley, Alphonso J., restaurant and saloon, 189 Main, h do.
Hines, Belle, widow Rufus W., h 447 Main
Hines, Louise, clerk, h 447 Main
Hitchcock, Eugene, cartman, h Canal
Hoagland, Alexander D., commercial traveler, h Buckbee block, Lake
Hoagland, Emma D., dressmaking, Buckbee block, h do.
Hoagland, James R., laborer, h John R.
Hobler, George, telephone operator, McMaster
Hobler, Philip, engineer, h 255 McMaster
Hodge, Caroline A., widow Henry J., resident, h 86 Temple
Hodge, Ella A., dressmaker, 86 Temple, bds. do.
Hodge, Frederick S., painter, h 41 Temple
Hodge, Henry J., painter, h Water
Hodge, Joseph, laborer, h Constine's Lane
Hogan, Catharine, widow Philip, h 38 W. Main
Hogan, Catharine M., dressmaker, 60 Delphine, bds. do.
Hogan, James, laborer, h 60 Delphine
Hogan, James J., fireman, bds. 60 Delphine
Hogan, Roger P., reporter, h 38 W. Main
Hoghey, Sarah, widow James, h 118 Fox
Holes, George, carpenter and saw filing, 7 Park, h do.
Hollenback, David J., farmer, h 117 North ave.
Hollenback Sisters (Mary and Alice) farm 200, h 412 Front
Hollensworth, Jeremiah M., barber 22 Lake, h 158 Temple
Hollister, Charles J., silversmith and sewing machine agent, Fox cor. Central
ave., h do.
Hollister, George W., clerk, bds. 283 Prospect
Hollister, Joseph D., painter, Canal, h do.
Hollister, Julius, silversmith, and sewing machine agt., Fox cor. Central
ave., h do.
Hollister, Mercy, widow Horace J., h Canal
Hollister, Myron E., printer, h 283 Prospect
Hollister, William S., painter, h Canal
Holmes, Oscar H., coachman, h 104 Paige
Holmes, Thomas H., clerk, bds. 358 Front
Holt, Mary, widow Edwin H., resident, h 94 Fox
Homes, Rufus C., mason, Main, h do.
Hooker, Archie S., carpenter, h 113 Franlin
Hooker, Warren, bridge carpenter, h George
Hooper, Warren, tanner, h 62 George
Hopkins, John, cigar-maker, bds. Park Hotel
Horgan, Jerry, retired, h 56 Delphine
Horgan, Katie, dressmaker, 56 Delphine, bds. do.
Horgan, Mary, widow John, h 56 Delphine
Horigan, Daniel J., prop. Erie House, 70 South Depot
Horn, Eva, widow Matthias, bds. Gere
Hornbeck, Cornelius F., machinist, h 273 Erie
Horrigan, Margaret, widow Michael, tailoress, h 152 Green
Horrigan, William, barber, 152 North ave., h Green
Hortnet, Andrew, emp. foundry, bds. 109 Spencer ave.
Hortnet, Mary, laundress, h 109 Spencer ave.
Horton, John J., resident, h 105 North ave.
Hoskins, Franklin F., machinest, h 8 Temple
Hoskins, James B., delivery clerk freight depot, h 65 Spencer ave.
Hoskins, Mary M., widow Fayette F., bds. 223 East Temple
Hoskins, Watson L., insurance and jeweler, 185 Front, h 311 Main
Houk, Cora B., book-keeper, 184 Main, bds. 122 Temple
Houk, Frederick G., clerk, bds. 122 Temple
Houk, Harry, clerk, bds. 131 Talcott
Houk, Jennie M., book-keeper, 184 Main, bds. 122 Temple
Houk, Jonathan S., hardware, 184 Main, h 122 Temple
Houk, Lewis C., tinsmith and plumber, h 131 Talcott
House, Ephraim H., coal, wood and lumber dealer, and farmer 75, office 229
McMaster, h 220 Main
House, Oakley, clerk, h 57 Church
House, Oakley A., horse frrier, h 76 South Depot
Hover, Robert, produce buyer, h 274 North ave.
