1856 Town of Barton Business Directories
Waverly & Factoryville
Martha Magill
The information below, sent in by a volunteer, was abstracted from the book
"History of Waverly, N.Y. & Vicinity" by Captain Charles L. Albertson.
Capt. Albertson copied it from an unknown 1856 source.
Contact the Tioga County Historical Society for further information about
people listed. A copy of "History of Waverly, N.Y." is at the Steele Memorial
Library, in Elmira, N.Y.
Aplin & Doubleday - General Store
Atwater, E.W. - Ticket Agent
B___, Mrs. M. - Vocalist
Badger, L.W. - Jeweler
Baldwin & Polleys - Waverly Advocate
Beard, Mrs. C.M. - Millinery
Brooks, W.A. - Groceries and Provisions
Bunn, A.R. - Boots and Shoes (continued in business until about 1910)
Chaffee, George W. - Auctioneer
Chaffee, Mrs. R.A. - Millinery
Clark, D.L.F. - Magistrate
Coburn, Charles R. - Marble Cutter
Compton P. - Retired Merchant
Cooley, J.M. - Drugs and Insurance
Cooley, N.C. - Physician (burned down Dec. 1861)
Crans, Robt. G. - Groceries (burned down Dec. 1861) Davis, A.M. - Railroad
Davis, H.S. - Store in Spaulding Block
Decker, John - Livery
Decker, Peter - Blacksmith
Delano & Walker - General Store
Drake, Henry - Druggist
Dunning, Jacob P. - Horse Dealer
Fisher, George L. - Occulist
Fralic, Abraham - Threshing Machines
Gibson, Wm. - General Store
Greaves, Charles O. - Printer
Hathaway, Mrs. S. - Daguerro Saloon
Howell, D.E. - Drayman
Hubbard, H.C. - Magistrate
Jarvis, A. - Postmaster
Jarvis, J.C. - Clerk for T. Jennings
Jarvis, ___ - Clerk for Robt. G. Crans
Jenks, Mrs. S.M. - Music Teacher
Jennings, T. - Hardware
Jones, Mrs. Esther - Millinery
Langford, H.W. - Clerk and Bookkeeper
Lemon, James - Foundry
Lent, Miss Polly - Millinery
Marcon, Charles A. - Clerk
Miller, Alonzo - Boots and Shoes
Moore & Rice - Foundry (burned down Dec. 1861)
Mott, A.S. - Merchant Tailor
Muncey, Wm. - Carpenter
Murray, J.H. - Butcher
Ormisbee, C.W. - Lawyer
Overton, Henry - Banker
Paddock, Z.P. - Provisions
Payne, Minor - Clerk
Peck, Wm. - Grocer
Pettygrove, S. - Clerk for Robt. G. Crans
Porter, Thomas Elliott - Hotel Clerk
Powers, D.D. - Shoemaker
Powers, George H. - Marble Cutter
Price, John P. - Barber
Reel, Jacob - Proprietor of Bradford House
Reeve, James I. - Hardware
Royal, M.B. - Meal and Chopstuff
Royal, T.E. - Teacher
Sawyer, H.M. - General Store
Sharp, Wm. - Merchant Tailor
Shaw, E.A. - Harness (continued in business until about 1910)
Simpson, I.D. - blacksmith
Smith, Hanford - Carriages
Smith, J.W. - Ticket Agent
Tuthill, E.S. - Mason
Vanduzer & Cassidy - Groceries
Van Buren, Napoleon - Teamster
Warford, C. - Store opposite hotel
Wells, William - Merchant Tailor
Wheeler, Wm. - employed by E.A. Shaw
Whitaker, James - Proprietor, Snyder House
Wiggins, S. - Shoemaker
Wood, James M. - Printer
Aber, O.S. - Cooper
Brouham, Aaron - Groceries
Clearwater, Levi - Shoemaker
Dickinson, George - Miller
Finch, Philip - Wagon Maker (in business to 1910)
Fordham, Silas - Merchant
Grey, Edward - Tanner
Hedges, D. - Teacher
Hemstreet, A. - Tanner
Hinman, Henry - Miller
Kirkpatrick, Livingston - Tavern (once a stage house, tavern burned down
April 1863)
McDowell, Rev. - A.M.
Osborn, John - Groceries
Payson, Chas. H. - Carriages
Phillips & Murray - Tanners
Smith, Joseph - Blacksmith
Stone, Luther & James R. - Tanners
Schuyler, A.H. - Teamster
Schuyler, John - Farmer
Swartwood, Geo. H. - Student
Tew, Elisha - Blacksmith
Tuthill, Wm. & Brooks, Wm. - Mgf. Fanning mills
Woodford, R. - Carpenter
Wrigley, James - Merchant Tailor
Yontz, H. - Merchant Tailor
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