Town of Candor
Surnames A - F
Abbey, William, carpenter
Adams, Gaylord W., resident, bds. Spencer
Adkin, Arcelius, laborer
Ahart, George, emp. Woolen Mills, h. Preston
Ahlers, Dederick G., cooper, h. Gould
Aignor, William, farmer, h. Kinney
Allen, Ben, farmer, h. Kinney
Allen, Ben Jr., laborer, h. Main
Allen, Frank, (West Candor), farmer 54
Allen, Frank, laborer, h. off Kinney
Allen, Frank G., farmer 1 30
Allen, Hiram, resident
Allen House, Iddo Vergason, proprietor, Main
Allen, Increase, lumberman, h. Kinney
Allen, James M., carpenter and farmer 10
Allen, Joh J., farmer 16
Allen, Judson K., farmer 100, h. Owego
Allen, Matthew K., farmer 50, h. Owego
Allen, William D., carpenter and farmer 10
Anderson, Edwin S., (Owego), farmer 151
Anderson, Ezra L., farmer
Anderson, George M. (Owego), farmer
Anderson, Joel, (Owego), apiarist and farmer 111
Anderson, Leroy, farmer 75
Anderson, Myron, (Catatonk), farmer 100
Anderson, Philander, (Owego), farmer 250
Anderson, Stephen, (Catatonk), farmer 139
Anderson, Sylvenus (Owego), farmer 75
Anderson, Truman (Catatonk), farmer 100
Anderson, Willis, (Owego), farmer 85, and leases of Philander
Anderson, 200
Andrews, Charles H., (Owego), leases of D.W. Andrews, 100
Andrews, Dana H. (Owego), farmer 25, and leases of Philetus
Andrews, 212
Andrews, David W. (Owego), farmer 200
Andrews, Elmer E., (Owego), school teacher and farmer
Andrews, Frank (Flemingville), farmer with Charles Crane, leases of John
M. Grimes, 120
Andrews, Levi, (Owego), farmer 175
Andrews, Thomas, (Owego), farmer 103
Andrews, William H., general merchant, Front, h. do.
Andrews, William R., clerk, bds. Front
Armitage, Ann E., widow Alfred, h. Owego
Armitage, Claude, clerk, h. Owego
Ashland House, Frank J. Norton, prop., Main
Ayers, Willis, (Willseyville), carpenter
Bacon, George G., music teacher, agent for musical instruments, fruit grower,
and manuf. vinegars
Bacon, Harvey, farmer 10
Bacon, John G., farmer 100
Bailey, Charity M., widow William, resident, bds. Main
Baird, James L. (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.), farmer 100
Bakeman, Isaac, farmer 15
Baker, Aaron (Caroline Center, Tomp. Co.), with William L., lumberman and
farmer 180
Baker, Jesse, farmer 30
Baker, Lyman (Caroline Center, Tomp. Co.), farmer in Berkshire 145
Baker, William L. (Caroline Center, Tomp. Co.), with Aaron Baker, lumberman
and farmer 180
Bangs, Charles E., teacher, and farmer 4
Bangs, William L., farmer 100
Banks, Alanson, (Willseyville), farmer 90
Banks, Nathan J., (Willseyville), farmer
Barager, Charles F., senator 26th district, prop. Candor Woolen Mills, also
lumber business in Chenango Co., h. Main
Barber, Hiram, cooper
Barber, John J. (Willseyville), leases of John Foote 37
Barber, Washington, laborer
Barden, Robert S., carpenter, and farmer 97
Barden, William (Strait's Corners), farmer, leases of B. Coursen 108
Barker, George, laborer
Barnes, Charles W., farmer with his father James D.
Barnes, Hugh S., (Catatonk), farmer 95
Barnes, James D., lumberman, and farmer 100
Barnes, Thomas, (Catatonk), farmer 70
Barnes, William, farmer 100
Barrett, Elliott, (West Newark), farmer 250
Barrett, Justus, (Weltonville), farmer, leases of Theodore Cortright, of
Owego, 40
Barrett, Sidney A. (Strait's Corners), farmer 35
Barrett, Van Ness (Jenksville), farmer 225
Barrott, Ammiel W., (Weltonville), prop. of saw and grist-mill, and dealer
in lumber, lath, meal and feed, farmer 500, also lumber yard, and two tenements
at Athens, Pa.