Howard, Orville, carpenter, h 7 Spruce
Howe, Olin R. pastor Park Cong. church, bds. 290 Main
Howe, Rufus, farmer, h 45 West Main
Howe, Ransom, cartman, h 115 Temple
Hubbard & King (I. M. H. & O. G. K.) furniture and undertaking, 29
Hubbard, Charles, emp. foundry, h rear 59 Church
Hubbard, Emeline M., widow Henry N., resident, h 275 Main
Hubbard, Henry D., clerk, 210 Front, h 160 Temple
Hubbard, Thomas, barber, Lake, h 60 Spencer ave.
Hubbard, Truman N. (Hubbard & King) h Lake
Hubbard, Wilis, emp. foundry, bds. rear 59 Church
Huber, Albert D. (Nichols & Huber) h 161 Main
Hugaboone, Matthias, laborer, h 460 Main
Hughs, Almira Mrs., laundress, h 32 Adaline
Hughs, George, stationery engineer, h John R.
Hull, Alfred H ., resident, h 120 Chestnut
Hull, Byron O., resident, bds. 120 Chestnut
Hull, Frederick K., retired, h over 17 Lake
Hull, Hattie R., teacher, bds. 340 Main
Hull, Margaret S., teacher, bds. 340 Main
Hull, Mary A., h 340 Main
Hulslander, Levi T., dry and fancy goods, 59 North ave., bds. Central House
Humiston, Frank M. (White & Humiston) h over 194 Front
Hunt, Arthur E., wind-mills and pumps, 134 Front, bds. Dugan House
Hunt, Emily J., widow William, h 14 Lake
Hurlburt, E. Burritt, flour, h 211 Main
Hutchins, Frank F., United States express agent, h 314 Main
Hutchinson, Alice M., teacher, bds. 232 E. Temple
Hutchinson, James, carpenter, 232 E. Temple, h do.
Hutchinson, William, watch-maker, bds. 243 Main
Hyde & Winters (C. H. H. and J. B. W.) groceries and provisions, Front
cor. Court
Hyde, Charles H. (Hyde & Winters) h 358 Front
Hyde, Earl, telephone operator, h Main
Hyde, Earl Mrs., dry goods and notions, Main
Hyde, Francis Mrs., bds. 67 Erie
Hyde, Merritt, emp. U. S. Express Co., h 91 Talcott
Hyde, Nelson H., wood-worker, 135 Talcott, h do.
Hyde, Otis B., sup't cemetery, h 243 Main
Hyde, Perry, book-keeper, Hyde & Winters, also prop. Fulton Market, h
Main cor. Fulton
Hymes, Edgar W., miller, h W. Main near Mill
Ingersoll, Charles A., teamster, h 18 Lake
Isenburg, William, cartman, h 190 River, South Side
Jackson, John, dentist, 12 Lake, h do.
Jackson, John T., photographer, 12 Lake, bds. do.
Jackson, Lois M., widow George W., dressmaker, 63 Liberty, h do.
Jackson, Sarah, widow James, h Commerce
Jackson, W. Miranda, widow Harvey, h West ave., near creek
Jansen, Jesse W. (J. W. Jansen & Co.) also physician and surgeon, 60
North ave., h do.
Jansen, J. W. & Co. (W. H. Bailey and J. M. Anderson) drugs, medicines,
and paints, 60 North ave.
Jenks, Eliza J., widow Sabin M., resident, h 15 Front
Jewett, Harry, retired, h 108 Liberty
Johnson, Abigail M., caterer, widow Joshua C., h 459 Main
Johnson, Calvin, laborer, h 225 Prospect
Johnson, Caroline, widow David, resident, h 45 Front
Johnson, Charles W., retired, bds. 32 William
Johson, Cyrene Mrs. resident, h 81 Liberty
Johnson, Edward J., groceries and provisions, 100 North ave., h North ave.
cor. Chestnut
Johnson, Edward S., emp. agricultural works, h over 100 North ave.
Johnson, Frances M., music teacher, also caterer for weddings, parties and
private teas, Saratoga potatoes furnished to dealers, h 459 Main
Johnson, Frank H. Mrs., resident, h 85 North ave.
