1887 - 88 Directory
Village of Owego, NY
Part 1, "A - F"

[Inside Village of Owego]

Donated by Martha S. Magill

Source: Directory of Tioga County, New York 1887-'88 Compiled and Published by W. B. Gay & Co. Syracuse, N.Y.: The Syracuse Journal Company, Printers and Binders. 1887

The Syracuse Journal Company, Printers and Binders 1887 Directory is arranged as follows - Name of individual or firm, postoffice address in parenthesis if different from name of town, business or occupation, figures placed after the occupation of a farmer indicate the number of acres owned or leased

Abbreviations used:
bds - boards; emp - employee; h - house; manuf - manufacturer; prop - proprietor.
The word street is implied.
(Postoffice address is Owego, NY unless otherwise designated in parenthesis.)

I have NO information on the persons listed.
Please contact the Tioga County Historical Society.

Abel, Alonzo, carpenter, McMaster
Abel, Frank W., clerk, bds. McMaster, cor. Temple
Aberhart, Peter, baker, h over 56 North ave.
Adams, Horace B., tinwork, stoves and plumbing, 40 Lake, h 18 Ross
Adams, Joseph, retired, bds. Forsyth Block, North ave.
Adams, Newton W., printer, h Forsyth Block, North ave.
Adams, Ray, baker, h 100 Talcott
Ah-Wa-Ga Hall, G. W. Fay, agent, 203 Front
Ah-Wa-Ga House, B. J. Davis prop., Front, cor. Church
Allen, Alexander P., traveling salesman, h 26 George
Allen, Charles, farmer, h n Dean's Tannery
Allen, Edward, tanner, h n. Dean's Tannery
Allen, Eugene, emp. Dean's Tannery, h n tannery, North ave.
Allen, Guerdon L., collector for U. S. Express Co., h George
Allen, James, laborer, bds. 93 Erie
Allen, John, laborer, h 47 Erie
Allen, Lucus H., physician and surgoen, 140 Main, h do
Allen, Matthew, laborer, h 47 Erie
Allen, Matthew J., laborer, bds. 93 Erie
Allen, Patrick, laborer, h 93 Erie
Anderson, Johnson M., (J. W. Jansen & Co.) and with W. H. Bailey produce, h over 60 Main
Andrews, George F., attorney and counselor at law, 214 Front, h 117 Liberty
Andrew, Philetus, farmer h 566 Fifth ave.
Andross & Groo, (W. W. A. and L. G.) wholesale commission fruit dealers, 136 North ave.
Andross, Keziah, widow Stebbins, 46 Temple
Andross, William W., (Andross & Groo) 136 North ave., h 46 Temple
Anthofer, Anna, teacher German, bds. 54 Liberty
Archibald, Almon W., resident, h 35 Front
Archibald, Charles, farmer with his father, South Side
Arnold, Charles E., painter, bds. 240 Temple
Arnold, George M., brakeman, bds. 240 Temple
Atchison, William J., clerk, bds. over 54 North ave.
Atkins, Galen H., shoemaker, h 40 Lake
Auffhammer, Eugene, teacher of languages, h 215 Prospect
Augusta, Lucinda, tailoress, bds. 524 Main
Ayer, Warren L., physician and surgeon, 207 E. Main, h 203 do
Ayers, Elmer, porter Park hotel, bds. do
Ayers, Julia, widow Capt. Henry, bds. 51 Front

Babcock, John B., machinest, h 240 E. Temple
Babcock, Zachary T., clerk, h over 69 North ave
Bailey, Deborah, widow Alexander, h 620 Fifth ave
Bailey, Mary Mrs., tailoress, h 194 East Temple
Bailey, W. H. & Co. (W. J. Mawhiney) hay, grain and potatoes, 164 North ave.
Bailey, William H. (W. H. Bailey & Co. and J. W. Jansen & Co.) overseer of the poor, h 80 East ave.
Baird, Lewis J., fireman, h 10 Adaline
Baird, Sabrina, widow John, h 10 Adaline
Baker, Charles, brakeman, h 222 North ave.
Baker, Edwin T., clerk, h South Side
Baker, Frank M., supt. Addison & Northern Pennsylvania R. R., h Main
Baker, James R., farmer, h 173 North ave.
Baker, Julia A., widow John D., h Spencer block, Lake
Ball, John P., general variety and auction, 170 Front, h 27 Front
Ball, Mariette, widow George, bds. 5 Spruce
Ball, William S., clerk, bds. Front
Bandler, Robert, clothing, hats, caps and gent's furnishing goods, 19 and 21 Lake, h 13 Park
Banta, Alonzo H., harness-maker, h 204 Bell
Barber, Edbert, farmer, bds. 405 Front
Barden, Ezra D., traveling salesman, h 234 North ave.
Barnes, Clarissa Mrs., resident, bds. 313 Main
Barnes, Katie, telegraph operator, bds. 73 Liberty
Barnes, Theodore, farmer, h 103 Liberty
Barnett, John W., plumber, h 157 Erie
Barrett, James M., physician and coroner, Main cor. North ave., h 63 Liberty
Barstow, Oliver A., retired, bds. McMaster
Bartholomew, Phoebe A., resident, bds. rear 18 Adaline
Bartlett, Oscar J., blacksmith, h 94 Talcott
Barton, Eugene F., (G. W. Barton & Son), h over 59 North ave.
Barton, George W., cigar manuf., 191 Main, h 166 Temple
Barton, Isaac (Isaac W. Barton & Co.) produce, h 71 Liberty
Barton, Isaac W., & Co., (Frank H. Catlin) produce
Barton, Maggie E., widow Festus L., bds. 473 Front
Barton, Walton A., town clerk and book-keeper, h 202 East Temple
Basford, Albert, laborer, h 76 South Depot
Basford, Henry, harness-maker, h near tannery, North ave.
Basford, Hiram, laborer, bds. 24 Temple
Basford, James, shoemaker, 150 River, South Side, h do.
