Ichabod Comstock
Philena Robinson Comstock
Josiah Perry
Joel Hastings
Alfred Brigham
William Nixon
Silas P. Gleason
Beri Strong
Jacob Van Valehnar
No doubt there were other women who made up the rest of the membership. They
are not recorded.
1852 - Michael Jenks tendered his resignation from the Board. (Jenksville
was named for Michael Jenks. He went down the river on a raft of lumber and
was never heard from.)
1855 - W.H. Pearne, Presiding Elder, in the chair at first meeting in Jenksville
Church of quarterly conference. (Church built between 1852 and 1855.) The
following Official Brethren responded to their names:
D. Worrell, P.S Worden
William Curtis, J.H. Snow, Beri Strong, William Nixon, Isaac Bush
Class Leaders:
Ichabod Comstock, Leander Legg
James H. Snow, Secretary and Record Steward
Ichabod Comstock died 1875, September 8th.
Philena R. Comstock died 1884, at Healdsburg, Calif.
A note at the bottom of the page says:
This was copied from "Records for Stewards", published by Levi Scott and
George Lane, 200 Milbury St., N.Y.C., by Mrs. W.E. Comstock, Beulah P. Brown
Chapter DAR, Newark Valley, N.Y.