Barrott, Simeon W., (Weltonvlle), farmer 190
Barrott, Van Ness W., (Weltonville), carpenter, and farmer, leases of Simeon
W. Barrott 75
Barto, William (Weltonville), sawyer, and farmer 50
Bateman, Joseph (Weltonville), laborer
Bates, James D., farmer 94
Baylor, Charles F., blacksmith, Main, h. Bank
Baylor, Daniel H., blacksmith, h. Kinney
Beadle, Jared J., farmer
Beebe, Abram, prop. Candor grist-mill, Main, h. do.
Beebe, Clark, emp. Candor grist-mill, h. Ithaca
Beeley, John (Strait's Corners), farmer, leases of J. Dougherty 52
Beers, George H. (Catatonk), farmer 52
Belden, James P., farmer 220
Benedict, Archibald W. (Willseyville), farmer
Benton, James F. (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.), farmer 55
Best, David (Catatonk), farmer 186
Best, George (Strait's Corners), farmer 100
Best, John J. (Catatonk), farmer 22
Best, Richard, laborer
Bishop, Charles E. (Jenksville), farmer, leases of I.W. Gay, of
Berkshire 90
Bishop, James, fire and life insurance, Main, h. do.
Blewer, Fred A. (Weltonville), farmer 50
Blewer, Levi, (Weltonville), laborer
Blewer, M. Lamont, (Weltonville), farmer 45
Blinn, Burdette, (Wilseyville), laborer
Blinn, Charles, section hand
Blinn, Eli R., (Jenksville), farmer 85
Blinn, Elmer, farmer
Blinn, Lewis, farmer 94
Blinn, Samuel E., farmer 122
Blinn, Sherman P., farmer 100
Blinn, Thomas P., farmer 60
Blodgett, Charles O., (Weltonville), farmer, leases of S.R. Barrott, 230
Blow, Minard, (Weltonville), farmer, leases of Jasper Galpin, 50
Bogardus, George M., (Wilseyville), farmer
Bogert, Peter, farmer 84, h. Owego
Boget, William, (Strait's Corners), farmer 112
Bolton, Clarence S., blacksmith and horseshoer, Main, h. do.
Bolton, Lewis, emp. L.A. Hart, h. Main
Booth & Williams, (E.A.B. & E.S.W.), general merchants, Front
Booth Brothers (J.F. & T.S.), manufs. and dealers in lumber, and
farmers 300
Booth, Catharine, widow of Abel H., farmer with George D., 218
Booth, Dennis, retired farmer
Booth, Edwin A. (Booth & Williams), also prest. First Nat. Bank, h. Main
Booth, Freeman, farmer 206
Booth, George D., farmer with Catharine 218
Booth, Horace F., fire insurance, prest. board of Education, and prop. Candor
Iron Works, Main, h. do.
Booth, Jesse F., (Booth Bros.)
Booth, Mary, widow Horace, h. Main
Booth, Orange, lumberman, and farmer 250
Booth, Theron S., (Booth Bros.)
Booth, Wakefield, resident
Borthwick, Alexander (Jenksville), farmer, leases of Isaac D. Van Scoy, 128
Bortle, Lawrence R., laborer
Boyd, Andrew, farmer 30
Boyd, Benjamin, farmer 30
Braman, Jesse H ., stone mason, h. Bank
Braman, Norton M., farmer, works for Mrs. Terwilliger 200, h. Owego
Briggs, Mary L., resident, bds. Foundry
Brink, Homer A., (Weltonville), farmer 81
Brink, James S., thresher, and farmer 40
Brink, Joseph, farmer 25
Brink, Laverne, emp. W.J. Mlks, bds. Spencer
Brink, Marland, (Weltonville), farmer
Brink, Philemon, (Weltonville), farmer, leases of W.B. Thomas, 40
Brink, Stephen I., laborer
Brooks, George T., contractor and builder, h. Owego
Brown, Frank J., (Willseyville), farmer, leases of Wakeman Smith, 215
Brown, Frank W., (West Candor), station and Natl. express agt., and telegraph