Bassett, James A., teller Owego Nat. Bank, h 41 Paige cor. Main
Battersby, Joseph, retired, h 359 Main
Batterson, Helen, clerk, bds. 38 Spencer ave.
Bauer, Caroline Mrs., dressmaker, h 26 Adaline
Bauer, Elizabeth, dressmaker, h 489 Front
Baxter, Daniel M., laboer, h 489 Front
Beach & Parmelee, (O. S. B. and A. W. P.) druggists, Main cor. North ave.
Beach, D. & Co., (G. W. Derrickson) manufs. cordage, and dealers in sporting goods, 197 Main
Beach, Darius (D. Beach & Co.) h over 197 Main
Beach, Otis S. (Beach & Parmelee) h McMaster
Beach, William, emp. planing-mill, h 60 McMaster
Beard, David O., barber, bds. Lake
Beard, James C., retired farmer, bds. 380 Main
Beard, James C., Jr., sup't Beard Manuf. Company, h 380 Main
Beardsley, Nathaniel A., harness-maker, 291 Prospect
Beaumont, John H., botanic drug store, 135 North ave., h do.
Beck, Charles, laborer, h 208 North ave.
Beck, Edward, medical student, bds. 115 West ave.
Beck, Edward S., teacher, h 115 West ave.
Beck, Frank, law clerk, bds. 115 West ave.
Beck, George P., resident, bds. 115 West ave.
Beck, Louie A., clerk, bds. 115 West ave.
Becker, Delevan, conductor Erie R. R., h Spender Block, Lake
Becker, Fayette A., carpenter, h Fifth ave.
Beebe, Hiram A., retired, h 345 E. Main
Beecher, Frederick, baggageman, h 115 North ave.
Beecher, Lambert, emp. King & Co., bds. 118 Temple, h at Newark Valley
Beecher, Harman S., cartman, h 117 North ave.
Beers, Charles, farmer 150, h 221 Main
Beers, Wdwin W., carpenter, h South Side
Beers, Frank J., baker, confectioner, and oyster dealer, 55 North ave., h do.
Belden, Martha M., widow Henry A., h Temple
Bell, James, laborer, bds. 225 Erie
Bell, Mary A., widow Charles T., h 3994 Main
Bell, William, laborer, h 225 Erie
Bennett, Caroline, widow William, h 80 Temple
Bennett, Dana, engineer, h 264 North ave.
Bennett, Harry A., clerk, bds. Temple cor. Church
Bennett, Hattie A., dressmaker, bds. 80 Temple
Bennett, Nathaniel, shoemaker, Fox, h do.
Bennett, Nelson R., engineer, h 102 Temple
Bennett, William, hostler, h Main
Benson, Hattie A., artist, bds. 112 Fox
Benson, Mary A., cook and laundress, h 112 Fox
Benson, Robert F., lalborer, bds. 112 Fox
Benson, W. Henry, gardener and sexton, h 112 Fox
Bergen, Bridget, widow James, saloon and confectionary, 80 So. Depot, h do.
Bergen, Timothy, laborer, h 94 Spencer ave.
Berger, Andrew F. F., clothing and gents' furnishing goods, Lake, h 72 Talcott
Berry, Joseph (Sporer, Carlson & Berry) h 373 Front
Besler, C. William, prop. Excelsior Soap Factory, cor. Temple and Liberty, h 95 Main
Bicknell, Hiram D., locomotive engineer, h Spencer, cor. George
Bignall, Juliet C., widow Burnett B., resident, h 90 Spencer
Bikely, Frederick, employee Gas Company, h 440 Main
Billings, Georgie Miss, clerk, h 61 Forsyth
Billings, Henry, pres. Owego village, h 109 Main
Billings, John A., magr. W. U. Tel. office, 30 Lake, h 73 Liberty
Billings, Mary E. Mrs., boarding-house, 73 Liberty
Billings, Mary E., widow William, h 61 Forsyth
Bililngs, Nancy, widow Henry, h 198 E. Temple
Billings, Richard, resident, bds. 198 E. Temple
Billings, Will, printer, bds. 73 Liberty
Bing Wah, Chinese laundry, 71 North ave., h do.
Bird, Henry, laborer, h 109 Paige
Bird, Lawrence, laborer, h 113 Paige
Birdsall, Benjamin, bartender, bds. 154 North ave.
Blair, Parmelia, widow Stephen O., resident, bds. 92 Adaline
Bliss, Francis A. (Bliss, Thompson & Co.) h 30 William
Bliss, Thompson & Co. (F. A.B., A. C. T. and George Truman, Jr.) wool dealers, 174 Front
Bloodgood, Darwin H., clerk U. S. Ex. Co., h 33 Park
Boodgood, Frank S., manager Telephone Exchange, h 33 Park
Bly, Benjamin F., laborer, h Constine's lane
Boardman, Edward W., fireman, h over 130 North ave.
Bodle, Sarah A., widow James, bds. 66 Church
Bonham, Emma, widow John S., bakery, 3 Park, h do.
Booth, Fred E., telegraph operator, bds. Delphine
Booth, Celestia, widow of Ransom, h 92 Liberty
Bostwick, Lewis W., farmer 100, h 61 Talcott
Boughton, William H., painter, h 45 Adeline
Bourke, John, laborer, 289 Front
Bouquet, Albert, saloon and restaurant, 13 Lake, h do.
Bouquet, Frank, emp. Drill works, h n Dean's Tannery
Bouquet, George, tanner, h n Dean's Tannery
Bowen, Abbey A., dressmaker, over Owego Nat. Bank, h do.
Bowen, Franklin L., resident, h 236 North ave.
Bowen, Timothy, laborer, h West ave.
Boyd, Mary, widow Andrew, bds. 134 Talcott
Boylen, Frank F., clerk, h over 72 North ave.
Bradbury, Amanda L., widow Charles, h 89 William
Bradley, Chauncey A., market gardener, h South Side
Brady, John, laborer, h 36 John
Brady, Thomas F., recording clerk county clerk's office, h 162 West ave.
