1887 - 88 Directory of Berkshire, NY
Donated by Martha S. Magill
Directory of Tioga County, New York 1887-'88
Compiled and Published by W. B. Gay & Co.
Syracuse, N.Y.
The Syracuse Journal Company, Printers and Binders 1887 Directory is arranged
as follows - Name of individual or firm, postoffice address in parenthesis
if different from name of town, business or occupation, figures placed after
the occupation of a farmer indicate the number of acres owned or leased
Abbreviations used:
bds - boards; emp - employee; h - house; manuf - manufacturer;
prop - proprietor.
The word street is implied.
(Postoffice address is Berkshire, NY unless otherwise designated in parenthesis.)
I have NO information on the persons listed.
Please contact the Tioga County Historical Society.
Akins, Caroline P., widow Stephen, farmer 140
Akins, Henry S. (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) saw and planing-mill, cheese-box
factory, cider-mill, wood turner and manuf potato crates
Akins, John P., farmer works for Caroline P., 140
Andrews, Asa, farmer, leases of Walter Jewett 190
Bailey, Isaac B., sawyer
Baker, Clarence A., farmer, leases of Talcott Leonard 154
Baker, George W., farmer
Ball, Asa, farmer 150
Ball, Caroline, widow of Anson, h Main
Ball, George P., produce buyer
Ball, Hannah E., widow of Alvah M., resident, h Main
Ball, John, prop. saw-mill and farmer 40
Ball, Robert H., farmer 140, h Main
Ball, Stephen L., farmer 88
Ballard, James O. (Ketchumville) farmer 39
Ballou, Alden, farmer
Ballou, Nelson A., farmer 71
Ballou, Reuben, farmer 97
Bancroft, William H. (Ketchumville) farmer 59
Barr, George A., farmer 50, h Glen
Bates, Otis L., farmer 75
Bates, Spencer, farmer
Beebe, Herman P., farmer 75
Bennett, Lucius M., laborer, h Glen
Benton, Charles W., manuf. of axe-helves, and farmer 45
Benton, Thomas J., painter and farmer
Berkshire Flouring Mills, Leet & Hollenbeck, proprs.
Berkshire House (Ira Crawford, prop.) livery connect
Bidwell, Elizabeth M., widow Hiram H., resident, h Main
Bidwell, Roxey A., widow Samuel C., resident, h Main
Blackman, Abram, dealer in live stock, and farmer 160, h Main
Borthwick, Joseph (Jenksville) farmer 81
Boyer, Stephen H. (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) farmer 400
Brainard, Charles E., dealer in the Deering mower, reaper and binder,
wheel rakes spring tooth harrows, sulky and land plows,
wagons and carriages, also agent for arctic creamery, and farmer 220
Briggs, Thomas, laborer
Brookins, Charles E. (Ketchumville) laborer
Brown, Abraham, carpenter, and farmer with James Cumming 50, h Main
Brown, Edwin B., farmer
Brown, Frances C., farm 80
Brown, Myron, carpenter, and farmer 12
Brown, Robert C., breeder of horses, and farmer 130
Brown, Romeo W., laborer
Buffington, Calvin A., general blacksmith, manuf. of carriages, beam knives,
mill-stone picks, etc., Railroad h Main
Bunnell, Eddie E., farmer 60
Bunnell, Henry J. (Center Lisle) resident
Bunnell, John G. (Center Lisle) farmer 125
Bunnell, Nancy A., widow Charles A., farmer 63
Burgess, Joseph, painter, and farmer 6
Bush, Marcene, farmer 80, and leases of F. C. Brown 40
Bushnell, William (Wilson Creek) laborer
Bushnell, William B., flour, feed, coal, salt, and fertilizers, Depot, and
in Newark Valley, farm 50
Cady, Gershom (Ketchumville) laborer
Carmer, Charles, farmer 25
Chappins, Mark Jr., farmer, leases of Mark Chappins, of Sheldrake, N.Y.,
Church, Elijah C., farmer 48
Church, Orris, stone mason, carpenter, and farmer 9, served in Co. E 76th
Regt., N.Y. Vols.