Brown, Sarah J., widow Jeremiah F., dressmaker
Brundage, Lydia, widow Emmet, h. Main
Burch, L.H. Rev., rector St. Mark's church, h. Main
Burchard, Dana D., (Owego), farmer 52
Burchard, Elias, (Flemingville), farmer
Burchard, Franklin, (Flemingville), farmer
Burchard, Jason, (Flemingville), farmer
Burchard, Nelson, (Owego), farmer 100
Burleigh, Alfred, laborer
Burleigh, Eben, carpenter
Burleigh, Hezekiah, farmer 44
Burleigh, Millard F., farmer 50
Burrows, James, foreman woolen mills, h. Church
Burt, George (Catatonk), farmer 138
Burt, Lincoln C., (Catatonk), farmer with George
Bush, Abram R., (Willseyville), dealer in groceries
Bush, Elizabeth B., widow Isaac L., resident, h. Owego
Butler, Orrin (Strait's Corners), farmer 100
Candor Humboldt Tannery (E.S. Estey & Sons, props.), Front
Candor Iron Works (H.F. Booth, prop.), Foundry
Candor Woolen Mills (Charles F. Barager, prop.), manuf. horse blankets, Main
Caple, Adam, teacher of vocal music, farmer 172
Capel, Edward, (Owego), laborer
Capel, George, (Owego), laborer
Capel, John, (Owego), farmer 50
Caple, Elgin P., farmer
Caple, Philip (Catatonk), farmer 52
Caple, Philip J. (Catatonk), farmer 50
Card, George, (Strait's Corners), farmer
Card, Timothy, laborer
Carl, Peter, carpenter, h. Owego
Carlan, William (Catatonk), farmer 100
Carlin, James, emp. Frank L. Heath, bds. Main
Carpenter, Eliza A., widow Norman L., farm 150
Carpenter, Harry L., (Weltonville), house painting and graining
Carpenter, Orby V., blacksmith, machinist, etc., R.R. ave., h. do.
Carpenter, William L., blacksmith, machinist and wagon maker, R.R. ave.,
h. do.
Carroll, Thomas, farmer, works for Eliza Carroll 57
Cass, Frank, (Strait's Corners), farmer 48, and with William 152
Cass, Samuel, (Strait's Corners), farmer 107
Cass, William (Strait's Corners), farmer 75, and with Frank Cass 152
Casterline, Romeo W. (Strait's Corners), general blacksmithing
Chandler, William, (Catatonk), farmer 46
Chapman, Amos C., farmer, h. Owego
Chapman, Foster, (Catatonk), laborer
Chapman, George, emp. woolen mill, bds. Mountain ave.
Chapman, John D., farm laborer, bds. Mountain ave.
Chapman, Milford, emp. woolen mill, h. Railroad
Chidester, Chauncey W., (Weltonville), physician and surgeon
Chidsey, George C., liveryman, h. Main
Chidsey, John R., postmaster, also dealer in hardware, stoves and peddlers'
supplies, Front, h. do.
Chidsey, Leonard, butcher, h. Owego
Clark, Alexander H., (Catatonk), farmer 1 26
Clark, Herbert, farmer 10
Clark, Leroy, farmer, works for Hiram J. Clark 180
Cleveland, Charles, laborer
Cleveland, George M., (Willseyville), millwright and farmer 7
Cleveland, Joseph, laborer
Coggin, Loama I., farmer, works for Mrs. L.T. Coggin 10
Cogswell, Mary J., widow Joel, resident, h. Owego
Cole, Mrs. Jennie, resident, h. Academy
Cole, William J., retired, h. Main
Compton, Amos (Catatonk), laborer
Comstock, William I., (Jenksville), farmer 175
Coney, Stephen (West Candor), farmer 10
Conklin, Catherine B., widow Ephraim, resident, h. Church
Conklin, Christopher, farmer, h. Church
Conklin, Levi (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.), farmer 120
Conklin, Norman, farmer, h. Church
Connell, Thomas J., clerk Allen House, bds. do.