Brainard, Burnette E., clerk, bds. 249 Prospect
Brainard, Henry C., printer, h 249 Prospect
Brant, F. Lester, clerk, bds. 195 Main
Brant, Hiram H., liquor dealer, 169 Main, h 70 Liberty
Brant, Julia, dressmaker, 122 River, South Side, h do.
Brant, Nelson, saloon, 195 Main, h do.
Bravo, Eugene J., clerk, bds. over 23 Lake
Bridgman, Alfred T., traveling auditor D. L. & W. R. R., h Main
Briggs, Belle M., widow George N., h 359 Front
Briggs, Diana G., M.D., widow Isaac S., resident, h 5 Park
Briggs, Mary L., M.D. physician, 5 Park, h do
Briggs, N. Smith, farmer, bds. 5 Park
Briggs, William F., brakeman, h 204 East Temple
Brink, Edward T., well-driver, h 448 Front
Brink, Eliza D., widow Nelson, market garden, fruit nursery, etc., h 577 Main
Brink, John, laborer, h Canal
Britenbaker, Jennie, widow George, saloon and restaurant, Delphine, h do.
Brobasco, Westbrook G., farm laborer, h South Side
Brockway, Francis E., deputy county treas., teller First Nat. Bank, h 24 Paige
Brockway, Leon L., prop. parlor job printing house, 34 Lake, bds. 24 Paige
Brooke, James W., tailor, h 29 Temple
Brooks, Chester P., traveling salesman, bds. 153 Temple
Brooks, David, locomotive engineer, h over 72 North ave.
Brooks, Edward P., clerk, bds. North ave.
Brooks, Horace A., justice of the peace and conveyancer, over 191 Main, h 153 Temple
Brooks, James L., mason, h Gere
Brooks, Lucy G., widow Benjamin, h 153 Temple
Brooks, Martha, resident, bds. 153 Temple
Brooks, M. Mandane, resident, bds. 153 Temple
Brott, Anna, widow John W., nurse, 162 West ave.
Brott, Anthony P., farmer 15 and leases of Peter Brott 36, h 82 Temple
Brott, Joseph, porter Ahwaga House, h 121 Franklin
Broughman, R. Frank, book-keeper, h 67 West ave.
Brown, Abram, laborer, h 73 Fox
Brown, Charlotte M., widow Frederick, h 18 Front
Brown, Della, widow James, millinery, 67 North ave., h do.
Brown, Ebenezer S., traveling salesman, h 122 West ave.
Brown, Edward, frmer, h 273 North ave.
Brown, George (L. & G. Brown) h off North ave. n S. C. R. R. round house
Brown, H. Corydon, book-keeper Owego Mutual Benefit Association, Lake, h 78 Chestnut
Brown, John, hotel and restaurant, and liquor dealer, 171 Main, h do.
Brown, John J., butcher, hover 82 North ave.
Brown, L. & G. (Lyman & George) farmers 50, apiarists 135 swarms, and manufs. of apiarist's supplies, off North avae. n S. C. R. R. round house
Brown, Lyman (L. & G. Brown) h off North ave. n S. C. R. R. round house
Brown, Lyman, farmer, bds. 273 North ave.
Brown, Mary E. Mrs., h 111 Paige
Brown, M. J., clerk Central House, bds. do.
Brown, Patrick, tel. operator D. L. & W. depot, h 182 River, S. Side
Brundage, Daniel, blacksmith, h John R.
Bruneman, August, lagorer, h 268 North ave.
Bryan, Esther C., widow George H., dressmaking, Spencer block, Lake, h do.
Buckbee, Frances, widow Ezra, h 364 Front
Buckbee, Peterson, Wood & Co. (P. C. Peterson, C. L. Wood, C. E. Schoonmaker, and F. J. Burgess) dry goods, carpets and millinery, 190 and 192 Front
Buffum, Charles, drug clerk, h Paige
Buffum, Edward, bar-tender, h over 167 Main
Buffum, Ellen E., widow George W., h 20 Paige
Bulloch, Lewis, barber, bds. 63 Spencer ave.
Bunzey, Albert T., clerk, bds. 36 William
Bunzey, John H., salesman, h 36 William
Bunzey, Nelson P., farmer, h Pumpelly, So. Side
Burbank, Horace J., apprentice, bds. 70 Spencer
Burbank, Joseph T., baker, h 70 Spencer
Burdick, Edgar L., harnessmaker, h r 38 Temple
Burdick, Lewis C., cleaning and dying, 67 Fox, h do.
Burgess, Frank J. (Buckbee, Peterson, Wood & Co.) h Fox cor. Liberty
Burnette, Charles R., printer, Gazette office, h 62 Liberty
Burns, Nellie T., saleslady, bds. 530 Main
Burrows, James, restaurant and saloon, 218 Front, h do.
Burt, Martha, widow James M., h 359 Front
Burton, Nathaniel T., bakery, 61 North ave., h do.
Burton, Reuben E. Rev., pastor First Bapt. church, h 19 Ross
Bush, James L., peddler, h Constine's Lake
Butler, James, barber, 65 North ave., h 89 Fox

Cable, Edmund, baggagemaster, bds. 289 Main
Cable, Frederic O., postmaster, h 289 Main
Cafferty, Edward, gardener, h Water
Cafferty, Margarett, widow William J., bds. Water
Cain, Patrick, laborer, h John R.
Caley, Charles, farm laborer, h 18 Adaline
Calkins, Benjamin S., emp. D. L. & W. R. R., bds. Dugan House
Cameron, Charles, painter, h 98 Spencer ave.