Johnson, Harlen F., resident, h 12 Talcott
Johnson, Henry, horse-trainer, h 98 Spencer ave.
Johnson, Hiram R., resident, h 12 Talcott
Johnson, Horace A., painter and paper-hanger, and decorative work, 52 George,
h do.
Johnson, James H., postal clerk, h 358 Main
Johnson, Lottie G., teacher, bds. 358 Main
Johnson, Thomas D. Rev., pastor St. Patrick's church, h Main
Johnson, Winfield, drug clerk, h 358 Main cor. Ross
Jones, Albert, laborer, h 493 Front
Jones, George W., mason, h 517 Front
Jones, James E., carpenter, pattern and general job shop, 191 McMaster, h
116 Franklin
Jones, John, lumber at Nanticoke, Pa., h 41 Front
Jones, John B., moulder, h 254 E. Temple
Jones, Moses C., laborer, bds. 69 Fox
Jones, Peter, coachman, h 96 Spencer ave.
Jones, Pierson, laborer, h 69 Fox
Joslyn, H. B., cabinet-maker, h 118 Temple
Joslyn, Hulda Mrs., resident, h over 57 North ave.
Joslyn, Judson, bridge carpenter, h 7 Hill
Kaley, Charles, laborer, h 11 Fox
Kaley, John W., emp. King & Co., h 90 Talcott
Kaley, William H., carpenter and stone mason, h over 177 Main
Kanane, Frank, gardener, bds. 43 Delphine
Kanane, Mary, tailoress, bds. 43 Delphine
Kanane, Patrick, laborer, h 43 Delphine
Keefe, Owen, blacksmith, h 283 E. Temple
Keeler, Albert H., contractor and builder, and dealer in lime, cement and
fertilizers, h Temple cor. Central ave.
Keeler, Charles P., mason and contractor, h rear 68 Paige
Keeler, James B. (City Steam Laundry) prop. Empire Soap Works, Temple cor.
Central ave.
Keith, George W., brakeman, h 15 East ave.
Keith, Mary B., widow Luther T., bds. 15 East ave.
Kellogg, Charles T., contractor and builder, h 262 Prospect
Kellogg, Julia, widow Charles, h 73 Forsyth
Kellogg, Ulysses P., carpenter, h 22 Fulton
Kelly, Julia F., widow Frederick P., dressmaker, 246 E. Temple, bds. do.
Kelly, Matthew, laborer, h 112 Green
Kempson, Emily P., widow Peter T., h 80 McMaster
Kendall, Frank B., traveling salesman, h 96 Franklin
Kennedy, Lee, insurance, h 73 West ave.
Kennedy, Peter G., barber, h 106 Paige
Kenyon, Albert J., chief engineer, U. S. Navy, h 163 Temple
Kenyon, James, retired, h 163 Temple
Kenyon, Joel Co., druggist, 5 Lake, h do.
Kershner, Eugene K., clerk Dugan House, bds. do.
Ketchum, John, hack driver, h Main
Ketchum, La Fayette F. Rev., Reformed Methodist, h 92 Franklin
Kettle, John, porter Dugan House, bds. do.
Kidder, James H. Rev., rector St. Paul's Church, h 100 Main
Kidder, Phoebe Mrs., resident, h 195 North ave.
Kiernan, Margaret, dressmaker, bds. Canal
Kiernan, Patrick, laborer, h Canal
Kile, Lowell E., laborer, h over 67 North ave.
Kimball, Ebenezer, bridge builder, h 126 McMaster
Kimball, Helen, widow Calvin S., artist, bds. 425 Main
King & Co. (W. A. and G. A. K.) manufs. of and wholesale dealers in
harnesses, 24, 26 and 28 Lake
King, Charles H., barber, Ah-wa-ga House, bds. 112 Fox
King, George A. (King & Co.) h 58 Paige
King, Orlando (Hubbard & King) county supervisor, bds. Ah-wa-ga House
King, Seth L., machinist, h 234 Main
King, William A. (King & Co.) h 250 Front
King, William H. Rev., retired Bapt., h 369 Front
Kingcade, Charles, shoemaker, h 90 Paige
Kingcade, Charles Mrs., dressmaker, 90 Paige, h do.