Christler, William (Wilson Creek) farmer
Clark, Gershom W. (Ketchumville) farmer 125
Clark, Horatio, general merchant, and deputy post-master, Main, cor. Dept,
h. do.
Clark, Sanford H., apiarist, and farmer 70
Coats, Charles, farmer 105
Coats, Joseph, farmer 3
Cole, James E. (Jenksville) farmer, leases of L. Maria Keeny, of Dryden,
Cole, Leslie, laborer
Collins, Ambrose, farmer 15, h Main
Collins, Junius, wool and produce dealer, real estate agent for lands in
Nebraska, also associate justice and justice of the peace, h Main
Comstock, George S. (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) teacher
Cortright, Henry, farmer 30
Cortright, John (Maine, Broome Co.) farmer, leases of Henry VanTyle, of Maine,
Cortright, William, laborer
Costillo, John, leather roller
Courtright, Darius (Wilson Creek) farmer 95
Crapo, Richard (Ketchumville) laborer
Crawford, Eugene, farmer, leases of Ira Crawford, h Main
Crawford, Ira, prop. of Berkshire Hotel and livery, also farmer 370, and
in Harford, Cortland Co., 50
Crawford, Ira O., sawyer and carpenter, h Main
Crawford, James H., carpenter, h East
Croft, Harry, emp. hub factory, bds. Glen
Cross, James O., merchant tailor, Main
Cross, Louis J., house and carriage painter, paper-hanging and decotating,
also breeder of Clay horses; breaking colts a specialty, h Mechanic
Cross, Sarah B. (wife of Louis J.) all kinds of upholstering, h Mechanic
Cullen, Miles, emp. tannery
Cummings, James, retired farmer, h Glen
Curtis, A. V., widow Mark, h Main
Dale, John, farmer 38
Darbonnier, Stephen (Dewey & Darbonnier) h Elm
Davidge, Horton & Co. (Mrs. E. Davidge, Lucien Horton and James Davidge)
props. Berkshire tannery, and manufrs. of hemlock sole leather, also farmer
Davidge, James (Davidge, Horton & Co., and Davidge, Landfield & Co.,
of Newark Valley)
Decker, Gideon, resident
Dermody, Michael, emp. tanery, h Main
Dewey & Darbonnier (Chas. J. D., and Stephen D.) dealers in dry-goods,
groceries, hardware, boots and shoes, clothing, &c., also farmers 12,
Dewey, Charles J. (Dewey & Darbonnier) also justice of peace, h Main
Dewey, Dwight W., teacher, bds. Main
Doney, John J., laborer
Doney, William H., farmer 48
Dorwin, Charles H., book-keeper, and farmer 4
Eastman, Charles, farmer
Eastman, Leonard O., county school commissioner, and medical student, office
in Court House, Owego, and at residence in Berkshire
Eastman, Nancy W., widow George W., resident, h Main
Edwards, Charles M. (Ketchumville) laborer
Edwards, Merritt P. (Ketchumville) farmer 50
Eldred, M.F., laborer
Eldridge, Edward O. (E.O.E. & Co.) notary public, h Main
Eldridge, E. O. & Co. (Edward O. Eldridge and Mrs. Caroline Johnson)
dealers in dry goods, groceries, and general merchandise, Main
Eldridge, Mary S., widow of Edward H., resident
Ellis, William, teamster, h Railroad
Ellis, William (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) laborer
Eston, Elmer (Ketchumville) farmer, leases of R. T. Gates, of North Lansing,
Evans, Irving W., farmer 83
Evans, John J. (Ketchumville) farmer, leases of Marion Rich, of Newark Valley,
Evans, Mary H. (Jenksville) widow of Joel, farm 7
Evans, William S. (Jenksville) farmer
Everett, Henry C., farmer 145
Fitch, Arthur (Wilson Creek) laborer
Ford, Arthur J., farmer 104
Ford, George, carpenter, and farmer 55
Ford, John R., postmaster and farmer 171, h Elm
Ford, Marcus J., farmer 119 and leases of James Baird of Speedsville 200
Ford, Sarah W., widow Lebbeus, resident
Ford, William W., dairy 10 cows, farmer 117
Foster, Amos, farmer
Foster, John L., farmer, leases of Ira Crawford 165
Freeland, Lewis A. (Newark Valley) farmer 115
