Civil War Newspaper Articles
Charles E. Bunnell
9318 Fairway Ct
La Plata, MD 20646
Source: This information was contibuted by Charles E. Bunnell, the owner of the original receipt.
Copyright 1997 Charles E. Bunnell
Material may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this full paragraph remains on all copied material. These electronic pages, with original information, commentary, and underlying source code, cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation, nor may this copyrighted original electronic text be used on any other site or CD-ROM.
The Bunnell Newspaper Clippings These clippings were primarily collected due to their relevance to the Bunnell family. However, more than 250 other family names, primarily from Tioga and Broome counties, are mentioned in these articles. The newspaper clippings are numbered N1 through N17. N1 is probably of limited interest as it only refers to a Bunnell family member who sealed the casket of Abraham Lincoln. N17 however is a report of the dead and wounded of the 185th New York Volunteers from the period of March 29th to April 9th, 1865 in battles from Petersburg to Appomattox Court House. Company G of the 185th included volunteers from Tioga, Broome, and Cortland Counties. Articles N2 through N16 were all written by Herman G. Bunnell during the 1930s and 40s. Most of the articles retell stories of earlier years in and around Berkshire and Lisle, NY. Many family names are mentioned and one article (N12) lists the students registered in the Caldwell School during the winter of 1842-43. While the school was located in Broome County, students were from Tioga and Broome counties. The index lists all place names, family and given names, as well as military units mentioned in the 17 articles. Each index entry is followed by the number of the newspaper article (N1 through N17) and the page of the article on which that entry appears. So Babcock, Frank (Pvt); N17, 2 in the index shows that the name appears on page 2 of newspaper article N17. If you find a name, place, or military unit that was omitted from the index, please contact me by e-mail. In the meantime, Happy Hunting!
Charles E. Bunnell
The Bunnell Newspaper Clippings
How to read this index: |
1- 1st Kentucky Regiment; N10, 1 1st South Carolina Battery; N10,1 -6- 6th Pennsylvania Regiment; N10, 1 6th South Carolina Regiment; N10, 1 -9- 9th Pennsylvania Regiment; N10, 1 -10- 10th Alabama Regiment; N10, 1 10th New York Regiment; N2, 1 -11- 11th Illinois Infantry; N2, 1 11th Virginia Regiment; N10, 1 -12- 12th Pennsylvania Regiment; N10, 1 -13- 13th Illinois Cavalry; N2, 1 -100- 105th Illinois Regiment; N2, 1 185th New York Regiment; N3, 1; N11, 1; N17, 1 Co. A; N17, 1, 2, 3, 4 Co. B; N17, 1, 2, 3, 4 Co. C; N17, 1, 2, 4 Co. D; N17, 2, 3, 4 Co. E; N17, 2, 3, 4 Co. F; N17, 2 Co. G; N3, 2; N17, 2, 4 Co. H; N17, 2, 3, 4 Co. I; N17, 2, 3, 4 Co. K; N17, 2, 3, 4 198th Pennsylvania Regiment; N3, 1 -A- Abbott, -----(Capt.); N17, 1 Alexande, H.; N2, 2 Alleger, B. F.; N17, 1 Alleghany Mountains; N10, 1 Allen, Adison; N12, 1 Allen, James; N12, 1 Allen, Mary H.; N12, 1 Allen, Samuel L.; N12, 1 Appomattox C. H., VA; N17, 4 Appomattox, VA; N3, 1; N11, 1 Arnold, C. (Pvt.); N17, 3 Arnold, Clem; N3, 2 Arnold, Edwin; N12, 1 Arnold, Jackson; N12, 1 Arnold, Martha; N12, 1 Arnold, Stephen; N12, 1 Arnold, W. R. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Arnold, Warren; N12, 1 Austin, A. V. (Pvt.); N17, 4 Austin, William R.; N1, 1 -B- Babcock, Frank (Pvt.); N17, 2 Bacon, T. (Pvt.); N17, 3 Bailey, O. M. (Pvt.); N17, 3 Baker, Henry (Corp'l); N17, 2 Baker, Wesley; N12, 1 Banks, ------ (General); N16, 1 Barlow, E. A. (Corp'l); N17, 2 Barnes, Loisa J.; N12, 1 Bauder, E. F. (1 Lt.); N17, 2 Bean, Nat. (Pvt.); N17, 3 Beebe, E. L. (Pvt.); N17, 4 Beecher, Henry Ward; N8, 1 Beers, C. F. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Bennett, W. O. (Corp'l); N17, 3 Bensing, Jacob (Pvt); N17, 2 Bently, F. W. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Berkshire, NY; N4, 1, 2; N5, 1; N6, 1; N15, 1 Beuregard, P. G. T. (General); N13, 1 Bicky, Charles (Pvt.); N17. 1 Binghamton, NY; N8, 1; N9, 1 Bisbee, Henry (Pvt.); N17, 2 Bishop, W. A. (Pvt.); N17, 3 Bliss, Hannah; N12, 1 Bloomington, IL; N1, 1 Boice, Abigal; N7, 1 Boice, Mary; N7, 1 Boice, Thadeus; N7, 1 Boydton Plank Road, Battle of (VA); N17, 3 Braddock, Edward (General); N6, 1, 2 Brainard, David (General); N14, 1 Bramon, J. (Pvt.); N17, 3 Brand,, Geo. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Brenan, F. H. (Sgt.); N17, 2 Brockwood, Sally J.; N12, 1 Brodhead, S. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Brooks, Joseph A. (& Co.); N8, 1 Brooks, Leroy; N8, 1 Broome Co., NY; N5, 1; N7, 1; N9, 1; N12, 1 Brown, John; N10, 1 Bucktails of Pennsylvania; N10, 1 Bunker Hill, Battle Of; N6, 2 Bunnell, Allen; N1, 1 Bunnell, Allen T.; N1, 1 Bunnell, Benjamin; N1, 1 Bunnell, Bert M.; N1, 1 Bunnell, C. A. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Bunnell, Charles A.; N3, 1; N5, 1; N12, 1 Bunnell, Ed; N11, 1 Bunnell, Henry Jayne; N5, 1 Bunnell, Herman E.; N2, 1, 2; N3, 1, 2; N4, 1, 2; N5, 1, 2; N6, 1, 2; N7, 1; N8, 1; N9, 1; N10, 1, 2; N11, 1, 2; N12, 1; N13, 1, 2; N14, 1; N15, 1; N16, 1 Bunnell, Hezekiah; N1, 1 Bunnell, John Gardner; N3, 2; N5, 1; N12, 1 Bunnell, Mertie; N9, 1 Bunnell, Nancy; N11, 1 Bunnell, Pearl; N1, 1 Bunnell, Sarah; N3, 2 Bunnell, Titus; N1, 1 Bunnell, Watson Allen; N1, 1 Bunnell, William; N1, 1 Bunnell, William H.; N3, 1; N5, 1; N9, 1; N12, 1 Burcle, Fred (Pvt.); N17, 2 Butler, F. W. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Byers, CO; N5, 1 -C- Cady, Corelli; N9, 1 Cady, Horace; N9, 1 Cady, Ora; N9, 1 Cahill, P. (Pvt.); N17, 3 Caldwell, Levinia G.; N12, 1 Caldwell, Mary Jane; N12, 1 Caldwell, NY; N5, 1; N12, 1 Caldwell (Schoolhouse); N4, 1; N9, 1 Carlisle, J. (Pvt.); N17, 3 Carrol, Jno. (Sgt.); N17, 3 Carter, C. E. (Corp'l); N17, 2 Carter, Ezra; N3, 1 Center Lisle, NY; N4, 1; N6, 1 Centerville Road (VA); N10, 1 Chapman, J. (Pvt.); N17, 3 Chicago, IL; N8, 1 Chidester, C. (Corp'l); N17, 3 Church, W. N. (Corp'l); N17, 1 Clark, Birdsall; N4, 1 Clark, Henry; N11, 1 Clark, Hiram (1st Lt); N3, 1; N11, 1; N17, 4 Clark, Murray (Pvt.); N17, 3 Clough, R. M. (Pvt.); N17, 4 Colwell, F. E. (Sgt.); N17, 3 Cook, H. G. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Corinth, MS; N13, 1 Cornifeferry, Battle of (WV?); N13, 1 Crosby, E. P. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Cuba; N14, 1 Cutts, ------ (captain); N10, 1 -D- Dasheraft, A. (Pvt.); N17, 3 Davis, G. S. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Davis, Jefferson; N13, 1 Dayton, W. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Decatur, AL; N13, 1 Dennick, L. (Sgt.); N17, 4 Dickenson, Caroline E.; N7, 1 Dickenson, Horace; N7, 1 Difficult Creek (VA); N10, 1 Dimmick, Sally; N12, 1 Doffinson, J. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Donaldson, Fort; N2, 1 Drake, Wm. B. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Dranesville, Battle of; N10, 1 Dranesville, Va: N10, 1 Drew, Wm. B. (Pvt); N17, 2 Duggleby, Jno. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Dunham, L. E. (Sgt.); N17, 1 Durkee, M. (Corp'l); N17, 2 -E- East Berkshire, NY; N2, 1, 2; N3, 2; N6, 2; N10, 2; N11, 1, 2; N13, 2; N15, 1; N16, 2 Eaton, E. (Pvt.); N17, 3 Eaton, F. W. (Pvt.); N17, 3 Eaton, Emmons, G. (Pvt.); N17, 2 -F- Farrar, Geo. P. (Pvt.); N17, 3 Fenner, Alfred; N12, 1 Fenner, Anna Loisa; N12, 1 Fenner, Edgar; N12, 1 Fenner, George L.; N12, 1 Five Forks, Battle of (VA); N17, 3, 4 Floyd, Jas. (Pvt.); N17, 3 Fowler, J. R. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Franklin, Betsey; N12, 1 Franklin, Charles; N12, 1 Franklin, Harriet; N12, 1 Freetown Corners, NY; N14, 1 Fultz, William; N11, 1 -G- Georgetown, NY(?); N15, 1 Getting, C. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Gilbert, W. H. (Pvt.); N17, 4 Gilbert, Warren (Pvt.); N17, 3 Golding, Jno. (Corp'l); N17, 2 Gravely Run, Battle of (VA); N3, 1; N12, 1; N17, 1, 2, 3 Greely Expedition; N14, 1 Green, C. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Greer, Nelson (Corp'l); N17, 3 Griffeth, J. (Pvt.); N17, 2 -H- Hamilton, D. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Hammond, Geo. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Harluett, D. (Pvt.); N17, 3 Harris, David; N17, 4 Hart, A. H. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Haskins, L. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Haskins, M. W. (Sgt.); N17, 3 Heath, John (Pvt.); N17, 1 Heising, Henry (Corp'l); N17, 2 Hennessey, D. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Hergat, Chas. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Herron, James (Pvt.); N17, 2 Herron, Jno. (2Lt.); N17, 2 Hill, Earl A. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Hodges, David (Pvt.); N17, 2 Holland, Abram; N3, 2 Holland, Sarah Bunnell; N3, 2 Hollister, Leroy; N8, 1 Hook, N. (Pvt.); N17, 3 Hopkins, Pearl; N1, 1 Horseneck, NY; N6, 2 Hostler, Anthony (Pvt.); N17, 2 Hostler, Jno. (Capt.); N17, 3 Howard, S. O. (Capt.); N17, 2 Howland, -----; N4, 1 Hulbert, S. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Hunt, Burn; N14, 1 -J- Jackson, Abner, (Pvt.); N17, 3 Jackson, Stonewall (General); N10, 1 Jacobe, Jacob (Corp'l); N17, 3 Johnson Bros. Lumber; N8, 1 Johnson, E. (Corp'l); N17, 2 June, Jaby (Pvt.); N17, 2 Justice, Hiram (Pvt.); N17, 2 |
-K- Kane, ----- (Colonel); N10, 1 Kasson, O. H. (Corp'l); N17, 3 Kavenaugh, William (Pvt.); N17, 3 Kelley, J. H. (Pvt.); N17, 3 Kenfield, F. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Killawog, NY; N4, 1 Kimball, ------ (Colonel); N13, 1 King, Justin (Pvt.); N17, 2 Kinney, Joseph (Pvt.); N17, 2 Kline, J. P. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Knight, George (Pvt.); N17, 2 -L- Laceyville, PA; N1, 1 Laker, Chas. (Pvt.); N17, 3 Lamb, ------; N6, 2 Lamb, Lucina; N6, 2 Lamb's Corner, NY; N4, 1; N8, 1; N9, 1 Lang, C. H. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Langworthy, I. (Pvt.); N17, 4 Lapeer, NY or PA(?); N15, 1 Larabee, M. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Larkin, A. (Pvt.); N17, 3 Lathrop, D. N. (Capt.); N17, 2 Lawler, M. (Corp'l); N17, 3 Lee, Robert E. (General); N3, 1; N11, 1 Lee's Mills, Battle of (VA); N13, 1 Leslie, Frank; N2, 1; N10, 1; N13, 1: N16, 1 Lewis, Abigal; N7, 1 Lewis, Caroline; N7, 1 Lewis, Caroline E.; N7, 1 Lewis, Clarisa; N7, 1 Lewis, Hannah; N7, 1 Lewis, Henry; N7, 1 Lewis, Jonathon; N7, 1 Lewis, Jonathon (son of above); N7, 1 Lewis, Polly; N7, 1 Lewis, Sally Abigal; N7, 1 Lewis, William; N7, 1 Lincoln, Abraham; N1, 1; N13, 1 Lincoln, Alfred; N12, 1 Lincoln, Eliza; N12, 1 Lincoln, Randell; N12, 1 Lisle, NY; N5, 1 Livermore, ------ ;N4, 1 Livermore, Asa; N12, 1 Livermore, Byron; N12, 1 Livermore, Eliza; N5, 1 Livermore, Gardner; N6, 1 Livermore, George B.; N12, 1 Livermore, Loren; N12, 1 Livermore, Lucina; N6, 1 Livermore, Mary; N12, 1 Long Island, Battle of; N6, 2 Loomis, ----- (Captain); N13, 1 Loomis, Uriah (Pvt.); N17, 3 Lyman, A. J. (1Lt.); N17, 2 Lynch, Lawrence (Pvt.); N17, 3 Lyon, H. (Corp'l); N17, 3 -M- Magee, Henry (Pvt.); N17, 2 Manning, Andrew; N4, 1 Manningville, NY; N4, 1; N7, 1 Marathon, NY; N3, 2; N7, 1; N9, 1; N14, 1; N15, 1 Marshall, F. a. (Pvt.); N17, 2 McCall, ----- (General); N10, 1 McGuire, Dennis (Pvt.); N17, 3 Merriman, Peter (Pvt.); N17, 2 Miller, Baltz (Pvt.); N17, 4 Miner, ----- (2Lt.); N3, 1 Minier, Daniel (2Lt); N17, 1 Minnesota (State of); N8, 1 Mitchell, ------ (General); N13, 1 Monongahela River; N6, 1 Moore, Thomas (Pvt.); N17, 2 Morehouse, J. P. (Pvt.); N17, 3 Morgan, Gerald; N9, 1 Morrison, Chas. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Mosher, J. (Pvt.); N17, 4 Mudge, Byron (Lt.; Adjutant); N17, 3 -N- Nanticoke, NY; N4, 1; N8, 1; N9, 1 Neff, Andrew (Pvt.); N17, 2 New York City; N8, 1 Nickerson, James (Corp'l); N17, 3 Norrington, Henry H.: N13, 1 Northrop, Julia; N12, 1 Norwich, NY; N12, 1 Nye, Samuel (Pvt.); N17, 4 -O- Ogden, A. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Olmstead, A. J. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Ord, E. O. C. (General): N10, 1 Orton, Henry; N12, 1 Orton, James; N12, 1 Orvis, E. H. (Corp'l); N17, 2 -P- Parker, Peter (Pvt.); N17, 2 Parsons, Marietta; N12, 1 Payne, Cora; N5, 2 Pease, Walter E.; N12, 1 Peckham, A. H. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Peel, Thos. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Pender, Elisha (Pvt.); N17, 2 Pennsylvania (State of); N6, 1, 2 Petersburg, VA; N12, 1 Philippine Islands; N14, 1 Phillips, -----; N14, 1 Phillips, Henry (Pvt.); N17, 2 Pierce, ----- (Pvt.); N17, 3 Porter, H. W. (Corp'l); N17, 2 Porter, W. (Pvt.); N17, 4 Potter, Hardin (Pvt.); N17, 2 Potter, W. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Putnam, ------ (General); N6, 2 -R- Randall, L. B. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Rauf, Chas. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Reckley, C. (Pvt.); N17, 3 Rector, C. J. (2Lt.); N17, 2 Reed, ------- ; N3, 1 Reed, Almond; N12, 1 Reed, O. C. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Reed, Solomon; N12, 1 Reno, Jessie (General); N2, 2 Reynolds, ------; N13, 1 Richards, Luther; N12, 1 Richardson, I. M. (Pvt.); N17, 3 Richmond, VA; N13, 1 Roaks, William H.; N12, 1 Roberts, A. R. (Pvt.); N17, 4 Rogers, Carlos (Pvt.); N17, 2 Rorapaugh, H. C. (1Lt.); N17, 2 Rose, Martin (Pvt.); N17, 2 Rosenburg, E. (Pvt.); N17, 1 Ross, A. (Pvt.); N17, 3 Rowel, I. (Pvt.); N17, 3 Russel, Martin (Pvt.); N17, 2 -S- Saily, Jonen (Pvt.); N17, 1 Schley, Winfield S. (Commander); N14, 1 Scott, William; N13, 1 Seward, William H.; N16, 1 Sherman, M. (Corp'l); N17, 2 Sherwood, Isaac; N3, 1 Skinner, S. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Smith, Clarisa; N7, 1 Smith, Cyrus (Pvt.); N17, 2 Smith, Jessie; N7, 1 Snyder, J. (Pvt.); N17, 4 Sons of Veterans; N11, 1 South Side R. R. Skirmish (VA); N17, 4 Spanish-American War; N14, 1 Springfield, IL; N1, 1 Squeedunk (var. Squedunk), NY; N4, 1; N9, 1 Stanley, Charles; N12, 1 Stanley, Lyman; N12, 1 Stebbins, G. (Pvt.); N17, 4 Steinmier, A. (Pvt.); N17, 4 Stewart (Stuart), ----- (General); N10, 1, 2 Stokes, Chas (Pvt.); N17, 3 Stokes, J. N. (Pvt.); N17, 3 Stone, Wm P. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Strong, S. (Pvt.); N17, 3 Sturgis, ------ (General); N2, 2 Stuart (Stewart), ----- (General); N10, 1, 2 Sullivan, C. (Pvt.); N17, 3 Sullivan, Jno. (Pvt.); N17, 2 -T- Tagerl, S. E. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Tanner, George; N3, 1 Telford, Geo. (Pvt.); N17, 3 Tennessee (State of); N16, 1 Thomas, L. (Pvt.); N17, 3 Thompson, S. D.; N12, 1 Thorndills, Jno. (Corp'l); N17, 3 Towner, Martin (Pvt.); N17, 3 Thurston, Daniel; N7, 1 Thurston, Hannah; N77, 1 Thurston, Ransom; N7, 1 Thurston, Sally Abigal; N7 1 Tioga Co., NY; N5, 1 Tompkins, C. (Lumber); N8, 1 Travis, Cora; N5, 1 Tryon, ------- (General); N6, 2 Tyler, Wm. (Sgt.); N17, 2 -U- Underwood, Malcomb; N12, 1 Union, NY; N8, 1 Upper Lisle, NY; N7, 1 -V- Vermont (State of); N13, 1 Virginia (State of); N3, 1 Vreeland, Chas. (Pvt.); N17, 2 -W- Wainwright, J. B. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Walk, Theo. (Pvt.); N17, 1 Walters, J. R. (Pvt.); N17, 3 Walters, W. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Washington, DC; N3, 2 Washington, George (General); N6, 2 Watier, A. (Corp'l); N17, 1 Wavle, Melvin (Pvt.); N17, 2 Weaver, Geo. (Pvt.); N17, 3 Web, ----- (Pvt.); N17, 3 Weber, John (Sgt.); N17, 1 Weber, W. (Pvt.); N17, 3 Weien, P. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Whiston, J. E. (Pvt.); N17, 3 White, Wm. H. (Pvt.); N17, 3 Whitney, Jno. C. (Pvt.); N17, 3 Whitney Point, NY; N2, 1; N3, 1; N4, 1; N5, 1; N6, 1; N7, 1; N8, 1; N9, 1; N10, 1; N11, 1; N12, 1; N13, 1; N14, 1; N15, 1; N16, 1 Wilbur, Nelson (Pvt.); N17, 2 Wilbur, Philo (Pvt.); N17, 3 Wilbur, R. F. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Wilcox, F. L. (Pvt.); N17, 3 Wiles, James (Pvt.); N17, 2 Willworth, J. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Wilson's Station, VA; N17, 1 Wilson, B. H. (Sgt.); N17, 3 Wilson, Ellis, (Corp'l); N17, 2 Wilson, Jas. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Winchell, John (Pvt.); N17, 4 Winters, Geo. W. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Wise, J. (Pvt.); N17, 3 Wise, Withey, C. F. (Pvt.); N17, 3 Wood, ----- (Major); N17, 1 Wood, Barnibus; N7, 1 Wood, N. N. (Pvt.); N17, 2 Wood, Polly; N7, 1 Wood, Steve; N3, 2 Wyman, C. (Pvt.); N17, 3 -Y- York, B. J. (Pvt.); N17, 3 -Z- Ziph, Peter (Pvt.); N17, 2 |
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