Kingfield, Ellen Mrs., mailing clerk, postoffice, h 184 E. Temple
Kingfield, Fanny B., book-keeper, 196 Front, h 184 E. Temple
Kingman, Leroy W., editor and pub. Owego Gazette, h 2 Academy
Kingman, Lyman R., bartender, h North ave.
Kingman, Maria L., widow Leroy W., h 260 Main
Kinney, Susan J., widow J. Alphonso, h 18 Fulton
Kinney, Willis D., printer, bds. 18 Fulton
Kipp, George, butcher, h 111 North ave.
Kline, Orion, carriage-makekr, h 144 Temple
Knapp, Maria R., widow Dr. Jerome, bds. Front
Knight, Catharine, widow Cornelius, h 56 Forsyth
Knight, Elizabeth, dressmaker, bds. 59 Church
Knight, Mary J., widow Moses, h 59 Church
Knight, Milton T., agt. G. U. Tea Co., bds. Dugan House
Knight, Milton W., carpenter, bds. 56 Forsyth
Korbmann, Rosa, widow Christian, h over 13 Lake
Labarron, Sarah A., widow Edson, h 234 North ave.
Lackawanna House, Ira J. VanDemark, prop., 176 River, South Side
LaGrange, Abram, carpenter, bds. 52 West ave.
LaGrange, Charles, carriage-painter, h 52 West ave.
Lainhart, George, variety store, 212 Front, h 132 Main
Lake, Martha D., Mrs., resident, h 58 Spencer ave.
Lake, Thomas B., meat-market and grocery, 119 North ave., h 65 Talcott
Lake, William A., butcher, h over 119 Lake
Lamb, Charles B., brakeman, h 174 North ave.
Lamereaux, Nathan, saloon, 76 North ave., bds. 57 Church
LaMonte, Fred S. (LaMonte & Rodman) produce, h 442 Front
LaMonte, Samuel M., retired, h 105 Liberty
Lane, Bert J., clerk, bds. 12 Adaline
Lane, Leonard, clerk, bds. near Dean's tannery
Laning, John, retired, h 143 Main
Larkin, Thomas, laborer, h 62 Talcott
Lawheed, Joseph W., boarding-house, 118 Temple
Lawrence, Laura, widow William, bds. 69 Church
Lawrence, Oscar S., emp. Erie Express Co., h 69 Church
Lawrence, William A., jeweler, h McMaster
Lawrence, William D., express messenger, h 58 Church
Layton, Daniel, laborer, h 238 E. Temple
Layton, James F., laborer, bds. 238 E. Temple
Layton, John J., printer, bds. 239 E. Temple
Leach, Benjamin C., grocery and music, North ave., h do.
Leach, John J., locomotive engineer, h 158 McMaster
Leach, Tillie C., music teacher, bds. North ave.
Leahy, James J. (P. Leahy & Son) bds. 310 Main
Leahy, Patrick & Son (James J.) groceries, provisions, and meats, Main
cor. North ave.
Leahy, Patrick (P. Leahy & Son) h 310 Main
Lee, Albert S., bar ber, 109 North ave., h do.
Lee, William, farm laborer, h 534 Main
Legg, Dolphus, emp. D. L. & W. R. R. freight depot, h 198 North ave.
Legg, Louis H., law clerk, bds. 69 Church
Lenon, John, clerk, bds. European House
Leonard, Allen, carpenter, h Water
Leonard, Emily C., resident, h 313 Main
Leonard, Frank, laborer, h W. Main, near Mill
Leonard, George S., loan, investment and insurance, 209 Front, h Main
Leonard, John, saloon, 135 North ave., h do.
Leonard, Laura A., resident, h 313 East Main
Leonard, Lewis S., clerk, h over 195 Main
Leonard, Nathaniel, laborer, h Canal
Leonard, William B., retired, h Front
Leonard, Willis B., tobacco grower, h Pumpelly, South Side
Leroy, Peter H., laborer, h Prospect, cor. Green
Letts, Armena, widow John D., resident, h rear 18 Adaline
Levene, Abram, tailor, h 42 Temple
Lewis, Fred W., machinist, h 109 Fox
Lewis, George B., M.D., physician and surgeon, Lake, cor. Main, rooms do.