Gay, Isaac W., physician and surgeon, farmer 90, h Main
Gilbert, Marvin C., laborer
Gilbert, Marvin C. Jr., farmer 14
Goldstein Brothers (Jacob & Samuel) clothing and gents' furnishing
Gould, Joel (Ketchumville) farmer 137
Griner, John N., restaurant, Depot
Haight, Edith J., art teacher, h Glen
Haight, Mary, widow Samuel F., farm 25, h Glen
Hamilton, Elliott, boarding-house
Hamilton, Susanna, widow Charles, resident
Hart, Arthur L. (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) carpenter and farmer
Hart, Colden N. (Wilson Creek) postmster, also dealer in cigars and tobacco
Hart, Samuel L. (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) prop. grist-mill, also carpenter
and farmer 7
Hart, Sarah E. (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) wife of Samuel L., cloth and carpet
Hart, Selim M. (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) carpenter and cabinet maker
Hartwell, Levi, farmer 50
Hartwell, Willard R. (Ketchumville) farmer 105
Harvey, Andrew J. (Wilson Creek) farmer 47
Harvey, Martin V. (Wilson Creek) farmer 140
Hay, Henry L., painter, h Railroad
Hay, Van Rensselaer, farmer
Hayden, John (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) farmer 78
Hayden, Patsey W., carpenter and builder, h Glen
Higgins & Rounsevell (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.)(John H. & George B.
R.) props. Speedsville creamery and cheese factory
Higgins, John (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.)(Higgins & Rounsevell) agricultural
implements and farmer 75
Hill, T. James, emp. Berkshire Hotel, Main
Hillsinger, Charles, farmer 50
Hillsinger, William, laborer
Hinds, Robert, emp. tannery, h Main
Hitchcock, Caroline, resident, Elm
Holcomb, J. Wallace, dealer in drugs, patent medicine, groceries, paints
and oils, etc.
Holland, Frank, farmer 30
Holland, James J. (Wilson Creek) farmer 21
Hollenbeck, J. Erving (Leet & Hollenbeck)
Horton, Lucien (Davidge, Horton & co., and Davidge, Landfield & Co.,
of Newark Valley, also Sherwood & Horton)
Hough, Rev. Joel J., pastor of Congregational Church
Houghtaling, Burt, carriage maker, millwright and wood turner, Mechanic bds.
Houghtaling, William M., wagon-maker and repairing, h Main
Houk, Daniel (Wilson Creek) shoemaker, apiarist and farmer 8
Howland, Fred E., laborer
Howland, George E., laborer
Howland, Haper, resident, Main
Hubbard, Howard M., carpenter and farmer, leases of J. R. Ford, 112, served
in Co. B 109th N.Y. State Vol.
Humphrey, Erastus E. (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) wagon maker and farmer 10
Hutchinson, Orrin (Wilson Creek) dairy 25 cows, farmer 190
Japhet, Elijah, farmer 31
Japhet, George W., dairy 7 cows, and farmer 95
Japhet, Gilbert L., farmer
Japhet, Milo G., prop. saw-mill and novelty works, also dealer in lumber,
lath, shingles, etc., Railroad
Jenks, Nathaniel J. (Jenksville) dairy 20 cows, and farmer 157
Jewett, Asahel, dairy 15 cows, and farmer 220
Jewett, Walter (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) supervisor 12th term, dairy cows,
and farmer 420
Johnson, Caroline (E.O. Eldridge & Co.) widow Carlisle P., h Main
Johnson, Edward, leather roller
Johnson, Eugene F., fire, life and accident insurance, sugar orchard 300
trees, and farmer 220
Johnson, Frank H., retired, bds. Main
Johnson, Frederick C., clerk
Johnson, William C. (Ketchumville) laborer
Judd, John N., dealer in harnesses, carriages, sleighs and agricultural imp.,
also farmer 107
Keeny, Willoughby L. (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) farmer 120
Kenyon, William H. (Wilson Creek) farmer 50 in Maine, Broome co.