Cameron, Charles A., resident, bds. 208 E. Temple
Cameron, Delray A., clerk, h 61 Liberty
Cameron, Frederick H., law clerk, bds. 208 E. Temple
Cameron, John, clerk, 208 E. Temple
Cameron, Larne J., resident, h over 170 Front
Cameron, Robert, retired, h over 170 Front
Camp, George Sydney, atty. at law and farm 132, h Front near Park
Camp, Hermon H., (H. H. Camp & Co.) h 24 Front
Camp, H. H. & Co. (Lucy A. Camp) foundry, 136 Front
Camp, John, baggageman, h 447 Main
Camp, John, shoemaker, bds. 52 Fox
Camp, Lucy A. (H. H. Camp & Co.) widow Henry W., h 24 Front
Camp, Mary L. Mrs., art teacher, h 259 Erie
Camp, William, brakeman N.Y. & Erie R. R., h 368 Main
Camp, W. Harrison, postal clerk, h 259 Erie
Campbell, Arba, tanner, dealer in phosphates and other fertilizers; farm in Tioga 300, Candor 250, in Rome, Pa., 200, h 289 Front
Campbell's Tannery, A. Campbell prop., Talcott
Campion, Edward, tinsmith, h Fulton
Campion, Michael, tinsmith, h 68 McMaster
Campion, William, emp. gas company, h 495 Main
Card, Albert A., foreman contract work, h over 7 Adaline
Card, George, farmer in Candor 40, h 7 Adaline
Card, Irving, farm laborer, bds. 7 Adaline
Carleton, Edward D., gardener, h 161 Talcott
Carleton, Fanny A., dressmaker, bds. 161 Talcott
Carlson, John M., piano tuner, h 63 Paige
Carlson, Otto M. (Sporer, Carlson & Berry) h Paige cor. Bell
Carmichael, Charles S., manuf., h 194 East Temple
Carpenter, Charles B., book-keeper 200 Front, bds. at Ah-wa-ga House
Carpenter, Collins A., salesman, h 38 George
Carrigan, Henry K., tanner, h near Dean's tannery
Carrigg, Michael, machinist, bds. 118 Paige
Carrigg, Patrick, yardmaster Erie R. R., h 118 Paige
Carter, Charles, stationary engineer, h 120 River, South Side
Carter, Frances F., hair-worker, h 89 Fox
Carter, Sarah Mrs., resident, h over 109 North ave.
Cartledge, Elizabeth, widow John, bds. 499 Front
Cartwright, Estes, clerk, bds. Front
Case, Ellis L., carpenter and painter, h 216 East Temple
Case, Nancy, widow Chauncey F., bds. 216 East Temple
Casey, Margarett, widow John, h 64 Paige
Casey, Thomas F., laundry 210 Front, h do.
Casterline, Evi E., carpenter Erie R. R., h 108 Chestnut
Catlin, Calvin H., clerk Ah-we-ga House, bds. do.
Catlin, Charles A., wind-mills, bds. 75 Talcott
Catlin, Charles M., supt. saw-mill, h 75 Talcott
Catlin, Frank H. (I. W. Barton & Co.) bds. 337 Front
Catlin, John, clerk, bds. North ave.
Catlin, Mary E., dressmaker 75 Talcott, bds. do.
Catlin, Sarah E., dressmaker 75 Talcott, bds. do.
Catlin, Thomas, laborer, h 228 North ave.
Caughlin, Catherine, widow Patrick, h 31 Erie
Cauldwell & Gray (J. A. C. and J. C. G.) engines, boilers, castings, mill-work, and boiler-iron jails, McMaster cor. Delphine
Cauldwell, James A. (Cauldwell & Gray) h 56 Spencer ave.
Cauldwell, James A., Jr., clerk, bds. 56 Spencer ave.
Central House, W. G. G ardener, manager, cor. Main and Lake, free buss to all trains
Chaffee, Caleb J., resident, h 122 Main
Chaffee, Catherine, widow Barney, h off Water
Chaffee, Martha, dressmaker, bds. off Water
Chamberlain Lee N. & Son (Stephen) boots and shoes, Chamberlain block, Lake
Chamberlain, Lee N. (L. N. Chamberlain & Son) wholesale boots and shoes, Lake, h 317 Front
Chamberlain, Stephen (L. N. Chamberlain & Son) wholesale boots and shoes, Lake, h 37 Paige
Chambers, George, bartender, bds. 161 North ave.
Chappel, Frederick, emp. King & Co., bds. 14 West ave.
Chappel, Hattie, tailoress, bds. 14 West ave.
Chappel, Lyman, retired, h 14 West ave.
Chappell, Matilda, widow William, laundress, 100 Talcott
Chatfield, George S. (Storrs, Chatfield & Co.) h 149 Front
Chatfield, John R. (Storrs, Chatfield & Co.) h 44 Front
Chatfield, Lucy B., widow of Thomas I., h 337 Front
Cheeks, Abraham, tinsmith, h 240 Prospect
Cheeks, Ellen, resident, h 238 Prospect
Cheeks, Enoch J., laborer, h 263 Prospect
Cheeks, Moulton, carpenter, h 508 Main
Cheeks, Samuel L., laborer, h 240 Prospect
Chillson, Hope Miss, resident, h 15 Temple
Chitry, Charles E., postal clerk, h 318 Front
Chitry, Francis, silversmith, h 374 Main
Chitry, William F., traveling salesman, bds. 374 Main
Chittenden, Josie M., widow W. Gus, bds. 147 Main
Church, Lewis W., clerk, h Fifth ave.
City Steam Laundry (J. B. Keeler and J. A. Mabee) 83 North ave.
Clark, C. A. & H. A., attys. and counselors at law, Academy bldg., Court
Clark, Charles A. (C. A. & H. A. Clark) h Main
Clark, Fred, painter, h 16 Paige
Clark, H . Austin (C. A. & H. A. Clark) h Main
Clark, Herman C., confectionary and tobacco, 68 North ave., h do.
Clarke, Eliza B., widow Timothy, h 53 Liberty
Clarke, Lizzie A., teacher, bds. 53 Liberty
Clem, Anton, tailor, h over 76 North ave.