Lewis, Milo, contractor, Owego Casket Company, h 95 West ave.
Lewis, Robert, laborer, h 93 Paige
Lillie, George W., retired, h 103 River, South Side
Lillie, Jared, saloon, 104 North ave., h do.
Lincoln & Co. (C. K. Lincoln) coal and wood, 59 Central ave.
Lincoln, Charles K. (Lincoln & Co.) h 294 Main
Link, Charles A. (Dwelle & Link) h 348 Front
Livermore, Cyrus E., clerk, h 20 Ross
Livermore, Otis W., general repair shop, rear 117 North ave., h 84 Chestnut
Livingston, Amos, groceries and provisions, 56 North ave., h do.
Loader, Richard, painter, h 64 Forsyth
Locke, Mary E., carpet weaver, h 91 Fox
Locke, Reuben B., carpenter, h 241 Erie
Long, Jeremiah, resident, h 25 Temple
Loring, Benjamin W., retired lieut. U. S. revenue marine service, h 351
Loring, Benjamin W., Jr., law student, bds. Front
Lounsbury, William H., boot and shoemaker, 63 North ave., h 37 Main
Lovejoy, Charles L., photographer, Front cor. Court, h 313 Main
Lynch, Daniel, bartender, bds. 7 Fulton
Lynch, Martin S., atty. at law, Lake, cor. Main, h 495 Main
Lynch, Michael, mason, h 7 Fulton
Lynch, Michael (Wall & Lynch) h Chestnut
Lynde, Marion, widow James G., resident, bds. 51 Front
Lynn, Luzern, laborer, h 65 Adaline
Lyon & Ripley (F. D. L. & H. C. R.) boots and shoes, 188 Front
Lyon, Francis D. (Lyon & Ripley) h 7 Park
Lyon, John R. (Lyon & Robinson) h 60 Paige
Mabee, Foster N., agent Erie Express Co., h 333 Main
Mabee, John A. (City Steam Laundry) h Temple cor. Central ave.
Mabee, William, emp. Owego Casket Company, bds. 73 Liberty
Macbeth, Margaret, resident, h 22 William
Madan, Andrew J., emp. James Hill estate, h 111 Talcott
Male, William, carpenter, h 22 William
Maloney, Ann, resident, h 121 Erie
Maloney, Bridget, resident, h 121 Erie
Maloney, Catherine, widow Michael C., h 98 Temple
Maloney, Catherine A., clerk, bds. 98 Temple
Maloney, Julia, resident, h 121 Erie
Maloney, Minnie, dressmaker, bds. 73 Liberty
Maloney, Owen T., bookbinder, h 98 Temple
Maloney, Patrick, prop. Cobweb Bottling Works, Paige cor. Fox, also general
grocery and liquors, 122 Paige, h do.
Maloney, William P., clerk, bds. 122 Paige
Manas, Julia, dressmaker, bds. 7 East ave.
Manas, Patrick, R. R. signal tender, h 7 East ave.
Manning, Caroline M. Mrs., millinery, 206 Front, h do.
Manning, Ellen, dressmaker, bds. Division
Manning, James, foreman Owego Times, h over 193 Main
Manning, Josephine, tailoress, bds. Division
Manning, Lewis, printer, bds. 133 North ave.
Manning, Margaret, widow John, h Division
Manning, Marion L., shoemaker, h 206 Front
Manning, Mary, widow James, bds. 57 Church
Manning, Michael J., laborer, bds. Division
Manning, William H., carpenter, 113 Main, h do.
Mareane, James, engineer, bds. 150 Central ave.
Maroney, Daniel, laborer, h 245 E. Temple
Maroney, John F., groceries, 56 North ave., h over do.
Marquart, Gideon, farmer, bds. 139 North ave.
Marquart, Levi, retired, h 17 West ave.