Keyes, Benjamin I., farmer, leases of George Royce
Keyser, Henry, farmer 100
Kimball & Stannard (Connecticut)(John F. K. and Lorenzo J. S.) stationary
steam threshing machine, horse breeders, and farmer 197, and in Newark 110
Kingsbery, Henry, farmer 20
Lacy, Thomas, farmer 62 1/2
Lamb, Lewis W., laborer
Lee, Frank L., farmer
Leet & Hollenbeck (T.E.L. and J.E.H.) props. Berkshire Flouring mills,
and dealers in flour, meal, feed and bran, near Depot
Leet, Frank E. (Leet & Hollenbeck)
Legg, Erasmus D. (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) breeder of English hurdle race
horses, and coach horses, Holstein cattle and Hampshire sheep, dairy 15 cows,
and farmer 220, sugar orchard 1,000 trees
Legg, George W. (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) farmer
Legg, Layton (Jenksville) farmer 110
Legg, Louis P. retired farmer, h Main
Legg, Reuben T. (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) carp. and cabinet maker
Leonard, Charles Talcott, dairy 15 cows, and farmer 260
Leonard, Eunice C., widow George F., resident, farm with Ransom 168
Leonard, Henry G., retired tanner, h Elm
Leomard, J. Waldo, farmer 180, h Elm
Leonard, Ransom, farmer with Eunice C., 168
Lynch, Albert C., farmer, h Main
Lynch, Charles O., deputy sheriff
Lynch, Eugene F., dealer in produce, and farmer 200
Lynch, George W., clerk, h Main
Lynch, Theodore, dealer in beef and live stock, also farmer 165, h Main
Manning, Alexander D., dealer in butter and eggs, h Main
Manning, Arthur B., farmer 10
Manning, Charles S., farmer 140
Manning, George, laborer
Maynard, George (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) farmer, leases of John Cross of
Speedsville 90
Mayor, Charles (Theodore & Son)
Mayor, Theodore & Son (Theo & Charles) breeders and dealers in Holstein
cattle, dairy 16 cows, and farmer 136, sugar orchard 300
McCoy, Oliver A. (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) carpenter
McMahon, James, farmer 41
McMahon, Patrick farmer 40
Meeks, Edmund (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) farmer 105
Merithew, Edgar A. (Connecticut) farmer, leases of Norman A. Prentice 68
Myre, Frank, laborer
Nicholson, Charles, farmer, leases of Robert E. Waldon 106
Noiton, Benjamin (Ketchumville) farmer 50
Northrup, Frank L. (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) carpenter and painter
Northrup, George W. (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.), retired physician
Oaks, Jerome (Ketchumville) agt. mowers and reapers, and farmer 136
Oliver, Peter (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) farmer
Olney, Marvin M., emp. hub factory, served in Co. E 76th N.Y. Vols., and
Co. F 5th N.Y. Cavalry, h Main
Owen, Jay (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.)(M.A. & Bros.)
Owen, M. A. & Brothers (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.)(McA. and Jay) manuf.
tubs, firkins and barrels
Owen, Mc A. (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.)