Conrad, George, farmer 41
Cook, Ezra S., (Weltonville), laborer
Cook, John W., (Strait's Corners), farmer 70
Cook, Joseph, laborer
Coon, Alonzo H., (Strait's Corners), threshing and farmer with William I.,
Coon, William I.,(Strait's Corners), threshing and farmer with Alonzo H.,
Cooper & Thornton, (West Candor)(J.H.C. & G.H.T.), cider-mill and
threshing machine
Cooper, Caroline J., widow Arnold N., resident, h. Kinney
Cooper, Fred B. (Strait's Corners), general store
Cooper, John H., (West Candor), market gardening, 5 1/2 acres
Cornick, William, laborer
Cornish, Albert A., boot and shoemaker, farmer 27
Cortright, Amos J., (Weltonville), farmer 70
Cortright, Charles H., (Weltonville), farmer 80
Cortright, Collins, (Weltonville), farmer 75
Cortright, Franklin, (Weltonville), stone mason, farmer 65
Cortright, George, (Weltonville), farmer 100
Cortright, James, resident
Cortright, James, (Weltonville), retired
Cortright, James F., (Weltonville), retired farmer
Cortright, Joseph J., (Weltonville), carpenter and joiner, farmer 40
Cortright, Marion A., (Weltonville), laborer
Cortright, Samuel, (Weltonville), retired farmer 30
Cortright, William C., (Weltonville), farmer 40
Coursen, Bartley, (Strait's Corners), farmer 350
Coursen, John M., (Strait's Corners), farmer 72
Coursen, Thomas H., farmer 30
Courtright, Henry A. (West Newark), dealer in agricultural implements, and
farmer 100
Cowles, James C., building moving, mason and farmer 65
Cowles, J. Harvey, farmer 54
Crance, Dewitt C., resident, h. Railroad
Crance, Mary, widow Abram, resident, h. Railroad
Crane, Charles (Flemingville), shoemaker
Cranmer, I.J., resident, h. Pond
Crine, Llewellyn, student
Crine, Perkins S., farmer
Crine, Stephen D., dairy farmer 260
Cronk, Byron E., Rev., (Bapt.), commissioner of highways; also, contractor
and builder
Cronk, William D., manufacturer of birch and sarsaparilla beer, and agt.
for the Grand Union Tea Co.
Crum, Lafayette, (West Candor), farmer 240
Crum, McDonough, farmer, h. Spencer
Cummings, Wiliam W., farmer, leases of J. Tompkins, of Spencer, 200, and
of Ezra Bostwick, of Cortland, 96
Curtis, Fred, farmer
Curtis, William, wagonmaker
Custard, Anson, (Weltonville), farmer 71
Cutchee, Ambrose, (Catatonk), tanner
Daggett, William, (Jenksville), farmer, leases of Elizabeth Fuller, 73
Dames, Joseph O., retired, h. Preston
Darmody, Thomas, laborer, h. Railroad ave.
Davis, Frank, fireman
Dean, Josie, station and express agt.
Decker, Oliver H.P., resident, bds. Owego
Decker, Samuel, teaming and farmer 90
Decker, William, laborer
DeGraw, John, tin and hardware, Main, h. Ann cor. McCarty
Dennis, Alfred, farmer 264
Dennis, Fred M., laborer
Dennis, Lorena Mrs., resident, h. Owego
Dennis, Marvin, farmer with Wesley 167
Dennis, Wesley, teacher and farmer with Marvin 167
Dewey, Daniel, (Strait's Corners), laborer
Dewey, Frank E., farmer 92
Deyo, Jacob, (Weltonville), farmer 67
Dixon, Henry S., silversmith, h. Church
Dixon, John C., physician and surgeon, Main, h. do.
Dohs, George (Catatonk), night watchman in tannery
Dohs, Jacob, (Catatonk), farmer 12 1/2
Doty, Delos A., farmer, leases of James Doty 78
Doty, Edward J., clerk, h. Thompson
Doty, George L., farmer 25
Doty, James, farmer 275
Doty, John J., farmer, leases of Samuel Decker 90
Doty, John Mrs., resident, h. Kinney
Doughty, Andrew J., (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.), farmer 11
Doughty, Epenetus, (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.), farmer 140 and in Caroline 110
Douglass, George, (Strait's Corners), farmer 132
Douglass, John, farmer, h. Owego
Douglass, Otis A., (Strait's Corners), farmer
Douglass, William (Strait's Corners), farmer 105
Downing, Jay S., fruit grower and farmer 39
Downing, Kay M., farmer
Downing, Lincoln L., farmer
Downing, Stoughton S., fruit grower, and farmer 120
Draper, Cynthia P. (Catatonk), widow Ira, resident
Draper, Menz V. (Catatonk), blacksmith, and farmer 70
Drew, George, (Catatonk), laborer
Duel, Smith, farmer 50
Duff, Alexander B., (Strait's Corners), farmer 94
Du Mond, David, cider-mill, and grain thresher, Ashland, h. Main
Dykeman, Orrin, refused to give information
Dykeman, Solonas, farmer 45
Dykeman, William H., farm laborer, h. Owego
Eastham, Nathan, (Strait's Corners), lumberman, and farmer 231
Eastham, Thomas, (Strait's Corners), lumberman, and farmer
Eastman, Amos, (Willseyville), farmer 75, and works for his wife Rachael
Eastman, John N. (Willseyville), farmer 85, and leases of Barlow Sanford
Eastman, Morgan, (Willseyville), farmer
Easton, Zenas R., watchman, hand lot
Eccleston, David, painter, h. R.R. ave.