Marquart, Levier, bds. Commerce
Marquart, Simeon, farmer, h 139 North ave.
Marquett, John M., shoemaker, h 473 Front
Marquett, Larenzo, clerk, bds. 473 E. Front
Marquette, Alanson A., resident, h 230 Prospect
Marquette, Jerome N., clerk, 14 W. Main
Marshall Mrs., resident, h 167 North ave.
Martin, Benjamin B., carriage-trimmer, bds. 73 Liberty
Marvin, Harrison, orderly at State Capitol, h 94 Liberty
Mason, Allen J., painter, bds. 113 Chestnut
Mason, Harriet Mrs., widow Roswell A., laundress, h 13 Chestnut
Matson, Cynthia E. Miss, resident, h 14 Front
Matson, John L., furniture and undertaking, 183 Front, h 27 Park
Mawhiney, Edward, bookkeeper, 164 North ave., bds. 5 Spruce
Mawhiney, William J. (W. H. Bailey & co.) h 5 Spruce
May, William, laborer, h 209 Prospect
Maynard, William, shoemaker, h 64 Spencer ave.
Mayor, Edward A., D. D. S., dentist, over 173 Front, h Academy
Mayor, William E., D. C. S., dentist, over 173 Front, bds. Academy
McArthur, John, confectionery, 107 North ave., h do.
McCofferty, Anthony C., horse-dealer, bds. European House
McColly, Thomas, resident, bds. United States Hotel
McCarthy, Florence, laborer, h 604 Fifth ave.
McCarthy, John, laborer, h 119 Fox
McCarthy, John P., clerk, bds. 604 Fifth ave.
McCaslin, John H. (Smith & McCaslin) blacksmith, h 190 River, So. Side
McCullock, ___ (name not given), h 107 Chestnut
McCormick, Daniel, brakeman, h 99 Fox
McDonald, John, mason, bds. 18 West Main
McDowell, Fayette, cabinet-maker, h Canal
McGiffin, John L., emp. grist-mill, h 102 Chestnut
McGratch, Patrick, laborer, h 115 Paige
McKee, Robert, retired, h 387 Main
McKenzie, Alexander C. Rev., pastor First Pres. church, h 321 Front
McLean, Ezra, carpenter and builder, h 172 Talcott
McManus, Rose, widow Patrick, laundress, h 91 Fox
McMaster, Frank, liquor store, 70 North ave., h do.
McNulty, Barney, tanner, bds. 133 North ave.
McNulty, James, baggageman, h 107 River, South Side
McNulty, Thomas, emp. Dean's tannery, bds. near tannery, North ave.
Meacham, Charles D., carpenter, h 99 Talcott
Meachem, Erastus, blacksmith, 221 North ave., h do.
Mead & Darrow (H. J. M. & F. A. D.) attorneys at law, Main cor. North
Mead, Howard J. (Mead & Darrow) h Main, cor. Spencer ave.
Mericle, Alfred, baggageman, h 200 North ave.
Mericle, Charles D., clerk, h 439 Main
Merritt, Ephraim J., brakeman, h 167 North ave.
Merrick, John, salesman, h 57 Main
Metcalf, Charles, miller, h 114 Central ave.
Metcalf, Hannah M., widow Dr. A. E., h 207 East Main
Middaugh, Augustus B., carpenter, h 32 Adaline
Middaugh, Elijah, retired, h off Water
Middaugh, James E., laborer, h Canal Front
Miller, Edith, tailoress, bds. 88 Adaline
Miller, Lorenzo, clerk, h Central ave.
Miller Mrs., widow Abram, h 405 Front
Millrea Brothers (W. A., J. F. & T.) meat-market and grocery, 178 Front
Millrea, J. Fred (Millrea Bros.) h 377 Main
Millrea, Thomas (Millrea Bros.) bds. Dugan House
Millrea, William A. (Millrea Bros.) h 55 Paige
Mills, Robert, cooper, h 102 McMaster
Minehan, John, tanner, h 64 Temple
Minehan, William, miller, bds. 14 W. Main
Miner, William D., book-keeper 174 Front, bds. Dugan House
Mitchell, Bartlett, tanner, h 107 River, South Side
Mitchell, Eliza A. B., widow Henry A., bds. 153 Temple
Mitchell, William J., emp. King & Co., bds. 107 River, South Side
Moak, Robert T., retired carpenter, h 130 North ave.