Orton, James, farmer 38
Overacker, John M., laborer
Parke, Anson (Jenksville) laborer
Palmer, Robert, laborer
Parsons, George, dairy 50 cows, and farmer 750
Parsons, Jemima, widow Chauncey, resident, h Glen
Parsons, William C. (Ketchumville) farmer, leases of W.H. Jackson of Newark
Valley 140
Patch, Eveline L., widow William J., adnimistratrix of estate of William
J., farm 230, and in Richford 210
Patch, Henry W., dealer in horses, and farmer, works the estate of William
J. Patch 230, dairy 14 cows, sugar orchard 200, wool grower 35 head
Patch, Robert C., telegraph operator, bds. Main
Payne Charles H., laborer, h Railroad
Payne, Frederick H., postal clerk, and farmer 100
Payne, Henry A., carpenter, and farmer 250, h Main
Phillips, Elias M., farmer, leases of J. Watrous, of Cortland, 140
Phillips, Sophia L. (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) widow of Asa E., resident
PIerce, John (Ketchumville) farmer 30
Pierce, Sylvester (Ketchumville) farmer 80
Pittsley, Clarence A., laborer
Pittsley, Oscar, laborer
Pittsley, Sewel, laborer
Polley, Hiram, manuf. and dealer in harnesses, whips, robes and blankets,
Main, h do.
Pratt, Marshall D., carriage-maker, veterinary surgeon, and constable, h
Prentice, Austin H. (Connecticut) dairy 14 cows, and farmer 47 in Newark
Valley, and leases of George Walter 92
Prentice, Irving B. (Newark Valley) farmer 97
Prentice, Norman A., dealer in fresh and salt meats, fish, oysters, clams,
poultry and veal calves, also farmer 68, Main, h do.
Prentice, Will E. (Newark Valley) farmer 112
Preston, Jay R. (Jenksville) farmer, leases of Abram Blackman
Quinliran, Edward, emp. tannery
Rightmire, Elizabeth, widow William H., farm 30, h Glen
Rightmire, Nathan, farmer 140
Rightmire, Squire, retired carpenter, h Glen
Rightmire, William P., forman tannery
Roberts, William D., farmer, leases of E. R. Adams, of Nanticoke, 100
Robinson, Frank G., farmer with Newell 180, dairy 19 cows
Robinson, Newell, farmer with Frank G. 180, dairy 19 cows
Rockefeller, Charles H., barber and hair-dresser, livery stable and constable,
Rockwell, Frank, farmer, leaes of H. A. Payne 209
Rockwood, James W., farmer 10
Rounsevell, George B. (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.)(Higgins & R.)
Royce, Amelia B., wife of George C., farmer 120, h Main
Royce, Frederick B., dairy 10 cows, farmer 141
Royce, George c., breeder and dealer in Clay horses, prop. stock horse Good
Luck Clay, and farmer 120, h Main
Royce, John B., retired farmer 60, aged 92
Sargent, Orrin (Wilson Creek) farmer 45
Sargent, Silas (Wilson Creek) farmer
Scott, Charles & Edmund F., apiarist, 65 to 100 colonies, egg and poultry
raising, dairy 15 cows, 70 sheep, sugar orchard 300 trees, and farmer 247
Scudder, George D., teamster, Main
Seamans, Samuel M., general blacksmith, Main
Sears, Quincy A., farmer 25
Shaff, James H., farmer 90
Shaff, John D., dairy 16 cows, farmer 125
Shaff, Joseph, farmer 5
Shaff, William H., farmer 100
Shaw, Wiliam F., farmer, son of William T.
Shaw, William T., breeder of short-horn cattle, dairy 30 cows, 20 head young
stock and farmer 265
Shepard, C. Burton, farmer 50
Shepard, James, apiarist, breeder of horses and farmer 100
Shepard, John, farmer 140
Sherman, Edward A. (Ketchumville) farmer 105
Sherman, James W. (Wilson Creek) carpenter, dairy 10 cows, sugar orchard
200 trees and farmer 72
Sherwood & Horton (H.G.S. & C.S.H. of English Center, Pa.) manuf.