Cleveland, Albert P., supt. Cruciform Casket Co., h 26 W. Fox
Coakley, James, telegraph repairer, h 92 Paige
Cobb, Alanson L., emp. Casket Co., h 37 Delphine
Cobleigh, Harrison, blacksmith, h 249 Erie
Cobleigh, Ida J., dressmaker, bds. 249 Erie
Coburn, Andrew, resident, h 135 Main
Coburn & Strait (E. D. C. & E. E. S.) books, stationery and wallpaper, 17 Lake
Coburn, Ebenezer, resident, h 135 Main
Coburn, Edward D. (Coburn & Strait) h 67 Liberty
Cobweb Bottling Works, Pat. Maloney prop., cor. Paige and Fox
Coe, Jesse W., lumber, h River, South Side
Coe, Jesse W. Jr., lumberman with his father, bds. River, South Side
Cole, Ida M., dressmaker, 261 Erie, bds. do.
Cole, Ira J., blacksmith, h 261 Erie
Cole, Russell S., painter, h 84 Temple
Cole, Smith B., carpenter, h 40 Adaline
Coleman, Juliet, clothing, 9 and 11 Lake, h 212 Main
Coleman, Louisa, widow James, laundress, h 121 Green
Coleman, Morris, mgr. for J. Coleman, h 212 Main
Coleman, William, bookkeeper, 9 and 11 Lake, bds. Main, cor. Church
Colgan, Christopher, cigarmaker, bds. 92 South Depot
Colgan, Edward, drug clerk, h 7 Fox
Colgan, Mary, widow Thomas, h 92 South Depot
Collins, Daniel, mechanic, h 98 Paige
Collins, Dennis, harness-maker, h 18 Paige
Collins, Ellen, dressmaker, bds. Delphine
Collins, John, laborer, h Dephine
Collins, Joseph J., emp. Cobweb Bottling Works, bds. Green
Collins, Timothy, brakeman, h 109 Green
Collins, Timothy Jr., emp. Cobweb Bottling Works, bds. Green
Collins, William, shoemaker, Lake, h 108 Spencer ave.
Comfort, Melville L., jeweler and optician, 25 Lake, bds. Ah-wa-ga House
Conant, Frank L., carpenter, h 122 Franklin
Conant, James C. (Corchran & Conant) h Prospect
Cone, Cynthia C., widow Charles, h 82 Temple
Congdon, Daniel O. (Congdon & Robinson) h 188 Temple
Congdon, Nettie A., widow George E., seamstress, h 102 Fox
Conklin, Ira, teamster, h River, South Side
Conklin, Larne H., under sheriff, Main cor. Court, h do.
Conklyn, Michael, retired, h 223 E. Temple
Conley, Emma M., widow John, laundress, h 448 Front
Conlon, Bridget, widow Timothy, laundress, h 112 Green
Conlon, John T., engineer, h 116 Green
Connell, John, laborer, h 109 Spencer ave.
Connell, Patrick, track-walker Erie R. R., h 23 Fox
Connell, Thomas, laborer, h 250 East Temple
Connell, Timothy, tanner, h Canal
Connelly, Bridget, widow David, h 68 Paige
Constine, Michael, resident, h 123 Green
Cook, Allen E., switchman, h Constine's Lane
Cook, John, emp. casket shop, h 31 Fox
Cook, John, emp. livery, h 35 Talcott
Cook, Nelson C., locomotive engineer, h 41 Fox
Cook, William, brakeman, h 195 East Temple
Conley, La Forest B., tanner, h 30 West Main
Cooper, Byron, farmer, h 147 Talcott
Cooper, Frank E., clerk, h 195 East Temple
Coppins, Amelia E., milliner, bds. 152 Central ave.
Coppins James H., engineer, h 152 Central ave.
Corchran & Conant (J.T. C. & J. C.) contractors and builders, 62 Temple
Corchran, John T. (Corchran & Conant) h 51 George
Corchran, Nathan F., cabinet-maker, h 61 Adaline
Corey, William H., station agent D. L. & W. R. R., h 268 Main
Cornell, Charles, emp. foundry, h Adaline
Cornell, Edward, laborer, h off Water
Cornell, Edwin W. (H. W. Cornell & Son) h 18 John
Cornell, Elizabeth, widow DAvid, bds. 29 Talcott
Cornell, Harmon W. (H. W. Cornell & Son) h 112 Chestnut
Cornell, H. W. & Son, groceries and provisoins, 405 Main
Corrigan, John Jr., traveling salesman, bds. 117 Chestnut
Corrigan, John, clerk, h Chestnut
Corseni, F., fruit dealer, 10 Lake
Cortright, Albert, grocer, North ave., h 22 Fox
Cortright, Charles E., brakeman, bds. 237 Erie
Cortright, Dorcas, widow Nicholas, h 44 West Main
Cortright House, J. A. Cortright & Son, props. 157 North ave.
Cortright, J.A. & Sonnnn (Mahlon A.) props. Cortright House
Cortright, James A. (J. A. Cortright & Son) h 157 North ave.
Cortright, John, clerk, h 201 East Temple
Cortright, John Mrs., dressmaker, 201 East Temple, h do.
Cortright, Mahlon A. (J. A. Cortright & son) h 157 North ave.
Cortright, Reuben W., brakeman, h 237 Erie
Cortright, Richard W., emp. foundry, bds. 44 W. Main
Cortright, Theodore, groceries and provisions, 64 North ave., h 62 Liberty
Corwin, Estelle H., clerk, h Church
Corwin, Harriet E., saleswoman, bds. East Main
Courtright, Charles, emp. foundry, h 100 Franklin
Couton, Adolph R., resident, bds. 265 Main
Couton, Charles E., retired, h 265 Main
Covert, Mary A., widow William H., h 232 North ave.
Coyle, William, livery, 73 North ave., h do.
Crabb, Alice, widow Robert, h 150 Central ave.
Crabb, Daniel, emp. foundry, h 50 W. Main
Crabb, George, hostler, bds. 150 Central ave.
Crabb, Isaac, market gardener, and wholesale dealer in vegetables, h Water
Crabb, Robert, h 212 North ave.