Moffitt, James R., laborer, h 117 Green
Moffitt, Robert J., laborer, h 117 Green
Moloney, Agnes K., clerk, bds. 98 Temple
Moneypenny, Elizabeth, widow Robert L., resident, h 388 Main
Monyhan, George, hostler, bds. United States Hotel
Moody, Winfield S., harness-maker, h 59 Main
Moon, Reuben, cooper, h John R.
Moore & Ross (T. F. M. & J. S. R.) carriage and wagon manufs., 146
North ave.
Moore, Charles, wagon-maker, h 134 North ave.
Moore, Helen E. B., widow Dr. Robert, resident, h 227 Front
Moore, Theodore F. (Moore & Ross) h 82 Chestnut
Moran, James, well driver, bds. 89 William
Morann, Thomas, blacksmith, h 105 Fox
Morehouse, Allie, art teacher, h Spencer ave.
Morehouse, Charles H., printer, h Spencer ave.
Moorehouse, John, carpenter, h off Water
Morgan, Delos, carpenter, h 18 Paige
Morgan, William B., horse-trainer, h 607 Main
Morris, Anna, widow John, bds. 104 Paige
Morris, Frank, clerk, bds. 110 Spencer ave.
Morris, Patrick, laborer, h 110 Spencer ave.
Morris, Thomas, resident, bds. 110 Spencer ave.
Morse, Charles, printer, h 31 Temple
Morse, Henry H., butcher and farmer, h Pumpelly, South Side, h do.
Morse Mrs., resident, h 100 East ave.
Morse, Newell, coal, wood and shingles, 133 Temple, h do.
Morton, Durwent, laborer, h 169 North ave.
Morton, Edward, laborer, h 215 North ave.
Morton, Ida E., widow G. A., h 84 North ave.
Morton, John, constable and tanner, h South Side
Moulton, Michael A., sewing machine repairer 10 Lake, bds. do.
Mulks, Frank H., emp. foundry, h 130 Chestnut
Munger, Cynthia L., widow Alanson, h 285 Main
Munn, Sarah E. Mrs., resident, bds. 7 George
Murray, Ida Mrs., laundress, h 26 Talcott
Muzzy, Cornelius, clerk, bds. 279 Main
Myers, Andrew, butcher, h 6 West ave.
Myers, Jessie, teacher, bds. 6 West ave.
Myers, Philip, emp. casket works, bds. 6 West ave.
Neally, Sarah F., teacher, bds. 560 Fifth ave.
Neaves, Edmund J., clerk, bds. Front
Nelson, Bert E., drug clerk, bds. North ave. extension
Nelson, James, retired, bds. 48 West Main
Nelson, James Jr., notions, 48 West Main, h do.
Nelson, Willa M., dressmaker, bds. 21 George
Nelson, William, engineer, h 21 George
Newell, Frank, carpenter, h 117 Central ave.
Newell, Friend G., cabinet-maker, rear 17 Lake, h 57 Liberty
Newell, Gilbert, resident, h 34 Fox
Newell, Gilbert C., emp. foundry, h 77 West ave.
Newell, Orvin L., emp. foundry, h 77 West ave.
Newgeon, Mary F., physician, 295 Main, h do.
Newland, James D., laborer, h 248 North ave.
Newman, Adolphus (Newman Bros.) h 47 Temple
Newman Brothers (A. & G.) dry goods and millinery, 31 and 33 Lake
Newman, George (Newman Bros.) h 47 Temple
Newman, Simon, optician, h 54 Temple
Newton, Charles D., printer, h 43 Talcott
Newton, Frank, laborer, h 152 River, South Side
Newton, George, emp. Chamberlain's boot and shoe factory, h 125 Main
Nichols, George A. (Nichols & Huber) h 161 Main
Nichols, Susan B., widow Thomas M., h 55 Front
Nichols, Susan B. Miss, resident, bds. 55 Front
Nichols, Washington, resident, h 55 Front
Nixon, Charles D., loan and investment, real estate and lawyer; also prop.