of wagon hubs, opp. Depot
Simmonds, Alpheus, dairy 12 cows, farmer 135
Simmonds, Charilla, wife of Alpheus, farm 55
Simmonds, George A., farmer
Simmons, Sylvester (Jenksville) farmer
Simmons, William E. (Jenksville) dairy 12 cows, breeder of horses and farmer
Skellinger, Daniel J. (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) cooper
Smith, Arthur E., sugar orchard 200 trees, farmer 93
Smith, Edwin, farmer 50, h Elm
Smith, Emory J., stone and plaster mason, h Railroad
Smith, George M., threshing and farmer 100
Smith, Ira J., tanner
Smith, John, engineer hub factory, bds. Elm
Snedaker, George, tool-maker
Snedaker, John, manuf. of tanners' beam knives, mill-stone picks and edge
tools, also farmer 19
Snedaker, William V., laborer
Sparrow, Frank, emp. hub factory, h Glen
Spencer, Charles D., farmer 105
Stanton, Elisha W. (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) tin peddlar
Stephens, Andrew, farmer 30
Summerville, Grant, night watch, tannery
Sykes, George D., teacher and farmer
Sykes, Horatio W., dairy 10 cows, sugar orchard 100 trees, farmer 114
Taylor, John H., farmer, leases J. W. Leonard
Thompson, Charles, laborer
Thompson, Samuel, farm in Richford 80, h Depot
Thorn, Charles F. (Wilson Creek) farmer
Thorn, Susan M. (Wilson Creek) widow Henry M., farm 63
Thuillard, Hyppolite, dairy 11 cows, farmer 110
Torrey, Betsey B., resident, h Main
Torrey, Charles S., farmer
Torrey, John, dairy 10 cows, farmer 117
Torrey, Lewis S., farmer, leases of Lyman Baker, of Candor, 143
Towslee, Delos, farmer, leases of R. Brown 13
Turner, Luther M. (Wilson Creek) road commissioner, farmer 50
Turner, William J., laborer
Tyler, Sherman B., laborer
Waldo, Elijah B. (Williams & Waldo) station and express agent, also dealer
in butter, eggs and poultry, h Williams
Waldo, Hannah B., widow Dr. Joseph T., resident, h Main
Waldo, Juliette, widow Dwight, h Elm
Waldo, Robert Emmet, dairy 12 cows, farmer 106
Walker, Erastus T., farmer 68
Walter, Joseph S., physician and surgeon, and farmer 200
Watkins, John F., laborer
Wauvle, James A., farmer 72
Wavle, Peter, wool grower 47 head, dairy 18 cows, and farmer with J. Shepard
30 Whitaker, Charles E. (Wilson Creek) dairy 7 cows, sugar orchard 400 trees,
farmer 40; served in Co. F. 144th N.Y. Vols.
Whiting, Caroline (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) widow Samuel, farm 80
Whiting, Frank S. (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) blacksmith and farmer
Williams & Waldo (M.A.W., E.B.W. and A.B.W.) apiarists, and dealers in
honey and bee-keepers' supplies
Williams, Eugene L. (Wilson Creek) farmer, leases of Lewis Williams 100
Williams, George, aparist, prop. saw-mill, and farmer 190
Williams, Harvey J., farmer 50
Williams, Lewis, farmer 98, h Railroad
Williams, Morris A. (Williams & Waldo) dealer in potatoes, h Depot
Winship, Edgar, dairy 12 cows, farmer 100
Winship, William, farmer
Wiswell, Jerome B. (Ketchumville) farmer 60
Witter, F.A. & Co. (Fred W. Witter) dealers in hardware, cutlery and
household furniture, agricultural implements, also horse blankets, whips,
shingles, etc., Main, h do.
Witter, Frank A. (F.A.W. & Co.) h Main
Witter, Fred W. (F.A.W. & Co.) h Main
Wooster, Asher B., stationary engineer
Wright, William F., sawyer, and farmer 94
VanDyke, Egbert, blacksmith and mechanic
Van Gorder, Charles B., engineer in hub factory
Van Gorder, George, farmer
VanNorman, Don R., bridge carpenter, h Elm
VanNorman, Fred, brakeman, h Elm
VanSusan, Clause, farmer 54
VanSusan, Diedrick, laborer
VanSusten, Diedrick, laborer
Young, Edward W., carpenter, h Min
Young, David H. (Jenksville) farmer
Youngs, Morris, farmer 25
Youngs, Orson R., laborer
Youngs, Peter, farrier, dairy 6 cows, farmer 8
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Wednesday, 09-Dec-2009 12:37:38 PST.