Crandall, Ellis, jeweler, bds. 63 Paige
Crandall, Morris, painter, h 265 Erie
Cramer, Jenniw W., widow Wallace E., bds. 99 Franklin
Crans, Abram F., physician and surgeon, 126 North ave., h do.
Crans, Egbert, carpenter, h 67 Central ave.
Crater, Marinda, resident, h 91 Franklin
Croak, Thomas, liveryman, 73 North ave., bds. do.
Croff, Isaac, cartman, h 146 River, South Side
Croft, Charles, hostler, bds. 56 Front
Crowel, Margaret, widow John, resident, h 50 W. Main
Crowley, Charles, laborer, h 90 S. Depot
Crumley, Thomas F., laborer, h 124 Paige
Cuddeback, William A., retired, h 38 William
Cummings, William, currier, h near Dean's tannery
Cuneo, Pietro, confectionery, 181 Front, h 8 Main
Curtis, Alson, conductor, h 29 Talcott
Curtis, A. Maria, widow Oliver D., h 101 Franklin
Curtis, Mary, widow, h 567 Front
Cushman, Eliza, resident h 67 Forsyth
Cusick, John, laborer, h 129 Chestnut
Cutler, Thomas, gardner (sic), h Canal

Daggett, Charles W., manager Postal Telegraph & Cable Co., bds. 34 Fox
Dana, Charles, custom boot and shoe maker, 65 North ave., h 322 Front
Dana, Lena J., saleswoman, bds. 322 Front
Danforth, Fred, emp. King & Co., bds. 118 Temple
Danforth, Joseph A., drayman, h Commerce
Daniels, Emily M., widow Dr. Ezekiel, h 217 Main
Darrow, Asa A., retired, h South Side
Darrow, Frank A. (Mead & Darrow) h South Side
Darrow, Hill, mechanic, h 105 North ave.
Davis, Burr J., prop. Ah-wa-ga House, Main cor. Church
Davis, William, steward Ah-wa-ga House, bds. do.
Dawes, Etta, tailoress, bds. 229 Prospect
Day, Marvin, resident, bds. 313 Main
Day, Warren, farm laborer, bds. 596 Fifth ave.
Day, William, farm laborer, h 586 Fifth ave.
Dean, Alanson P., retired, h 63 Paige
Dean, Calvin B., livery, hack and sale stables, Church, h 30 do.
Dean, Cameron B., ticket agent N. Y. L. E. & W. R. R., rooms Main
Dean, Charles R. (Shaw & Dean) h 274 Main
Dean, H. N. & Son (Ransom B.) props. tannery, North ave.
Dean, James A., contractor and builder, Spencer ave., h do.
Dean, John E., produce, h 122 River, South Side
Dean, Mary, widow H. Nelson, 255 Front
Dean, Mortimer C., yard-master S. C. R. R., h 248 North ave.
Dean, Ransom B. (H. N. Dean & Son) vice-prest. Owego Nat. Bank, h in Adams, Mass.
Dean, Sumner R., bar-keeper Ah-wa-ga House, bds. do.
Dearstine, Charles, brakeman, bds. 124 Chestnut
Dearstine, Elias, brakeman, bds. 124 Chestnut
Dearstine, Jane A., widow John, h 124 Chestnut
Decker, Abram C., laborer, h South Side
Decker, Alexander, market gardener, h Fifth ave.
Decker, Andrew J., laborer, h Canal Front
Decker, Frederick, emp. King & Co., bds. Canal Front
Decker, John, soda and mineral waters, Fifth ave., h do.
Decker, John, laborer, h 220 North ave.
Decker, Morgan, night-watchman, h 553 Front
Decker, Phoebe, widow Anson, books, stationery and wall-paper, 186 Main, h 472 do.
Decker, Samuel H., laborer, h 24 Temple
Decker, Silas, emp. foundry, h North ave. cor. Temple
Decker, William, brakeman, h 36 W. Main
Decker, Victor, resident, h Main
Decker, Ward, manager of store for Mrs. A. Decker, bds. 472 Main
Dee, James, telegraph operator, bds. 313 Main
Degarmo, Alonzo, billiards, South Depot, h 178 River, South Side
Delevan, Irving J., produce and live stock, Front, h 233 do.
DeLong, John Mrs., h 105 Talcott
DeLong, Pertilla, widow George, h 125 Talcott
DeMun, Clinton L., Singer sewing machines, 155 North ave., bds. European House
Denison, Alonzo H., laborer, h 146 River, South Side
Dennis, Catharine, widow Charles, h 111 Paige
Dennis, Mary, resident, h 223 North ave.
Densmore, Anson, farmer h South Side
Densmore, Eliza, widow John, bds. Delphine
Densmore, Franklin J., laborer, h 215 Prospect
Densmore, John J., emp. casket company, h Delphine
Densmore, William H., laborer, h over 168 Front
Depot D. L. & W. R. R., River, South Side
Depot N.Y., L. E. & W. R. R., North ave.
Derrickson, George W. (D. Beach & Co.) h over 197 Main
Deremer, Theresa A. Mrs., resident, h over 177 Main
De Valliere, Ernest, baggageman, h 55 Spencer ave.
De Valliere, Nina A., sales-lady, bds. 55 Spencer ave.
Devine, Mary, tailoress, bds. South Depot
DeWitt, Catharine, widow Joseph, resident, h 58 Liberty
DeWitt, Elizabeth, widow Thomas, resident, h 25 George
DeWitt, Henry B., saloon, 76 North ave., bds. Central House
DeWitt, Margaret, resident, bds. 25 George
Deyo, Jay, cartman, bds. West ave., n Creek
Diamond, Irvin, carpenter, h 126 McMaster
Dibble, Clement, laborer, h Division
Dickerson, Fountain F., bartender, h Liberty
Dildine, Albert, fireman, h 73 East ave.
Dildine, William J., cigarmaker, bds. 73 East ave.