Edmunds, Caleb W., sawyer, and farmer 15
Edwards, Caroline Mrs., laundress, h. Owego
Eichenburgh, George, sawyer
Eiklor, George I., carpenter and builder, blacksmithing, farmer 50
Ellison, John T., farmer, leases of Joel Starkweather 84
Ellsworth, Ervin A., salesman, h. Owego
Ellsworth, Frederic, farmer 50
Elmendorf, Clarence, carpenter, bds. Main
Elmendorf, Cyrenus, contractor and builder, h. Main
Elmendorf, George E. (Strait's Corners), farmer 112, and leases of Abram
White 70
Elmendorf, Jonathan, (Strait's Corners), resident
Embody, Jacob, wagon-maker, Spencer, h. do.
Embody, Jacob C., cartman, h. Gould
Emerson, Charity, (Strait's Corners), widow James, carpet-weaving
Emerson, Chester, (Strait's Corners), farmer 56
Emerson, Frederick A., (Strait's Corners), farmer 50
Emery, Sarah, (Strait's Corners), widow Isaac, farm 75
Ervay, Charles, (Willseyville), farmer, leases of Ira Hoose
Evans, Richard (Strait's Corners), farmer 50
Evans, Stephen C., salesman, h. Main
Farley, Daniel, (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.), farmer 83
Farley, Eli J., (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.), carpenter, and farmer 9
Farley, Ellyn, (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.), farmer 20
Farley, Martin, (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.), farmer 30
Faurot, Mary Mrs., emp. blanket factory, h. Owego
Fellows, James, (Strait's Corners), farmer 82
Ferris, Elihu, farmer 60
Ferris, George, (West Candor), farmer 30
Ferris, James, (West Candor), farmer
Ferris, Oliver, (West Candor), farmer 40
Ferris, Richard R., farmer 61
Ferris, Sarah, (West Candor), widow Stephen, farm 25
Ferris, Theron W., farmer 50
Fessenden, David S., (William L. & Son), cabinet-maker
Fessenden, William L. (W.L. & Son), pastor Wesleyan Methodist church,
Candor, and South Beecher hill and Spaulding hill
Fessenden, W.L. & Son, (William L. & David S.), manufs. and dealers
in furniture, undertaking goods, etc., Owego, h. do.
Fiebig, Charles F., carriage painter, Main, h. Owego
Fiebig, Frances Mrs., resident, bds. Owego
Fiebig, John P., traveling salesman, bds. Main
Field, Richard, mason, h. Mountain ave.
Filcinger, Gabriel, (Willseyville), resident
First National Bank of Candor (E.A. Booth, prest., J.W. McCarty, vice-prest.,
J. Thompson, cash.), Main
Fisher, John W., groceries and provisions, Main, h. do.
Fitch, Chancy S., farmer 114
Fitch, Frank E., farmer
Flack, Thomas W., (Catatonk), carpenter
Fogarty, John J., laborer
Foot, Sheldon W., resident
Foot, William, farmer 50
Ford, Nelson, laborer, h. Owego
Forsyth, George, retired, h. Humeston
Foster, Charles (Jenksville), farmer 128
Foster, Charles H., laborer
Foster, Cyrus A., cooper, h. Main
Foster, Jonas S., (Jenksville), farmer 178
Foster, Richard, (Jenksville), farmer
Fredenburg, Henry (Catatonk), farmer, leases of Frank Whitmarsh, of Owego,
Fronk, Fred, (Catatonk), carpenter and farmer 30
Frost, John O., furniture dealer and undertaker, Main, h. do.
Fuller, Alvah, teamster, h. Main
Fuller, Elizabeth (Jenksville), widow Robert, farm 73
Fuller, George B., resident, bds. Kinney
Fuller, Gritman E., (Weltonville), farmer
Fuller, Jacob C., farmer 112
Fuller, Marvin, laborer, h. Kinney
Fuller, Radaker, lumberman and farmer 96
Fuller, Samuel G., teacher and farmer 27
Fuller, Willard, farmer 25