Jenksville steam mills, Front cor. Court, bds. Ah-wa-ga House
Nixon, Walter, harness-maker, h over 168 Front
N. Y., L. E. & W. R. R. Depot, Cameron B. Dean, agent, North ave., cor.
Noble, Asa S., carpenter, h 12 Adaline
Noonan, David E., carpenter, h 96 Franklin
Noonnan, Daniel, mason, h Paige
Norris, Charles P., carriage-smith, h 266 Prospect
Norris, George E., lamp-ighter, h 521 Front
Norris, Hampton M., barber, bds. 266 Prospect
Norris, Theodore, teamster, bds. Decker Block, Main
Northrop, Tilly, book-canvasser, bds. 113 Chestnut
Northrop, Wiliam T., painter, 113 Chestnut
Norton, Harriet A., widow Colden O., h 164 Temple
Norwood, Erastus, retired, bds. 7 Hill
Nugent, Mary, pastry-cook Ah-wa-ga House, bds. do.
Nutt, Hamer, emp. King & Co., bds. 118 Temple
N. Y. & PA. Telephone and Telegraph Co., Frank S. Bloodgood, manager,
178 Main
Nye, Arthur E. (Nye Brothers) h Fox
Nye Brothers (M. G. & A. E.) bakers and confectioners, 44 Lake
Nye, Melvin G. (Nye Brothers) bds. Fox
Oakley, Timothy B., counselor at law, 214 Front, h River Road
Odd Fellows' Hall, W. Stewart, janitor, over 80 North ave.
Odell, Hiram A., engineer, h 36 George
Ogden, Aaron, tobacconist, 7 Lake, h Front
Ogden, Frederic L., traveling salesman, bds. Front
Ogden, Harriet A., widow Walter, h 229 Main
Ogden, Priscilla C., widow Isaac, h 194 River, South Side
Ogden, S. Jane, widow Jehiel, resident, h 125 Main
OHart, S. Jay, att'y and counselor at law, Academy Bld'g., Court, h at Tioga
Ohern, Bartholomew, track foreman S. C. R. R., h near tannery, North ave.
Ohmar, Patrick, gardener, bds. Front
Olmstead, Franklin H., machinist, bds. 227 Erie
Olmstead, Freeborn W., machinist, h 227 Erie
O'Neil, Maggie, clerk, 61 East ave.
O'Neil, Michael, laborer, h 61 East ave.
Orcutt, J. Allan, carpenter, h 126 Chestnut
Orcutt, Isaac D., bridge carpenter, h 45 Fox
O'Rourke, Michael F., keeper Auburn prison, h Lake
Ostrander, Edward, emp. King & Co., bds. 14 West ave.
Owego Cruciform Casket Co. (John Jones, pres't; J. J. VanKleeck, sec'y; and
C. R. Heaton, treas.) burial caskets and undertakers' supplies, lumber, sash,
doors, and blinds, 42, 44 and 46 Delphine
Owego Daily and Weekly Record (Scott & Watros) 172 Front
Owego Gas Light Co., A. P. Storrs, Jr., pres't, office Front cor. Lake
Owego Gazette (weekly) Leroy W. Kingman, editor and publisher, 28 Lake
Owego Iron Works, Cauldwell & Gray, props., McMaster cor. Dalton
Owego National Bank (Charles E. Parker, pres't; R. B. Dean, vice-pres't;
C. A. Thompson, cashier; J. A. Bassett, teller) 6 Lake
Owego Postoffice, F. O. Cable, postmaster, Lake
Owego Times (weekly) W. Smyth &; Son, props., 193 Main
Owego Times Bindery and Blank-book Manuf., W. Smyth & Son, props., 193
Owego Water Works, George Y. Robertson, sup't, 69 North ave.
Owen, Elias H. Mrs., h 314 Front
REMINDER: these people resided or carried out business
INSIDE of the Owego village limits proper. See other listings on this site
for residents of the Town of Owego. Locations in parentheses are their post
office addresses.