Dingman, Henry B., painter, h Decker Block, Main
Dodd, Thomas, railroad conductor, bds. 113 North ave.
Dodge, Alfred, retired farmer, h 387 Front
Dodge, Edmund, upholsterer and furniture repairer, h 479 Front
Dodge, Emily Mrs., h 88 Paige
Dodge, Joseph A., clerk, h over 69 North ave.
Dollaway, Frank L. Miss, resident, h 65 Central ave.
Donovan, James H., R. R. section foreman, h 18 W. Main
Donovan, Mary A., dressmaker, 102 Paige, bds. do.
Donovan, Michael, laborer, h 102 Paige
Doody, John, laborer, h 112 Spencer ave.
Doody, Patrick, laborer, h 112 Spencer ave.
Dooley, Alice, widow James, h 117 Erie
Dooley, James F., cigarmaker, bds. 117 Erie
Dorcas, Hannah, widow Moses, h 110 Paige
Dorsey, Alma J., dressmaker, 207 E. Temple, bds. do.
Dorsey, James, painter, h 123 Chestnut
Dorsey, Sarah E., widow Allen R., h 207 E. Temple
Dorsey, William, tinsmith, bds. 123 Chestnut
Dorwin, Rich & Stone (W. E. D., G. E. R. and J. F. S.) millers, office 177 Front, mills foot of Main
Dorwin, William E. (Dorwin, Rich & Stone) h Glen Mary
Dotson, Matthew, chimney sweep, h John R.
Doty, Elijah, tailoring, cleaning and repairing, rear 63 North ave., h 69 Adaline
Douglas, Charles, traveling salesman, h over 80 North ave.
Dowd, Anna E., dressmaker, 5 Park, h do.
Dowd, Charles H., blacksmith, h 574 Main
Dowd, Mary A., bds. 574 Main
Downs, Edwin D., D. D. S., dentist, 192 Front, h 239 do.
Doyle, Bridget, widow Patrick, h 93 Spencer ave.
Doyle, Mary, housekeeper, Pumpelly, South Side
Doyle, Peter J. (Richards & Doyle) bds. Ah-wa-ga House
Drake, Dolly, emp. King & Co., bds. 118 Temple
Drake, Eli B., farmer and cooper, 74 Temple, h 95 Liberty
Driscoll, Cornelius, blacksmith, h 279 E. Temple
Druckenmiller, Charles, prof. music, bds. 73 Liberty
Duel, Betsey, widow Samuel L., h 193 North ave.
Dugan, Charles B., prop. Dugan House, 139-145 Front
Dugan House, Charles B. Dugan, prop., 139-145 Front
Dugan, Jeanette, widow Hugh, h Dugan House
Dugan, John, grocer 173 Front, h 64 North ave.
Duncan, Agnes, clerk, bds. Paige
Duncan, Stephen, carpenter, h 85 Paige
Dundon, John, laborer, h 141 Erie
Dundon, John Jr., laborer, bds. 141 Erie
Dunham, Frederick, clerk, h 191 E. Temple
Dunham, Hannah, boarding-house, 118 Temple
Dunham, Mahlon G., bartender, h 88 Paige
Dunn, Dennis, book-keeper, Dean's tannery, bds. Decker blk., Main
Dunn, Jeremiah, tanner, h n Dean's tannery
Dunn, Michael J., laborer, h 530 Main
Dunn, Paul, currier, bds. n Dean's tanner
Dunn, Thomas W., express manager, bd s. 530 Main
Dunning, Catharine, widow Horace, h 322 Front
Duren, Loren D., foreman casket company, h 3 Adaline
Duren, W. Warren, lauandryman, bds. 109 Fox
Durfee, Edgar S., carpenter, h 137 North ave.
Durfee, Frank G., cutter, also correspondent Elmire Advertiser, h 99 Liberty
Durkee, Charles R., carpenter, h 32 Main
Durphy, Lyman D., retired lumber dealer, h Durphy block, Lake
Durussel & Son (L. F. & G. A.) jewelers, 35 Lake
Durussel, George A. (Durussel & Son) h 275 Main
Durussel, Lewis F. (Durussel & Son) h 191 E. Temple
Dutcher, Merritt T., physician and surgeon, over 15 Lake, h do.
Dwelle & Link (J. C. Dwelle and C. A. Link) clothing, Front
Dwelle, Clinton W., clerk, bds. 249 Front
Dwelle, Jefferson C. (Dwelle & Link) h 249 Front

Earsley, Belle Mrs., dressmaker, Commerce, h do.
Earsley, Harriet, resident, h 259 McMaster
Earsley, John F., drayman, h Commerce
Easton, John M., resident, bds. Main
Easton, David T., lawyer, over 168 Front, h 571 E. Main
Eastwood, Charles K., clerk, bds. Ah-wa-ga House
Eberhart, George D., Lockwood Mail and express, 43 Talcott, h do.
Eckert, A. F., conductor, h over 58 North ave.
Eckter, Frank, drayman, bds. 188 West ave.
Eckter, Fred, resident, 188 West ave.
Eckter, Louis, stone mason, h 188 West ave.
Eckter, Marvin, well driver, bds. 188 West ave.
Eddie, Ester A., widow David S., cook, h 102 Fox
Eddy, Wilber H., laborer, h 206 North ave.
Edson, George, carpenter, h over 107 North ave.
Eldridge Mrs., widow James, h Front
Ellis, Alexander D., manuf. shirts, and agent for John Wanemaker, h Church
Ellis, A. H. Mrs., milliner, h Front
Ellis, Lydia J., widow Virgil, 34 Paige
Ellis, Stella A., clerk, h 34 Paige
Ellis, William H. (Goodrich & Co.) bds. 271 Front
Elston, George, laborer, h over 86 North ave.
Ely, Alfred G. (Ely Brothers) h Front
Ely Brothers (Alfred G., Charles C. and Frederick) Ely's cream balm, 235 Greenwich street, New York
Ely, Charles C. (Ely Brothers) h Front
Ely, Frederick (Ely Brothers) h Front
Embody, Abram, resident, bds. 7 Adaline
Emery, David H. (Raymond & Emery) h 56 West ave.
Emery, Paul, h 52 Fox
Empire Soap Works (James B. Keeler, prop.) 191 McMaster, office 83 North ave.
Engelbreckt, Peter, pianos, h rear 182 River, South Side
Erie Express Co., Foster N. Mabee, agent, 18 Lake
European House, John Hayes, prop., 151 North ave.
Evans, Andrew, butcher, h 160 McMaster
Evans, Charles W., baggage-master, h 53 Paige
Evans, Josiah R., carpenter, h 4 William
Everhart, Peter, baker, h over 56 North ave.
Every, William B., 62 North ave., wholesale liquors, h over do.
Ewalt, ___, tailor, bds. 73 Liberty
Excelsior Soap Factory, C. W. Beseler, prop., 37 Temple

Fahey, Michael, laborer, h 133 Erie
Fairchild, Samuel F., agent, hats, caps and gents' furnishings, 27 Lake, h 55 Central ave.
Fancher, Herman P., wood-turner, h 55 Talcott
Farnham, Albert S., teamster, bds. 235 E. Temple
Farnham, Melissa, widow Edwn, h 235 E. Temple
Fay, George W., excise commissioner and insurance, 203 Front, h 334 Main
Ferguson, Frederick, emp. foundry, bds. 151 Talcott
Ferguson, Irving, emp. foundry, bds. Talcott
Ferguson, Laura, widow John, resident, h 113 Liberty
Ferguson, Royal B., foreman Gere, Truman, Platt & Co., h 7 George
Ferguson, T. Jefferson, carpenter, h 151 Talcott
Ferris, Samuel W., pattern maker, h 110 McMaster
Fiddis, Emeline Mrs., bds. 104 West ave.
Fiddis, Lucy A., teacher, bds. 93 Franklin
Fiddis, Lucy G., widow Robert, resident, h 93 Franklin
Finch, Smith, carpenter, h 170 West ave.
First National Bank of Owego (George Truman, Sr., prest., W. S. Truman, cash, F. E. Brockway, teller) 179 Front
Fisher, George, sewing machine repairer, North ave., h South Erie
Fisher, James, molder, h 113 Liberty
Fitzgerald, Catherine, widow Morris, resident, 120 Fox
Fitzgerald, Deborah, cleaning and dying, 103 Fox, h do.
Fitzgerald, Edward, emp. Drill Works, h 43 Temple
Fitzgerald, Thomas, painter, bds. 120 Fox
Fitzgibbons, John, watchman, h Bell
Flamer, Isaiah, barber, 154 Front, h 184 River, South Side
Flamer, Julia, widow Jeremiah, h 184 River, South Side
Flanigan, James P., laborer, h 21 Adaline
Flanigan, Mary, dressmaker, bds. 21 Adaline
Flanigan, Patrick, laborer, h 106 South Depot
Flanigan, Thomas F., machinist, bds. 12 Adaline
Foley, James, laborer, h 113 Spencer ave.
Foot, Frederick, bridge builder, bds. Lackawanna House, South Side
Ford, George, resident, bds. over 17 Lake
Ford, Lewis, livery, 132 North ave., h do
Ford, Lucius, carpenter, h 607 Main
Forgason, Charles, carpenter, bds. over 19 Lake
Forgason, Thaddeus C., V. S., veterinary surgeon, stable Central ave. rear Park Hotel, h over 19 Lake
Forsyth, Charles E., clerk, bds. 245 Erie
Forsyth, Eldridge, retired, h 67 Forsyth
Forsyth, Eleazur V., emp. Erie R. R., h 11 Adaline
Forsyth, Eva B., dressmaker, bds. 11 Adaline
Forsyth, George F., painter, bds. 245 Erie
Forsyth, Gilbert T., decorative painter, h 435 Main
Forsyth, Hubbard T., house and decorative painter and paper-hanger, h 245 Erie
Forsyth, James, resident, h 113 Front
Forsyth, Rachel, widow George, bds. 60 Forsyth
Forsyth, William S., landscape, frescoe and decorative painter, h 60 Forsyth
Foster & Hampton (J. F. & J. W. H.) barbers, 129 North ave.
Foster, Joseph (Foster & Hampton) h 129 North ave
Foster, Leonard, prop. saw and feed-mill, all kinds of pine and oak lumber on sale at lowest market prices, farmer 135, h McMaster
Foster, William C., clerk, h Fulton
Fowley, Michael, laborer, h 216 North ave.
Fox, Lydia N., widow Edward, carpet-weaver, h 142 Central ave.
Fox, Stuart E., emp. foundry, h 115 Chestnut
Fralley, Robert, baggageman, h 144 Central ave.
France, Francis, emp. casket shop, bds. 142 Central ave.
Frank, John, physician, 115 Main, h do.
Franz, Conrad, tailor, h Gere
Fraser, Daniel, traveling salesman, bds. 143 Temple
Fraser, Reuben, farmer 140, h 143 Temple
Fredenburg, Catharine, widow Virgil, h 265 North ave.
Fredenburg, Edward E., law student, bds. 215 North ave.
Fredenburg, Fred J., laborer, h 215 North ave.
Freehill, Maria, widow Patrick, boarding-house and lodging, 64 South Depot
Freight-house and Office Erie R. R., South Depot, head Spencer ave.
French, Charles O., farm laborer, h Constine's Lane
French, Orrin, laborer, h 460 Main
Frisbie, Sarah Mrs., laundress, h 5 Adaline
Fritcher, George, retired, bds. 128 Temple
Frutchey, Erastus, teamster, h Temple
Fulton Market (P. Hyde and G. Saltsman) general store, 32 Fulton

REMINDER: these people resided or carried out business INSIDE of the Owego village limits proper. See other listings on this site for residents of the Town of Owego. Locations in parentheses are their post office addresses.

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